Current through August, 2024
Rule 50.0000 Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational rehabilitation (V.R.) shall be provided to a worker
when, because of the work injury, he or she is unable to return to suitable
employment for which he or she has prior training or experience relevant to
currently available suitable employment. The services provided include
retraining and job placement, as may be reasonably necessary to restore the
employee to suitable employment. See
21 V.S.A. §
641. The purpose of vocational rehabilitation
is to provide those services including retraining, necessary to allow a return
to suitable employment. The benefits provided under the statute are
specifically tied to restoration of earning skills, See Bishop v. Town of
Barre, 140 Vt 564 (1982), and not tied to providing specific employment. See
Wentworth v. Crawford & Co., 174 VT 118 (2002). A worker is only entitled
to vocational rehabilitation if the offered plan will result in suitable
employment. See Bishop v. Town of Barre, 140 Vt 564 (1982). The statute
envisions a collaborative process between a worker and the employer/insurer to
develop and implement an appropriate plan. The Commissioner may order such
rehabilitation, treatment or training necessary and appropriate to render the
employee fit for a remunerative occupation. See
21 V.S.A. §
Rule 51.0000 Definitions
For the purposes of these rules:
51.1000 "Assessment", for the purpose of
vocational rehabilitation, means selecting, administering, scoring, and
interpreting instruments designed to assess an individual's attitudes,
abilities, achievements, interests, personal characteristics, disabilities and
mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders as well as the use of methods and
techniques for understanding human behavior in relation to coping with,
adapting to, or changing life situations.
51.1100 "End Medical Result" or "Medical End
Result" means the point at which a person has reached a substantial plateau in
the medical recovery process, such that significant further improvement is not
expected, regardless of treatment.
51.1200 "Functional Capacity Evaluation" may
also be known as (FCE); (PCA); (PCE); (FCA); (RFE); or (QFE), is defined as the
objective determination of the claimant's ability to participate in activities
within a work setting. The FCE is used to match physical capabilities to job
requirements and should address such activities as bending; lifting; pushing;
pulling; balance; reaching; climbing; stooping; standing; sitting;
eye-hand-foot coordination; manual finger dexterity; and physical endurance.
The FCE shall be performed by a registered physical or occupational therapist
or other qualified medical provider.
51.1300 "Identifying Information" refers to
the employee's name, current mailing address, date of injury, date of birth,
employee's phone number, education level, average weekly wage, vocational
rehabilitation referral date, Department of Labor's file number, insurer's
name, insurer's current mailing address, claims adjuster's name, phone number,
insurer's file number, employer's name and phone number, vocational
rehabilitation counselor's name, counselor's current address, counselor's phone
number and the counselor's registration number.
51.1400 "Job Analysis" means a systematic
study that reports work activity as follows:
51.1410 What the employee does in the job
being analyzed in relation to data, people and things;
51.1420 What methods and techniques are
employed by the employee;
What machines, tools and work aids are used;
51.1440 What materials, products, subject
matter, or services result;
What traits are required by the employee; AND
51.1460 What the physical and mental demands
of the job are.
51.1500 "Job
Development" means a systematic contact of prospective employers resulting in
opportunities for interviews and employment that might not otherwise have
existed. Job development facilitates a prospective employer's consideration of
a qualified employee for employment.
51.1600 "Job Modification" means altering the
work environment to accommodate physical or mental limitations. It includes
changing or modifying equipment, the methods or procedures for completing
tasks, or changing or modifying job duties.
51.1700 "Job Placement" means the activities
of the counselor and the injured employee that support a worker's search for
work, including, but not limited to:
51.1710 The identification of job
51.1720 Arranging for job
51.1730 The preparation
of a worker to conduct an effective job search;
51.1740 Communication of information about,
but not limited to, the labor market conditions.
51.1800 "Labor Market Survey" is information
compiled, or the compiling activity, to determine the wages, hiring practices
and availability of suitable employment with regard to a specific worker,
obtained from direct contact with employers.
51.1900 "Medical Case Management" refers to
the planning and coordination of health care services appropriate to achieve
the goal of medical rehabilitation. Medical case management may include medical
case assessment, including personal interview with the injured employee, and
the assistance in developing, implementing and coordinating a medical care plan
with health care providers, as well as the employee and his or her family and
evaluation of treatment results. Medical Case Managers shall not provide
medical care or adjust claims. The goal of medical case management should be to
avail the disabled individual of all available treatment options to ensure that
the client can make an informed choice.
51.2000 "On-The-Job-Training" (OJT) means job
training provided to a worker while the employee is engaged in productive work.
Such training is designed to provide knowledge or skills essential to the
satisfactory performance of the job. Specific vocational preparation levels
will be used as a guide in determining the length of training on OJT; however,
the actual need of the participant is the determining factor.
51.2100 "Regular Full Time Employment" means
a job, at the time of hire was, or is currently expected to continue
"Rehabilitation Conference" means a conference conducted for the purpose of
addressing disputed issue(s) regarding adequacy, feasibility and sufficiency of
the vocational rehabilitation services.
51.2300 "Rehabilitation Professional" is
defined as a Vocational Evaluator; Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor;
Vocational Job Developer/Intern.
51.2400 "Rehabilitation Services" means both
medical rehabilitation services and vocational rehabilitation services designed
to return an individual to "suitable employment" as defined by these rules. The
program begins with the first interview with the employee. The program consists
of the sequential delivery and coordination of services by rehabilitation
service providers. Specific services under this plan may include, but are not
limited to:
51.2410 Counseling and
guidance by a certified rehabilitation counselor;
51.2420 Ergonomic modifications, lifting
devices and other reasonable accommodations that would enhance the
employability of the injured employee;
51.2430 Assistance in job placement by a
certified rehabilitation counselor with emphasis on matching the job most
closely to the skills, abilities and functional capacity of the injured
51.2440 Vocational
51.2450 Other
rehabilitation services that may include, job analysis, job modification, labor
market survey, transferable skills analysis, work adjustment, job seeking
skills training, on-the-job training, retraining and coordination of other
activities as necessary to return a worker to suitable employment.
51.2500 "Return to Work Plan" means a written
document cooperatively developed by a rehabilitation counselor, the employee
and the employer/insurer that describes the manner and the means by which the
employee will be returned to suitable employment. The Return to Work Plan
identifies the skills the employee needs to return to suitable employment, an
identified job goal, the responsibilities of each party in achieving that goal
and the time frame in which the plan will be completed.
51.2600 "Suitable Employment" means
employment for which the employee has the necessary mental and physical
capacities, knowledge, skills and abilities;
51.2601 Located where the employee
customarily worked, or within reasonable commuting distance of the employee's
51.2602 Which pays or
would average on a year-round basis a suitable wage; AND
51.2603 Which is regular full-time work.
Temporary work is suitable if the employee's job at injury was temporary and it
can be shown that the temporary job will duplicate his or her annual income
from the job at injury.
"Knowledge" is an organized body of factual or procedural information derived
from the worker's education, training and experience.
51.2620 "Skills" are the demonstrated mental
and physical proficiency to apply knowledge.
51.2630 "Abilities" are the mental and
physical capability to apply the employee's knowledge and skills.
51.2700 "Suitable Wage" means a wage as close
as possible to 100 percent of the average weekly wage as described in Rule
15.0000. If the goal of 100% of the AWW is not reasonably attainable then the
closest reasonably attainable wage to 100% may be considered
51.2800 "Transferable
Skills" means the knowledge and skills demonstrated in past training or
employment that make a worker employable in suitable new employment. More
general characteristics such as aptitudes or interests do not, by themselves,
constitute transferable skills.
51.2900 "Vocational Evaluation" means the
comprehensive assessment of vocational aptitudes and potential, using
information about a worker's past history, medical and psychological status,
and information from appropriate vocational testing, which may use paper and
pencil instruments, work samples, simulated work stations, or assessment in a
real work environment.
"Vocational Rehabilitation" refers to the delivery and coordination of services
designed to achieve the goal of returning the injured employee to suitable
employment as quickly as possible. Specific services may include, but would not
be limited to: collection of relevant medical information; vocational
assessment; counseling; job analysis; job modification; job development and
placement; labor market survey; vocational testing; analysis of transferable
skills; job-seeking skills training; coordination of on-the-job training and
retraining; and follow-up after reemployment.
51.3100 "Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor"
is an individual that counsels, interviews and evaluates injured employees and
confers with medical and professional personnel to determine entitlement to
vocational rehabilitation services and feasibility of vocational
rehabilitation. In consultation with the employee and the employer/insurer a
counselor shall consider the injured employee's desires, aptitudes, physical,
mental and emotional limitations and the Department's definition of suitable
employment when determining what might be an appropriate job.
51.3200 "Vocational Testing" means the
measurement of vocational interests, aptitudes, and ability using standardized,
professionally accepted psychometric procedures.
51.3300 "Division of Vocational
Rehabilitation" (DVR) shall refer to the Vermont Department of Aging and
Independent Living's (DAIL) Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Part III
Rule 52.0000 Requesting
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
52.1000 The employer/insurer may voluntarily
initiate V.R. services at any time by filing a V.R. referral for the employee.
The referral shall be filed with the department, the employee, and the selected
V.R. counselor.
52.2000 The
employee may request V.R. services at any time by filing a written request with
the department and indicating a reason for the request. After filing the
request, the employee shall be screened as described below.
52.3000 In the event an employer/insurer has
not voluntarily made a V.R. referral and/or the employee has not requested V.R.
services, any employee who has received temporary total disability benefits for
ninety days shall be screened as provided below.
53.0000 Identification and Referral
Vocational rehabilitation (also V.R.) shall be provided to a
worker when, because of the work injury, he or she is unable to return to
suitable employment for which he or she has prior training or experience
relevant to currently available suitable employment. The services provided
include retraining and job placement, as may be reasonably necessary to restore
the employee to suitable employment. See
21 V.S.A. §
53.1000 Any injured worker who has received,
or is entitled to receive more than 90 days of continuous temporary total
disability benefits, shall be identified and screened.
53.1100 Identification. Insurers are required
to file a Memorandum of Payment form (Form 25M) with the department whenever a
claimant is eligible to receive more than 90 calendar days of continuous
temporary total disability benefits. A Memorandum of Payment is required for
any lost time payment issued, regardless of whether payment is issued
voluntarily or in an accepted claim. This form shall be filed with the
department no later than the ninety-seventh day of eligibility or receipt of
continuous temporary total disability benefits. (Failure to file this form is
punishable by issuance of an administrative penalty in addition to other
sanctions). Using the information in the Memorandum of Payment, the department
shall identify injured workers who have received 90 days or more of continuous
temporary total disability benefits.
[Interim screening provision Rules 53.1200A - 53.1320A shall
govern screening until the Legislature authorizes the Vermont Department of
Aging and Independent Living's (DAIL) Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
(DVR) to bill and collect from workers' compensation insurers the screening
assessment fee authorized by these rules.]
53.1200A Screening shall be performed by
qualified vocational rehabilitation professionals assigned by the department.
An assigned screener shall promptly notify the department, the
employer/insurer, and the claimant of any possible conflict of interest,
including any financial relationship with any party, personal friendship, or
other matter that might be perceived as interfering with the ability to perform
an objective assessment. The department shall evaluate the information and
either appoint a new screener, or authorize screening to proceed.
53.1300A Notice/Assignment. Within 10 days of
identifying an injured worker, either through the worker's request or pursuant
to Rule 53.1100, the department shall:
53.1310A Assign the case to a qualified
vocational rehabilitation professional. The assignment shall be made from an
alphabetical list of qualified vocational rehabilitation professionals
registered with the department. If the geographical location of the assigned
screener and the injured worker would create a travel hardship the next
qualified vocational rehabilitation professional located closest to the injured
worker shall be assigned.
Provide the injured worker a vocational rehabilitation notice and response
form. The form explains the injured worker's rights, including the choice of
provider, the right to challenge a determination, and reimbursement for related
expenses. The form also asks the injured worker to indicate whether he or she
is interested in receiving vocational rehabilitation services. The worker shall
sign the form and return it to the department. See
21 V.S.A. §
[Effective July 1, 2007, Rules 53.1200 - 53.1320 shall
supersede interim rules 53.1200A - 53.1320A if prior to that date the
Legislature authorizes the Vermont Department of Aging and Independent Living's
(DAIL) Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to bill and collect from
workers' compensation insurers the screening assessment fee authorized by these
53.1200 Screening
shall be performed by qualified vocational rehabilitation professionals
employed by the Vermont Department of Aging and Independent Living's (DAIL)
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR).
53.1300 Notice/Assignment. Within 10 days of
identifying an injured worker, either through the worker's request or pursuant
to Rule 53.1100, the department shall:
53.1310 Refer the injured worker's case to
the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Screening Coordinator. The
screening coordinator shall assign the case to a qualified vocational
rehabilitation professional employed by DVR in the district closest to the
employer and the injured worker.
53.1320 Provide the injured worker a
vocational rehabilitation notice and response form. The form explains the
injured worker's rights, including the choice of provider, the right to
challenge a determination, and reimbursement for related expenses. The form
also asks the injured worker to indicate whether he or she is interested in
receiving vocational rehabilitation services. The worker shall sign the form
and return it to the department. See
21 V.S.A. §
[The remainder of these rules shall apply to all screening
conducted before, or after July1, 2007]
53.1400 Screening. The assigned independent
screener shall obtain the injured worker's response form from the department
and review it, along with the entire worker's compensation file, which must be
provided by the employer/insurer. The screener shall also consult with the
injured worker and his employer. Based on the record review, response form, and
consultation, the screener shall provide a recommendation concerning
eligibility after considering:
53.1410 Whether the employee has been
medically released to return to work.
53.1420 Whether evidence indicates that the
employee will eventually be able to return to his or her job.
53.1430 Whether the employer has suitable
work available for the employee.
The recommendation shall be provided to the injured worker, the
employer/insurer, and the department. In the event that two or more responses
are answered in the negative, the injured worker shall receive an entitlement
53.1440 If the
recommendation is for an entitlement assessment, the employer/insurer shall
promptly file a V.R. referral for an entitlement assessment and send a copy to
the employee. If the employer/insurer wishes to contest the screening results
it shall nonetheless file a V.R. referral form at the time it files its
53.1500 Time. Absent
extenuating circumstances the screening process should be completed in no more
than 10 days from the date of screener assignment. The screener shall provide
all parties and the department with the recommendation.
53.1600 In the event no screening response
form is received for an identified injured worker, the screener shall conduct
telephonic screening to obtain the necessary screening information.
53.2000 An employer/insurer who wishes to
contest a screener's recommendation shall file a written denial, with
supporting evidence. The written denial must be filed within 21 days of
receiving the screening results and must be accompanied by a V.R. referral. The
Commissioner shall review the evidence upon which the denial is based and if
the evidence does not reasonably support the denial, the Commissioner may order
an entitlement assessment. See
21 V.S.A.
53.3000 In the event a screener recommends
against an entitlement assessment, the injured worker may contest the
determination in writing to the department indicating their reason for contest
and requesting a hearing.
Conflict of Interest. Because screening is being provided by an independent
state agency the department does not believe it likely that conflicts of
interest will arise. The screener shall exercise independent professional
judgment, and shall not provide workers' compensation vocational rehabilitation
services to persons he or she has screened. Nonetheless any party who believes
that an assigned screener has a conflict of interest, may petition for the
assignment of a new screener, and provide evidence of the conflict of interest.
The fact that the state agency shall bill and be paid by the employer/insurer
is not a conflict of interest.
53.5000 Actual vocational rehabilitation
services shall be provided by a certified vocational rehabilitation
53.5100 If an
employer/insurer does not designate a rehabilitation counselor within 15 days
of receiving the screener's report, the employee may choose a counselor by
filing a V.R.-8.
53.5200 If the
employee is not satisfied with a rehabilitation counselor chosen by the
employer/insurer, he or she may select another counselor by filing a V.R.-8 and
providing their reason for dissatisfaction. The employee should not file a
V.R.-8 if the counselor has found them not entitled to vocational
rehabilitation services. Instead he or she must contest the denial of
53.5300 If a change in
rehabilitation counselor occurs for a reason other than party selection, the
party who chose the counselor has first choice in designating a replacement
53.5400 The Commissioner
may order a change in a rehabilitation counselor if presented evidence that the
current counselor is not complying with the law or the rules, does not hold
current certification, and/or claimant and counselor are unable to engage in an
effective working relationship.
53.5500 Any request for change of a
rehabilitation service provider pursuant to Rule 53.5400 shall be directed to
the Commissioner. The Commissioner (designee) may then schedule an informal
conference to discuss the concerns of the requesting party.
53.6000 A party may hire a vocational
evaluator (V.E.) to provide their opinion concerning a rehabilitation plan, and
the reasonableness and necessity of services provided or proposed by a
rehabilitation counselor appointed by the opposing party. A counselor who has
provided rehabilitation services to a worker for a given work injury may not be
a V.E. for that claim.
53.7000 If
the independent screener determines that the employee's medical condition makes
it too difficult to determine whether the injured worker may be eligible for
vocational rehabilitation, the employee shall be rescreened after every
additional ninety days or at medical end result, which ever occurs
Part V
Rule 54.0000
Vocational rehabilitation (V.R.) shall be provided to a worker
when, because of the work injury, he or she is unable to return to suitable
employment for which he or she has prior training or experience relevant to
currently available suitable employment.
54.1000 The V.R. counselor conducting the
entitlement assessment shall contact the employer and the employee to discuss
the possibility of the employee's potential for return to work with the
employer, including discussion of any opportunity for light duty work, job
modifications or any other possibility of return to suitable
54.2000 An assessment
as to the entitlement for V.R. services shall be made and a report filed with
the Workers' Compensation Division within 30 days of the filing of the
vocational rehabilitation referral. An extension of the 30 day period may be
granted if the parties agree or if, despite good faith efforts to complete the
assessment within 30 days, additional time is needed. An entitlement assessment
shall include a face-to-face interview between the employee and the V.R.
counselor. The written report shall include, at a minimum, the
54.2100 A summary of
current medical status including physical capabilities, secondary conditions
affecting recovery, treatment, prognosis and estimate of time frames if
54.2200 A vocational
profile that includes an educational background and work history;
54.2300 A summary of positive and negative
indicators for return to work; and
54.2400 The counselor's conclusion regarding
the employee's entitlement.
In the event a worker undergoes an entitlement assessment and is found "Not
Entitled" to vocational rehabilitation services, then the employer/insurer
bears no responsibility for payment or provision of further V.R.
54.4000 In the event the
employee is found not entitled to V.R. services the employee may contest the
determination in writing to the department indicating their reason for contest
and requesting a hearing.
An employer/insurer who wishes to contest an entitlement recommendation shall
file a written denial, with supporting evidence. The written denial must be
filed within 21 days of receiving the entitlement assessment. The Commissioner
shall review the evidence upon which the denial is based and if the evidence
does not reasonably support the denial, the Commissioner may order that V.R.
services be provided. See
21 V.S.A.
Rule 55.0000 Return to Work Plan
55.1000 Within 45 days of completing the
entitlement assessment, the V.R. counselor shall submit a Return to Work Plan
for a worker that has been determined entitled to V.R. services. The plan shall
be developed in consultation with the worker and the employer/insurer. The
Return to Work Plan shall contain a plan of action for a specific vocational
goal or objective and identify the specific skills, training or expertise that
will result in the employee's return to suitable employment. The plan shall
clearly establish steps and a time table for attainment of the objective. A
counselor may request an extension of the 45 day period if, despite good faith
efforts to complete the plan within 45 days, additional time is
55.2000 The department
shall assume a higher likelihood of successful return to work based on the
following hierarchy of vocational options, which are listed in descending order
of preference.
55.2100 Return to
the same employer in a modified job or a different job;
55.2200 Return to a different employer in a
modified or different job;
On-the-Job Training:
55.2400 New
Skill Training or Retraining;
55.2500 Educational / Academic
55.3000 The Return
to Work Plan shall include such information as is necessary to assess the
proposal and to track the claim. In addition the following information shall be
included in the plan.
55.3100 The
Return to Work Plan shall include a specific vocational outcome and associated
milestones or output measures. The plan shall contain a firm time frame for
55.3200 The Return to
Work Plan shall define specific responsibilities of the employee; counselor;
and the employer/insurer.
The Return To Work Plan shall include an itemization of the projected costs
associated with the vocational plan, including but not limited to total
equipment costs, travel, training, and the projected costs of services provided
by the rehabilitation service providers. The actual costs associated with this
plan shall be included on the Closure Report when submitted. Failure to provide
required information may result in the Return to Work Plan being denied, and
payment for V.R. services denied.
55.4000 The Return to Work Plan shall be
forwarded to the department after the employee, the counselor and the
employer/insurer have completed the plan and all parties have signed the plan.
In the event that any party fails or refuses to sign the Return to Work Plan,
the Return to Work Plan as proposed shall be filed with a written explanation,
by the refusing party, of the reasons for failure or refusal to sign the
document. An employer/insurer shall promptly review the plan and file any
objections within 21 days of receiving it.
55.5000 A properly documented plan shall be
deemed approved if it is not rejected within 25 days of its receipt by the
department. In the event of a dispute the Return to Work Plan shall be reviewed
for the feasibility of the vocational objective and the plan of action. The
Commissioner (designee) may extend his or her review period for an additional
25 days by informing all parties of the extension. If the proposed plan is
denied the Vocational Rehabilitation provider shall submit a revised plan
within 30 days of the date of denial.
If any party has failed or refused to sign the Return to Work
Plan, and/or if the Commissioner (designee) has found the vocational objective
or plan of action not to be practicable an informal conference and/or formal
hearing shall be scheduled in accordance with the Workers' Compensation Rules
5.0000 & 6.0000. The Commissioner (designee) may issue an interim order
requiring or suspending further vocational rehabilitation services pending such
a conference and/or hearing in accordance with
21 V.S.A. Sec.
641(b) and/or 662(b).
55.6000 Vocational rehabilitation
services shall terminate on the projected completion date indicated in the
agreed upon plan unless an amendment is filed and agreed to by all parties
prior to the completion date. Amendments are appropriate under the following
55.6100 When it is
apparent that the original vocational objective and/or plan has become
inappropriate because of the employee's medical condition as documented by
medical reports or,
55.6200 When it
is apparent that the employee is not able to obtain the objective despite
reasonable efforts to do so.
55.6300 When an extension for a defined
period will permit achievement of the plans objectives.
55.7000 Any amendment to a Return to Work
Plan must be submitted to the department prior to the expiration of the current
agreed upon plan. All amendments must have the employee's, counselor's and
insurance adjuster's signatures affixed to the document prior to the submission
of the document to the department. Proposed amendments shall be reviewed by the
Commissioner (designee).
The rehabilitation service provider shall file progress reports only as
reasonably necessary, or only if requested by the employer/insurer or employee.
The progress report shall evaluate progress toward the vocational objective of
the agreed upon Return to Work Plan. If such a report is necessary or requested
all parties to the plan and the department shall receive a copy of any progress
reports provided.
Rule 55.9000
Self-employment is the least favored vocational goal because of the capital
usually required to undertake it, the time it usually takes to achieve an
appropriate wage level and the inherent risks associated with any new business
venture. For this reason, a Return to Work Plan that proposes self-employment
as the means of returning a claimant to suitable employment must be carefully
considered to ensure that this is in fact the most appropriate vocational goal
and that no other vocational goal is as likely to lead to suitable employment.
This may include reviewing and applying the hierarchy of vocational options as
defined in Rule 55.2000.
55.9200 A
Return to Work Plan that proposes self-employment as the employee's vocational
goal shall be accompanied by a Self-Employment Workbook completed by the
employee with the V.R. counselor's assistance. In addition to the workbook, the
employee, if his or her is seeking any financial assistance from the insurance
employer/insurer, must submit documentation that his or her has contacted and
discussed the business plans with a qualified small business consultant with a
written evaluation including recommendations to be completed by the
55.9300 In determining
the required extent of an employer/insurer's financial contribution to an
approved self-employment plan, the following factors shall be
55.9310 The total
amount required to adequately finance the business' start-up, as itemized in
the Self Employment Workbook; and
55.9320 The extent to which the employee has
or will incur extraordinary costs as a result of his or her injury that are
distinguishable from the ordinary costs associated with the proposed business
venture, such as the cost of modified equipment and/or assistive technology;
55.9330 The availability of
financing from other sources.
56.0000 Vocational Rehabilitation Dispute Resolution
In the case of any dispute involving vocational rehabilitation,
the Commissioner (designee) either on his or her own motion or upon request of
the employer/insurer or employee, may schedule an informal conference to
resolve the issue(s) in dispute. A party dissatisfied with the results of an
informal conference(s) may request a formal hearing but shall comply with the
directives of the informal conference until a formal hearing is held and a
decision rendered.
56.1000 Terminations of Vocational Rehabilitation
56.1100 Vocational
rehabilitation services may be suspended and/or terminated under the following
56.1110 Upon
successful completion of an approved Return to Work Plan, documented by the
claimant's successful return to suitable employment, not including any
on-the-job training period, for at least 60 days.
56.1120 When it becomes apparent because of a
change in the employee's current medical condition that the provision of
further vocational rehabilitation services would serve no useful purpose at
this time.
56.1130 When it becomes
apparent the employee is unable to participate in V.R. because circumstances
are such that the provision of further V.R. services would serve no useful
purpose at this time.
56.1140 Upon
the employee's return to suitable employment that is not contingent upon
successful completion of the plan.
56.1150 When it becomes apparent the employee
is refusing to cooperate with the V.R. process.
56.2000 An employer/insurer's decision to
suspend or terminate the employee's vocational rehabilitation benefits because
of refusal or failure to cooperate with the rehabilitation process shall be
filed with the department at least 10 days prior to the discontinuance of
vocational rehabilitation services, along with supporting evidence. The notice
shall be given to the employee at the same time it is filed with the
department. Evidence of a worker's refusal or failure to cooperate with
rehabilitation may include but is not limited to the following:
56.2100 Failure to cooperate with the initial
assessment to determine entitlement within the time limitations specified in
these rules;
56.2200 Failure to
follow through with the responsibilities of an approved Return to Work Plan
without good cause;
56.2300 Failure
to maintain contact with the rehabilitation counselor;
56.2400 Failure to follow employment leads
provided by the rehabilitation counselor in a reasonable and timely manner;
56.2500 Failure to accept and
perform suitable employment, unless refusal is justified.
56.3000 Prior to suspending or terminating
vocational rehabilitation services, a Vocational Rehabilitation Closure Report
shall be filed with the division, with a copy to the employee. Upon review, the
Commissioner may either approve or deny the closure. If the closure is denied,
the Commissioner (designee) may order the prompt resumption of vocational
rehabilitation services. At either party's request, or at the Commissioner's
discretion, an informal conference and/or formal hearing may be scheduled to
resolve any dispute concerning the continuation, modification or termination of
vocational rehabilitation services.
56.4000 The injured worker has the burden of
proving entitlement to services and the reasonableness and necessity of a
return to work plan. If an insurer/employer agrees that an injured worker is
entitled or accepts a return to work plan, or fails to timely dispute that
entitlement or return to work plan, it shall have the burden of proving that
the injured worker is no longer entitled, or that the return to work plan is
not reasonable, necessary, or will not result in suitable employment.
Rule 57.0000 Qualifying
Criteria for Rehabilitation Professionals
An applicant seeking certification as a Vermont Certified
Rehabilitation Professional shall submit an application to the Commissioner of
the Department of Labor. The Commissioner may require rehabilitation
professionals to regularly report information describing their services,
including the geographic areas served by the professionals and the nature, cost
and outcome of services provided to employees under these rules. After
evaluating the application and all supporting documents the Commissioner may
certify the person as a Vermont registered vocational rehabilitation evaluator;
counselor; job developer, or intern, if the applicant has completed the
following minimum education and experience. The education must have been
received from an accredited school.
57.1000 All vocational rehabilitation
services shall be provided by a certified vocational rehabilitation counselor,
evaluator or job developer/intern. Those individuals certified as a Job
Developer/Intern shall be supervised by a certified vocational rehabilitation
counselor who shall co-sign and assume all responsibility for all of the
intern's determinations, evaluations, rehabilitation plans, reports and
57.1100 Vocational
Rehabilitation Counselor, defined as anyone directly providing services or
supervising vocational rehabilitation counselors, interns or job developers.
Education: Master's in Rehabilitation Counseling from an
accredited institution; Completion of the Vermont Rehabilitation Professional's
Orientation workshop no later than six months after submission of an
application for Vermont registration as a rehabilitation professional,
Master's in Counseling from an accredited institution with
documentation that the following courses had been successfully
One graduate course with a primary focus on the Theories and
Techniques of Counseling; and
One graduate course with a primary focus on Assessment;
One graduate course with a primary focus on Occupational
Information; and
One graduate course with a primary focus on medical or
psychosocial aspects of disability and
Completion of the Vermont Rehabilitation Professional's
Orientation workshop no later than six months after submission of an
application for certification as a Vermont certified rehabilitation
Experience: Twelve months of acceptable employment experience
including six months of the past 24 months working with Vermont Workers'
Compensation claimants.
57.1110 Notwithstanding the specific
education requirements, any counselor who has been continuously certified, as a
vocational counselor by the department for the past six years; who has
completed the required core courses shall and complied with all continuing
education requirements shall be deemed to have met the education
57.1200 Vocational
Education: Same as that required of the Vocational
Rehabilitation Counselor.
Experience: Sixty months of acceptable employment experience
including 24 months working with Vermont Workers' Compensation
Vocational Job Developer/Intern:
Education: Baccalaureate degree in any field. Completion of the
Vermont Rehabilitation Professional's Orientation workshop no later than six
months after submission of an application for certification as a Vermont
certified rehabilitation professional.
Experience: None.
57.1400 Continuing Education: All of the
above mentioned positions shall attend annual training in either vocational
rehabilitation or Vermont workers' compensation.
57.1500 Required knowledge: Each applicant
applying to be a Vermont certified rehabilitation professional shall have a
working knowledge of the Vermont Department of Labor rules and regulations. The
Commissioner may require an examination as proof of that knowledge.
57.1600 Education criteria. Applicants shall
have the burden of proof establishing education. Proof of education shall
include an official transcript from any accredited school or college.
57.1700 Experience criteria. Applicants shall
have the burden of proof establishing experience. School internships shall not
be acceptable as employment experience. Supporting documents shall consist of
signed statements, regarding the applicant's work by present and previous
employers which shall include, but not be limited to, the specifications of
services, the applicant's position description including caseload, and amount
of time spent in vocational rehabilitation or medical case management
57.1800 Professional Conduct.
All rehabilitation professionals shall comply with the Code of Professional
Ethics as published by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification
(CRCC) until such time the Vermont Department of Labor publishes its own. In
the event any ethical standard appears to conflict with the Vermont Workers'
Compensation statutes, rules, or orders, the statutes, rules, or orders shall
57.2000 The Vermont
certification shall be valid for three years from the date of the
certification. Written application for renewal shall be received by the
Commissioner no earlier than one hundred twenty days, but not later than
seventy-five days prior to the current certification's expiration date. If the
certification has lapsed or has been withdrawn by the Commissioner, the
applicant must follow the procedures established for new applicants. If the
certification lapses or is withdrawn the counselor may not provide any
vocational rehabilitation services in Vermont until the certification has been
reinstated. All renewals shall only submit a new application.
57.2100 The department shall maintain a
current listing of all Vermont certified rehabilitation professionals,
including the areas served, and shall provide the list at no charge to
employees, employers and insurers.
57.3000 Each Vermont certified rehabilitation
professional offering rehabilitation services to workers' compensation
claimants shall be evaluated periodically by the Workers' Compensation &
Safety Division of the Vermont Department of Labor. The evaluation shall focus
on the quality of the services provided, the costs of such services, the
results achieved by such services and the professional's compliance with any
Department of Labor established standards of performance. The Department of
Labor shall notify in writing any rehabilitation professional who fails to
attain a satisfactory rating. Such notice shall state specifically the reasons
for the unsatisfactory rating. The Commissioner may suspend or revoke the
professional's certification based on the results of the evaluation.
57.4000 Rehabilitation professionals who
provide services to employees without obtaining prior certification from the
Commissioner or during periods when their certification is suspended or has
been revoked, shall be required to terminate those services immediately, and
shall not be considered for certification for a period of two years from the
date of the infraction. An uncertified person providing vocational services
shall not be paid for those services.
57.5000 The Commissioner may revoke the
certification of a vocational rehabilitation professional for a period, not to
exceed three years if following an investigation, to include an opportunity for
the professional to respond, the Commissioner finds that the professional
failed to:
57.5100 Comply with the
Department of Labor's established rules and regulations; or
57.5200 Fulfill any obligation in providing
the rehabilitation services prescribed in an approved rehabilitation plan;
57.5300 Comply with the
established Vermont rehabilitation professional's performance standards or Code
of Ethics; or
57.5400 Comply with
any state or federal laws relating to employment practices; or
57.5500 Comply with the established
continuing education requirements.
Rule 58.0000 Vocational Rehabilitation Fee
A vocational rehabilitation fee schedule is authorized by
21 V.S.A. §
641(a) in order to establish
reasonable reimbursement rates for vocational rehabilitation benefits and
services while providing reasonable choice and access. The employer/insurer
shall not be liable for fees that exceed the maximum set by this schedule. All
fees shall be supported by an itemized statement at the time of the bill,
initialed and certified as accurate by the counselor. Failure to provide an
itemized statement may result in a denial of the fee. By submitting an itemized
bill for services to the employer/insurer the vocational rehabilitation
counselor is attesting to the reasonableness and necessity of the services
provided and the accuracy of the bill. Counselors are reminded that false
statements may constitute workers' compensation fraud.
58.1000 The employer/insurer shall pay the
vocational rehabilitation counselor's charge or the maximum allowable payment
under this fee schedule within 30 days of receipt of the bill and legible,
supporting documentation. If the employer/insurer is denying all or a portion
of a bill it shall notify the vocational rehabilitation counselor and the
injured worker within 21 days of receipt of the bill and legible supporting
documentation. If the employer/insurer wishes to obtain a vocational evaluation
of the services prior to accepting or denying the charges, it shall notify the
vocational rehabilitation counselor within 21 days of receiving the bill.
Review shall occur within 30 days. If the vocational rehabilitation counselor's
bill is not denied, scheduled for an evaluation, or paid within 30 days, then
the employer/insurer shall be liable for interest in addition to payment of the
58.2000 The employer/insurer
shall pay the Department of Aging and Independent Living $ 160.00 per screening
conducted by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). During the period
the interim screening provisions are in effect, the employer/insurer shall pay
the counselor performing the screening $ 160.00 per screening.
58.3000 [Effective 11/1/2016] The fee for an
Entitlement Assessment shall be $ 95.00 per hour not to exceed $ 1,200.00 per
assessment, unless a higher amount is authorized by the employer/insurer, or
ordered by the Commissioner if determined reasonable and necessary. All bills
must be supported with an itemized statement.
58.4000 [Effective 11/1/2016] Plan
development fees in excess of $ 2,500.00 require employer/insurer
58.5000 [Effective
11/1/2016] The maximum hourly fee for vocational rehabilitation services shall
be $ 95.00.
58.5500 [Effective
11/1/2016] Beginning July 1, 2017 and on each subsequent July 1, the hourly
rates stated in Rule 58.3000 and 58.5000 shall be increased by (a) the
percentage increase of the Consumer Price Index, CPI-U, U.S. city average, not
seasonally adjusted, or successor index, as calculated by the U.S. Department
of Labor or successor agency for the 12 months preceding the previous May 1; or
(b) five percent, whichever is smaller, but in no event shall the hourly rates
and/or maximums be decreased. The hourly rates shall be rounded off to the
nearest $ 5.00. Beginning July 1, 2022 and continuing every five years
thereafter, the maximum amounts stated in Rules 58.3000 and 58.4000 shall be
reviewed and increased as necessary to reflect intervening changes to the
hourly rates upon which they are based.
58.6000 The contracting or subcontracting out
of services shall not serve to raise the maximum allowable fee, unless agreed
upon in advance by the employer/insurer and the claimant and
58.7000 Time for a
counselor's travel in excess of two hours per trip shall be reimbursed at a
rate not to exceed 50% of the maximum allowable hourly rate. Mileage shall be
reimbursed at the same rate as that paid state employees.
58.7100 Workers shall be reimbursed
reasonable and necessary travel expenses for travel related to a screening,
entitlement assessment, or required meetings with a counselor or necessary to
fulfill requirements of a return to work plan. Mileage shall be reimbursed at
the same rate as that paid state employees.
58.8000 Fees shall not be reimbursed that are
not reasonable and necessary. The party requesting the fee shall have the
burden of proving the reasonableness and necessity of the charges.
58.9000 In the event a worker is either
unable or not expected to be able to participate in vocational rehabilitation
for a period of 30 days or more, V.R. shall be suspended and no V.R. services
shall be due nor reimbursed for the suspension period, except as agreed upon by
the parties.