Current through August, 2024
I Definitions and Terms; Exemptions
As used in relation to the sale and analysis of
fertilizer and as used in this rule:
A. Definitions, terms and names
shall be those set forth in Section
of the Fertilizer and Lime Law (hereinafter referred to as the
"Law"). Where no such definitions, terms and names are set forth in
the Law, such definitions, terms or names shall be those adopted by
the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (hereinafter
referred to as "AAPFCO"), except as the Commissioner prescribes
otherwise in this rule.
1. Brand
means a term, design or trademark used in connection with one or more
grades of fertilizer or lime.
2. Bulk Fertilizer is a fertilizer
distributed in a non-packaged form.
3. Commissioner means the
Commissioner of Agriculture, Foods and Markets of the State of
Vermont or an authorized representative.
4. Distribute means to import,
consign, manufacture, produce, compound, mix or blend fertilizer or
lime or to offer for sale, sell barter or otherwise supply or apply
fertilizer or lime in this state.
5. Fertilizer means any substance
containing one or more recognized plant nutrients which is used for
its plant nutrient content and which is designed for use or claimed
to have value in promoting plant growth or health.
6. Grade means the percentage of
total nitrogen, available phosphoric acid or phosphorus and soluble
potash or potassium stated in whole numbers in the same terms and
order as the guaranteed analysis.
7. Guaranteed Analysis means the
minimum percentages of plant nutrients claimed by the manufacturer or
distributor of a fertilizer product. In reference to liming
materials, the guaranteed analysis means the minimum percentages of
elemental calcium and magnesium, calcium and magnesium oxide, calcium
and magnesium carbonate and the calcium carbonate
8. Label
means the display of all written, printed or graphic material on or
accompanying a fertilizer or lime.
9. Labeling means all written,
printed or graphic material on or accompanying a fertilizer or lime
product including advertisements, brochures, posters and television
and radio, announcements used in promoting the sale or use of a
fertilizer or lime.
Lime means all products whose calcium and magnesium compounds are
capable of neutralizing soil acidity and which are intended or
distributed for agricultural or plant propagation purposes. For the
purposes of this regulation, the terms agricultural lime, lime or
liming material shall have the same meaning and includes industrial
wastes or by-products which contain calcium, magnesium and/or
potassium compounds capable of neutralizing soil acidity.
10. Natural Organic Fertilizer
means materials derived from plant or animal products containing one
or more elements other than carbon, hydrogen and oxygen which are
essential for plant growth. These materials may be subjected to
biological degradation processes under normal conditions of aging,
rainfall, sun-curing, air-drying, composting, rotting, enzymatic or
bacterial action, or any combination of these processes. These
materials shall not be mixed with synthetic materials or changed in
any physical or chemical manner from their initial state except by
physical manipulations such as drying, cooking, chopping, grinding,
shredding or pelleting.
11. Organic Fertilizer means a
fertilizer material containing carbon and one or more elements other
than hydrogen and oxygen essential for plant growth.
12. Person means any individual,
company, partnership, association, corporation or organization of
persons whether incorporated or not, including any federal agency,
municipality, state or subdivision of any state.
13. Primary Plant Nutrients include
nitrogen, available phosphoric acid or phosphorus and soluble potash
or potassium.
Registrant means any person who registers fertilizer or lime under
the provisions of this chapter.
15. Specialty Fertilizer means a
fertilizer distributed for non-farm use. Specialty fertilizers and
fertilizer materials may be guaranteed in fractional terms.
16. Use includes all purposes for
which a fertilizer or lime is applied.
B. The following commodities are
hereby exempt from the definitions of "fertilizer" as set forth in
the Law: unmanipulated animal and vegetable manures, wood ashes and
II Registration and Distribution
A. Each brand or grade of
fertilizer or lime shall be registered in the name of the person
whose name appears on the label before being distributed in this
B. Custom mix
fertilizers or limes formulated according to specifications furnished
by the consumer prior to mixing are exempt from the registration
requirements of this section. Custom mix fertilizers are required to
be included in all tonnage reporting and fees.
C. Fertilizer or lime that is
purchased from a registrant or distributor and is altered so that the
guaranteed analysis is different from that of the origiral product
shall be considered a new product and must be registered prior to
D. The
registration year for fertilizer and lime as required by Section
of the Law shall be the calendar year. Applications for such
registration shall be made and all annual fees required by the Law
shall be paid on or before the first day of January for the calendar
E. The Commissioner
may cancel or suspend the registration of any fertilizer or lime or
refuse a registration application if he or she finds that the
provisions of 6 V.S.A. Chapter 28 or this rule have been violated.
Any registrant subject to a cancellation, suspension or refusal of a
registration shall be provided an opportunity for a hearing before
the commissioner.
F. In
accordance with
6 V.S.A. Sections
368 and
369, no
person shall distribute a misbranded or adulterated fertilizer or
lime product in this State.
1. A
fertilizer or lime shall be deemed to be misbranded if its labeling
is false or misleading, distributed under the name of another
product, not labeled as required by this rule or labeled to contain a
plant nutrient which does not conform to the standard of identity
established by AAPFCO.
A fertilizer or lime shall be deemed to be adulterated if it contains
harmful or deleterious ingredients in sufficient amounts to be
injurious to beneficial plant life when used according to label
directions, if its composition falls below or differs from its
labeling or if it contains crop or weed seeds.
G. The Commissioner may issue a
withdrawal from distribution (stop sale) order when he or she has
reasonable cause to believe that any lot of fertilizer or lime is
distributed in violation of 6 V.S.A. Chapter 28 or these rules. The
Commissioner may also issue and order requiring a distributor not to
dispose of a lot of fertilizer or lime in any manner until written
permission is received from the Commissioner or a Court of
appropriate jurisdiction.
H. Lime and wood ash mixtures may
be registered as liming materials and include a guarantee for
potassium or potash provided that the wood ash totals less than 50
percent of the mixture.
I. Individuals wishing to
distribute industrial waste or industrial by-products as agricultural
liming materials shall provide documentation at the time of
registration demonstrating that the product does not contain
deleterious or harmful ingredients in amounts sufficient to or in
amounts which through accumulation may render it injurious to
beneficial plant life, livestock or human health.
J. The Commissioner may require
periodic analysis of the industrial waste or by-product as a
condition of the registration if the applicant can not demonstrate
that the characteristics and components of the product will remain
uniform over time.
Nothing in this rule shall be construed to restrict or impair the
sales, exchanges or transportation of fertilizers or liming materials
among distributors provided that products are registered as required
by 6 V.S.A. Chapter 28 and these regulations.
Section III Tonnage Reports and
Tonnage Fees
A. In accordance with
6 V.S.A. section
366, all persons who distribute
fertilizer in this State shall furnish the Commissioner with an
annual report detailing the tonnage distributed during the calendar
B. Fertilizer
tonnage reports shall be submitted to the Commissioner by August 1
for the previous calendar year ending December 31.
C. Fertilizer tonnage reports shall
be submitted in a manner prescribed by the Commissioner and may
include the name and address of the distributor, the grade and form
of each fertilizer or material reported, the county into which the
fertilizer or material was sold and a certification that the report
is factual.
D. Each
registrant shall pay, to the Commissioner, an annual inspection fee
of twenty-five cents ($ 0.25) per ton of fertilizer distributed in
this State.
E. There
shall be a minimum inspection fee of twenty-five dollars ($ 25.00) on
all registrants who distribute less than one hundred tons during a
reporting year.
F. All
inspection fees shall accompany the annual tonnage report.
G. For the purposes of this rule,
the sale or exchange of registered fertilizer or lime materials among
importers, distributors, manufacturers or blenders are not subject to
the tonnage reporting and fee requirements.
Section IV Fertilizer Labels
A. The following information is the
minimum required for all fertilizer labels. This information shall be
in a readable and conspicuous form.
1. Net weight.
2. Brand.
3. Grade (provided that the grade
shall not be required when no primary nutrients are
4. Guaranteed
analysis as prescribed in Section V.
5. Name and address of the
For bulk products, this same information in written or printed form
shall accompany delivery and be supplied to the purchaser at time of
C. For packaged
products, the following label information shall be provided:
1. Net weight.
2. Brand
3. Grade (provided that the grade
shall not be required when no primary nutrients are
4. Guaranteed
Analysis as prescribed by Section V:
Total Nitrogen (N) |
.....% |
Available Phosphoric Acid |
.....% |
Soluble Potash |
.....% |
(Other Nutrients as prescribed by Section V.
) |
.....% |
5. Sources of nutrients, when shown
on the label, shall be listed below the completed guaranteed analysis
6. Name and
address of the registrant.
This information shall either:
a. appear on the front or back of
the package; and
occupy at least one-third of a side of the package; or
c. be printed on a tag and attached
to the package.
D. Custom mix products formulated
according to specifications furnished by a consumer prior to mixing
shall be labeled to show:
1. Net
2. Name and
address of the distributor;
3. Identity of the purchaser;
4. Guaranteed
analysis or the name, analysis and weight of each ingredient in the
With the exception of the primary plant nutrients, zero (0)
guarantees shall not be made and shall not appear in label
F. Any grade
expressed in fractional terms which is not preceded by a whole number
shall be preceded by a zero.
G. The word or symbol for
"percentage" on a fertilizer label shall only be used to represent
the amount of an individual plant nutrient in relation to the total
product weight. "Percent" may not be used as part of a brand name or
to make label claims.
Section V Plant Nutrient Guarantees
A. Any plant nutrient in addition
to nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash when claimed in the labeling
of any fertilizer shall be guaranteed on the elemental basis. Any of
the elements listed below which are guaranteed shall appear in the
order and format listed, immediately following guarantees for the
primary plant nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The
minimum percentages which may be guaranteed are as follows:
Calcium (Ca) |
1.00 |
Magnesium (Mg) |
0.50 |
Sulfur (S) |
1.00 |
Boron (B) |
0.02 |
Chlorine (C1) |
0.10 |
Cobalt (Co) |
0.0005 |
Copper (Cu) |
0.05 |
Iron (Fe) |
0.10 |
Manganese (Mn) |
0.05 |
Molybdenum (Mo) |
0.0005 |
Sodium (Na) |
0.10 |
Zinc (Zn) |
0.05 |
B. Guarantees for those water
soluble nutrients labeled for hydroponic or continuous liquid feed
programs are exempt from the minimum guarantee limits listed
C. Sources of the
elements guaranteed and proof of availability shall be provided the
Commissioner upon request. Additional elements shall be guaranteed as
required above and shall specify the percentage guarantee. No claims
or guarantees shall be made for any plant nutrients except for the
elements set forth above.
D. When any plant nutrient
guarantee is broken down into the component forms, the percentage of
each component shall be shown before the name of the form.
E. If chemical forms of N are
claimed, the forms shall be shown and the percentages of the
individual forms shall add up to the total nitrogen percentage. This
information shall appear in the following form and format as a part
of the label information required by Section IV. of this regulation.
.....% |
Ammoniated Nitrogen |
.....% |
Nitrate Nitrogen |
.....% |
Urea Nitrogen |
.....% |
Water Insoluble Nitrogen |
.....% |
Other recognized and determinable forms of
(N) |
Section VI Slow Release Plant
A. No fertilizer shall
bear a statement that connotes or implies that certain plant
nutrients contained in a fertilizer are released slowly over a period
of time, unless the nutrient or nutrients are identified and
B. Types of
products with recognized slow release properties are:
1. Water insoluble (N products
only), such as natural organics, urea formaldehyde, IBDU, oxamide,
2. Coated slow
release such as sulphur coated urea and other encapsulated soluble
3. Occluded
slow release, where fertilizers or fertilizer materials are mixed
with waxes, resins, or other inert materials and formed into
particles; and
4. Water
soluble nitrogen such as ureaform materials, urea formaldehyde
products, methylenediurea (MDU), dimethylenetriurea (DMTU),
dicyanodiamide (DCD), etc.
The terms "water insoluble", "coated slow release",
"occluded slow release" and "slowly available water soluble" are
accepted as descriptive of these types of products, respectively,
provided the registrant can furnish testing data substantiating the
claim. These testing studies shall be conducted under the guidance of
Experiment Station personnel or a reputable research laboratory
approved by the Commissioner. A laboratory procedure, acceptable to
the Commissioner, for evaluating the nutrient release characteristics
of the product (s) must also be provided by the manufacturer.
C. When a
slowly released nutrient is less than 15% of the guarantee of either
total nitrogen (N), available phosphoric acid (P[2]0[5]), or soluble
potash (K[2]0), as appropriate, the label shall not make any slow
release claims or statements.
D. In addition to Section VI.B. ,
if any amount of nitrogen is designated as organic then the water
insoluble nitrogen and/or the slow release nitrogen guarantee must be
at least 60% of the nitrogen designated as organic. Coated urea may
not be included in meeting the 60% requirement.
Section VII Commercial Value and
Analytical Tolerances
A. For the
purpose of this regulation, the Commercial Values of nitrogen,
phosphoric acid and potash (CV[N], CV[P], CV[K]) shall be set by the
Commissioner and used to assess penalty payments as provided for by
6 V.S.A. Section
B. In accordance with
6 V.S.A. Section
372, a fertilizer shall be deemed
deficient if the guarantee for nitrogen, available phosphoric acid or
phosphorus or soluble potash or potassium exceeds the AAPFCO
established permitted analytical variance at a confidence level of
ninety-seven and one-half percent (97.5%).
A fertilizer shall be deemed deficient if the
analysis of any nutrient varies from the labeled guarantee by an
amount exceeding the values in the following Permitted Analytical
Variance Table (P.A.V.):
Available | Soluble |
Guaranteed | N
itrogen | Phosphoric
Acid | Potash |
Percentage | P.A.V. | P.A.V. | P.A.V. |
4 or less |
0.60 |
0.83 |
0.51 |
5 |
0.63 |
0.83 |
0.53 |
6 |
0.64 |
0.83 |
0 .58 |
7 |
0.67 |
0.84 |
0.65 |
8 |
0.68 |
0.84 |
0.74 |
9 |
0.70 |
0.84 |
0.80 |
10 |
0.72 |
0.85 |
0.86 |
11 |
0.74 |
0.85 |
0.92 |
12 |
0.75 |
0.85 |
0.97 |
13 |
0.77 |
0.85 |
1.02 |
14 |
0.78 |
0.86 |
1.07 |
15 |
0.81 |
0.86 |
1.12 |
16 |
0.83 |
0.86 |
1.16 |
17 |
0.85 |
0.87 |
1.21 |
18 |
0.86 |
0.88 |
1.25 |
19 |
0.88 |
0.88 |
1.29 |
20 |
0.90 |
0.89 |
1.33 |
21 |
0.92 |
0.89 |
1.38 |
22 |
0.93 |
0.89 |
1.42 |
23 |
0.95 |
0.89 |
1.46 |
24 |
0.96 |
0.90 |
1.49 |
25 |
0.98 |
0.90 |
1.53 |
26 |
1.00 |
0.90 |
1.57 |
27 |
1.01 |
0.90 |
1.61 |
28 |
1.02 |
0.91 |
1.64 |
29 |
1.04 |
0.92 |
1.68 |
30 |
1.06 |
0.93 |
1.72 |
31 |
1.08 |
0.93 |
1.75 |
32 or more |
1.09 |
0.94 |
1.78 |
For fractional guarantees not listed, the P.A.V. will
be calculated by interpolation in units of one-half of one percent
C. If a
fertilizer is deemed deficient under Section VIII. B. , the
registrant shall pay a penalty equaling two (2) times the commercial
value of the deficiency.
D. The variance of each deficient
nutrient shall equal the absolute value of the difference between the
guarantee of the nutrient and the analysis of the nutrient. This is
represented by the following formula:
Variance = (Guarantee - Analysis)
E. The penalty payment shall be
calculated by multiplying the variance of each deficient nutrient by
the lot weight in pounds. This product is multiplied by the
commercial value per pound of the deficient nutrient. This value
represents the commercial value of the deficiency and is multiplied
by a factor or two (2). In cases where more than one nutrient is
deficient, the commercial values of the deficiencies are added
together and this sum is multiplied by a factor of two (2). This is
expressed by the following formulae:
Lot Weight x Variance[N] x Commercial Value[N] =
Lot Weight x Variance[P] x Commercial Value[P] =
Lot Weight x Variance[K] x Commercial Value [K] =
(X[N] + X[P] + X[K]) x 2 = Penalty
VIII Lime Labels
A. The
following information is the minimum required for all lime labels.
This information shall be in a readable and conspicuous form.
1. Net Weight.
2. Brand.
3. The name and address of the
4. The
agricultural lime material classification required by Section
of this regulation, and the material's Calcium Carbonate Equivalent
(CCE) claim.
5. Minimum
percent of elemental calcium, calcium carbonate and calcium oxide and
elemental magnesium, magnesium carbonate and magnesium oxide
expressed in the following form and format:
Total |
Calcium (Ca) |
.....% |
Calcium carbonate (CaCO[3]) |
.....% |
Calcium oxide (CaO) |
.....% |
Total |
Magnesium (Mg) |
.....% |
Magnesium carbonate (MgCO[3]) |
.....% |
Magnesium oxide (MgO) |
.....% |
6. The minimum fineness guarantee,
as required by Section X.
B. For packaged products, this
information shall either
1. appear
on the front or back of the package and
2. occupy at least one-third of a
side of the package, or
3. be printed on a tag and attached
to the package.
C. For bulk products, this same
information in written or printed form shall accompany delivery and
be supplied to the purchaser at time of delivery.
Section IX Liming
Material Designation and Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (CCE)
A. Agricultural liming materials
shall be classified in terms of calcium carbonate equivalent. This
classification shall appear on the label as required by Section
VIII of this
regulation. The classification shall be one of the five categories
listed in Table 1.
Calcium Carbonate
Equivalent |
Material |
(C.C.E.), percent |
Burnt Lime |
not less than 140 |
Hydrated Lime |
not less than 110 |
Limestone |
not less than 80 |
Slag |
not less than 80 |
Shells |
not less than 80 |
B. To be labeled as "Calcitic", a
liming material must contain at least 90 percent calcium carbonate,
derive at least 36% of its calcium from calcium carbonate, and have a
minimum calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) of 90.
C. To be labeled as "Dolomite", a
liming material must contain 40 to 44 percent magnesium carbonate and
54 to 58 percent calcium carbonate.
D. To be labeled as "Dolomitic"
("High Mag Lime"), a liming material must contain at least 22 percent
magnesium carbonate, derive at least 6% of its magnesium from
magnesium carbonate and have a minimum calcium carbonate equivalent
(CCE) of 90.
X Fineness Standards for Lime
A. The minimum fineness guarantee
shall be at least 90% passage through a 20-mesh screen and 40%
passage through a 100-mesh screen.
B. The minimum fineness guarantee
shall be expressed in the following form and format and shall appear
on the label as required by Section
VIII of this
20-mesh |
.....% |
100-mesh |
.....% |
Section XI Sampling, Analysis and
A. Any sampling and
analysis as provided for by the Law shall be in accordance with
methods of sampling and analysis generally accepted in the scientific
community. The methods of sampling and analysis set forth in the
latest edition of the Official Method of Analysis of the Association
of Official Analytical Chemists, shall be prima facie evidence of
such generally accepted standards.
B. For the purpose of enforcing
these regulations, the Commissioner, upon presenting appropriate
credentials, is authorized to:
Enter any public building or private premises, except domiciles,
during regular business hours and stop and enter any vehicle used to
transport or hold fertilizer or lime;
2. Inspect blending plants,
warehouses, establishments, vehicles, equipment, finished or
unfinished materials, containers, labeling and records relating to
distribution, storage or use; and
3. Collect and analyze any samples
of fertilizer, lime, soil, water or other materials as he may deem
Section XII Shortweight
A. A fertilizer or lime shall be
deemed deficient if it is found to be shortweight. It shall be found
to be shortweight if the lot weight does not equal or exceed the
labeled weight as required by Sections
VIII of this
1. For the purposes of
this regulation, a bulk fertilizer or lime shall be considered
shortweight if the measured weight of the lot varies from the labeled
weight by more than one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the net
2. If a
fertilizer or lime is found to be shortweight, a penalty payment of
three (3) times the sales price of the shortage shall be assessed by
the Commissioner.
Section XIII Storage, Handling and
Use of Fertilizer Materials
Fertilizer and fertilizer ingredients shall be stored, handled and
used so as not to exceed the primary groundwater quality enforcement
standards identified in Chapter 12.702 of the "Ground Water
Protection Rule and Strategy" in accordance with 10 V.S.A. Chapter
B. Fertilizer
containers and storage vessels shall be fabricated in a manner known
to minimize breakage of and leakage from such containers and also to
minimize contamination of non-target lands and waters of the State.
Waters of the State shall include surface and ground
C. The storage,
handling and use of fertilizer and fertilizer materials shall be
managed to reduce the concentrations of plant nutrients in ground
water to the preventive action limits established by Chapter 12.702
of the "Ground Water Protection Rule and Strategy" when monitoring
indicates the presence of plant nutrient concentrations in
groundwater that exceed the preventive action limits.
D. Bagged or bulk fertilizers and
waste fertilizer materials shall be stored under cover and on a
non-porous surface.
Fertilizer storage areas shall be appropriately identified and
XIV Administrative Penalties and Appeals
A. The Commissioner may assess an
administrative penalty up to one thousand dollars ( $ 1,000) per
violation if he or she finds that any person has violated 6 V.S.A.
Chapter 28 or this rule by doing any one of the following acts:
1) Distributing a specialty
fertilizer or lime without first obtaining the appropriate product
Distributing a fertilizer or lime without the appropriate
3) Failing to
file an annual tonnage report or failing to file an accurate tonnage
4) Failing to pay
the appropriate tonnage fee; or
5) Violating a cease and desist
B. Any
administrative penalty issued by the Commissioner under Sections
of this rule shall be given in writing and delivered by personal
service or certified mail. Any person receiving notice of an
administrative penalty shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of
receipt to request a hearing with the Commissioner.
C. Administrative penalties for
deficient or short weight fertilizers or lime shall be paid to the
affected party. If the consumer cannot be identified, the penalty
shall be paid to the Commissioner and deposited into the Departments'
fertilizer program account.
D. Payment of administrative
penalties shall be made within thirty (30) days of the Commissioners
decision to assess a penalty. In cases where the penalty payment is
made to a consumer, proof of payment to the consumer shall be
forwarded to the Commissioner by the registrant within forty five
(45) days of the penalty payment deadline.
E. Any person aggrieved by a final
decision of the Commissioner may appeal the decision to a superior
court within thirty (30) days of the final decision. As provided for
6 V.S.A. Section
380, the Commissioner may enforce a
final administrative penalty by filing a civil collection action in
any district or superior court.