Code of Vermont Rules
Current through August, 2024
Regulations for Act 264 [1988 Adjourned Session] and Act 203 [1990 Adjourned Session]
Section 1000 Statement of Purpose
These rules are jointly promulgated by the Vermont Departments of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (DMHMR) and Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) and the Vermont State Board of Education to implement the provisions of Act 264 of the 1988 Adjourned Session and Act 203 of the 1990 Adjourned Session. It is the intent of these rules that improved coordination among the three agencies and the local service providers will result in improved services for children and adolescents with a severe emotional disturbance.
Nothing in the provisions of this chapter shall be construed to grant an entitlement to any child or adolescent with a severe emotional disturbance to receive any educational, residential, mental health or other service until and unless the general assembly further provides that such children and adolescents or any subgroup thereof are so entitled.
Section 2000 Statutory Authority
33 V.S.A. 4305(b)
Section 3000 Definitions
For the purposes of these rules, a "child or adolescent with a severe emotional disturbance" means a child or adolescent who meets the criteria set forth in 33 V.S.A. 4301(3) and who is in need of coordinated services. For the purposes of these rules, a "child or adolescent with a severe emotional disturbance shall be referred to as an "eligible child".
For the purpose of these rules, the "lead agency" is that agency which has the responsibility for the coordination of (1) the assessment of the eligible child and (2) the development of the coordinated service plan.
Section 4000 Guidelines for Local Interagency Team Procedures
Each Local Interagency Team (LIT), with public participation, shall develop written procedures for interagency collaboration concerning eligible children. "Public participation" should, at a minimum, include at least one public meeting with notice thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in the region. Each Local Interagency Team shall develop procedures in a step-by-step format in the areas of training interagency personnel; interagency collaboration; case management; and provision for notice to parents, guardians and involved agencies. The following (Rules 4001-4004) are guidelines for suggested procedures that shall be submitted on or before February 1, 1992 by the Local Interagency Teams to the advisory board established pursuant to 33 V.S.A. 4303 and then to the commissioners of DMHMR, SRS, and Education for approval.
Section 4001 Training of Interagency Personnel
The interagency team procedures shall provide for the training of interagency personnel in the following subjects:
Section 4002 Lead Agency Assignment
Section 4003 Interagency Collaboration
The interagency team procedures shall provide for the referral and assessment of eligible children; development of coordinated service plans; revision and annual review of such plans; and time frames for interagency collaboration as follows:
Sufficient information shall be gathered through a documented process to determine if the child is eligible for a coordinated service plan. "Documented process" shall consist of a form supplied or approved by the State stating that the assessor has determined whether or not a child or adolescent has a severe emotional disturbance. The form shall also indicate that the assessor has reviewed evaluations and/or has observed the child or adolescent. No assessment shall be required if a child or adolescent, prior to the effective date of these regulations, has been determined to have a severe emotional disturbance or has been receiving coordinated services. The procedures shall identify the agency responsible for assessing the child.
The plan shall be reviewed at least annually.
The plan may be revised at the request of the child, the child's family, any relevant service provider, or, in the case of an adjudicated child, the child's attorney and, to the extent practicable, all such persons shall be involved in any revision of the plan. The plan shall be revised whenever a significant change is made and, wherever possible, should be revised prior to the change.
The following are recommended time frames for local procedures:
Section 4004 Notification
Each Local Interagency Team shall develop and implement a procedure for notifying the public of the existence of the process for obtaining coordinated services. Public participation shall be documented in developing this procedure.
Each Local Interagency Team shall notify local service providers of the process for eligible children to obtain coordinated services.
Section 5000 Protection of the Right to Consent and of Confidentiality
Each Local Interagency Team shall develop written procedures for protecting the rights of eligible children and their parents and guardians concerning consent and confidentiality. These procedures shall include:
Section 6000 Dispute Resolution
Where the eligible child's planning team cannot reach consensus on a coordinated service plan or is unable to implement such a plan, a referral may be made by any participating party to the Local Interagency Team for resolution.
Where the Local Interagency Team is unable to resolve any of the issues set forth in subsection (A) (1) above, a referral may be made by the Local Interagency Team to the State Interagency Team for resolution.
Where the State Interagency Team is unable to resolve a dispute concerning coordination among the various agencies, it shall inform all participating parties of the right to an appeal process. The appeal process shall consist of a hearing pursuant to Chapter 25 of Title 3. The hearing shall be conducted by a hearing officer appointed by the Secretary of the Agency of Human Services and the Commissioner of Education. Based upon evidence presented at the hearing, the hearing officer shall issue written findings and proposals for decision to the Secretary and the Commissioner. The Secretary and the Commissioner may affirm, reverse, or modify the proposals for decision.
Nothing in these rules shall be construed to limit any existing substantive or procedural protections of state or federal law or regulations.
The Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules suggested that there be two changes in the attached regulations. They were incorporated into the regulations and they are as follows:
Statutory Authority: 33 V.S.A. § 4305