Virginia Administrative Code
Section 3VAC5-70-220 - Wine or beer shipper's licenses, Internet wine retailer licenses, and Internet beer retailer licenses; application process; common carriers; records
Current through Register Vol. 41, No. 9, December 16, 2024
A. Any person or entity qualified for a wine and beer shipper's license license pursuant to § 4.1-209.1 of the Code of Virginia, or an Internet wine and beer retailer license pursuant to subdivision F 2 of - § 4.1-206.3 of the Code of Virginia, must apply for such license by submitting form 805-52, Application for License. In addition to the application, each applicant shall submit as attachments a list of all brands of wine or beer sought to be shipped by the applicant, along with the board-assigned code numbers for each brand or a copy of the label approval by the appropriate federal agency for any brand not previously approved for sale in Virginia pursuant to 3VAC5-40-20 that will be sold only through direct shipment to consumers.
If the applicant is not also the brand owner of the brands listed in the application, the applicant shall obtain and submit with the application a dated letter identifying each brand, from the brand owner or any wholesale distributor authorized to distribute the brand, addressed to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority, indicating the brand owner's or wholesale distributor's consent to the applicant's shipping the brand to Virginia consumers.
The applicant shall attach (i) a photocopy of its current license as a winery, farm winery, brewery, or alcoholic beverage retailer issued by the appropriate authority for the location from which shipments will be made and (ii) evidence of the applicant's registration with the Virginia Department of Taxation for the collection of Virginia retail sales tax.
B. Any brewery, winery, or farm winery that applies for a shipper's license or consents to the application by any other person, other than a retail off-premises licensee, for a license to ship such brewery's, winery's, or farm winery's brands of wine or beer shall notify all wholesale licensees that have been authorized to distribute such brands in Virginia that an application for a shipper's license has been filed. Such notification shall be by a dated letter to each such wholesale licensee, setting forth the brands that wholesaler has been authorized to distribute in Virginia for which a shipper's license has been applied. A copy of each such letter shall be forwarded to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, by the brewery, winery, or farm winery.
C. Any holder of a wine and beer shipper's license or Internet wine and beer retailer's license may add or delete brands to be shipped by letter to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, designating the brands to be added or deleted. Any letter adding brands shall be accompanied by any appropriate brand-owner consents or notices to wholesalers as required with an original application.
D. Any brand owner that consents to a holder of a wine and beer shipper's license or Internet wine and beer retailer's license shipping its brands to Virginia consumers may withdraw such consent by a dated letter to the affected wine and beer shipper's licensee or Internet wine and beer retailer's licensee. Copies of all such withdrawals shall be forwarded by the brand owner, by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section. Withdrawals shall become effective upon receipt of the copy by the Tax Management Section, as evidenced by the postmark on the return receipt.
E. Wine and beer shipper's licensees and Internet wine and beer retailer's licensees shall maintain for two years complete and accurate records of all shipments made under the privileges of such licenses, including for each shipment:
The records required by this subsection shall be made available for inspection and copying by any member of the board or its special agents upon request.
F. On or before the 15th day of each month, each wine and beer shipper's licensee or Internet wine and beer retailer's licensee shall file with the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, either in paper form or electronically as directed by the department, a report of activity for the previous calendar month. Such report shall include:
Unless otherwise paid, payment of the appropriate beer or wine tax shall accompany each report.
G. All shipments by holders of wine and beer shipper's licenses or Internet wine and beer retailer's licenses shall be by approved common carrier only. Common carriers possessing all necessary licenses or permits to operate as common carriers in Virginia may apply for approval to provide common carriage of wine or beer, or both, shipped by holders of wine and beer shipper's licenses or Internet wine and beer retailer's licenses, by dated letter to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, requesting such approval and agreeing to perform deliveries of beer or wine shipped, maintain records, and submit reports in accordance with the requirements of this section. The board may refuse, suspend, or revoke approval if it shall have reasonable cause to believe that a carrier does not possess all necessary licenses or permits, that a carrier has failed to comply with the regulations of the board, or that a cause exists with respect to the carrier that would authorize the board to refuse, suspend, or revoke a license pursuant to Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia. Before refusing, suspending, or revoking such approval, the board shall follow the same administrative procedures accorded an applicant or licensee under Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia and regulations of the board.
H. When attempting to deliver wine or beer shipped by a wine and beer shipper's licensee or Internet wine and beer retailer's licensee an approved common carrier shall require:
The approved common carrier shall refuse delivery when the proposed recipient appears to be younger than 21 years of age and refuses to present valid identification. All licensees shipping wine or beer pursuant to this section shall affix a conspicuous notice in 16-point type or larger to the outside of each package of wine or beer shipped within or into the Commonwealth, in a conspicuous location stating: "CONTAINS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; SIGNATURE OF PERSON AGED 21 YEARS OR OLDER REQUIRED FOR DELIVERY." Such notice shall also contain the wine and beer shipper's or Internet wine and beer retailer's license number of the shipping licensee. No approved common carrier shall accept for shipment any wine or beer to be shipped to anyone other than a licensee of the board unless the package bears the information required by this subsection.
I. Approved common carriers shall maintain for two years complete and accurate records of all shipments of wine or beer received from and delivered for wine and beer shipper's licensees or Internet wine and beer retailer's licensees including for each shipment:
The records required by this subsection shall be made available for inspection and copying by any member of the board or its special agents upon request.
J. On or before the 15th day of each January, April, July, and October, each approved common carrier shall file with the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, a report of activity for the previous calendar quarter. Such report shall include:
Statutory Authority: § 4.1-111 of the Code of Virginia.