5.13 Vessel: Every
description of watercraft, other than a seaplane on the water, used or capable
of being used as a means of transportation on water (see
23 V.S.A. §
3302(11)) .
Appendix A Lake-Specific Rules Regulating the Use of Public
Waters 10 V.S.A§1424
1. This Appendix sets out rules for Vermont
waterbodies subject to regulation by the Water Resources Panel of the Natural
Resources Board pursuant to
10 V.S.A. §
These waterbodies are covered by the general rules of Section
of the Vermont Use of Public Waters Rules (VUPW Rules), or specific rules
promulgated as a result of Water Resources Board or Water Resources Panel
actions arising from petitions, or both. Where a waterbody is not presently
subject to either a general or specific rule, it is noted.
This Appendix is not complete list of all waterbodies subject
to the Panel's jurisdiction as it includes only lakes and ponds which are
greater than 20 acres in surface area. It does not include many smaller lakes
or ponds or many rivers and streams that may fall within the definition of a
"public water." See, 10 V.S.A. Ch. 49.
2. The number in the parentheses following
the name and location of the waterbody is its surface area in acres. Where an
asterisk (*) appears after such number, the waterbody has been determined to
have less than 30 contiguous acres outside the "shoreline safety zone" ("That
portion of the surface area of public waters within 200 feet of the shoreline,"
see VUPW 5.10) and is therefore subject to the general 5 mph speed limit
imposed by VUPW Rule 3.2(a).
References in the rules are either to petition numbers for waterbody-specific
rules (e.g., UPW No. 94-03) or to the general rule from Section
of the Rules (e.g., VUPW Rule 3.3).
4. The date which follows a reference to a
rule is the date that the initial or amended rule went into effect in
accordance with the Vermont Administrative Procedures Act,
3 V.S.A. §
845(d); exact dates are
sometimes unclear for some rules adopted in the early 1970s. The date that the
Water Resources Board or the Water Resources Panel voted to adopt a rule is not
reflected in this Appendix.
Between May 1 and July 31 all persons and vessels are
prohibited from public waters within 300 feet of any loon nesting site that the
Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources or his/her authorized
representative has identified by signs and buoys or other clear on-site
These rules are not repeated in the lake-specific rules in
this Appendix.
6. All general rules
from Section
of the Rules are subject to the exceptions which appear in VUPW Rule 3.1.
7. When the Water Resources Board
adopted the first set of general UPW Rules in 1995 (No. UPW 95-00, January 1,
1995), the Board deemed many earlier rules for specific waterbodies to be
obsolete (e.g., a rule which prohibited waterskiing was obsolete in light of a
five mph speed limit). Further, early rules for many waterbodies included
provisions, referenced in the UPW Notes 5.13 - 5.16, which the Board
subsequently found to serve "no useful purpose." In re Lake Hortonia
(Hubbardton, Sudbury), No. UPW 85-01, Decision (Sep. 26, 1985). When the 1995
UPW Rules were adopted, therefore, many of these earlier rules were repealed.
This Appendix contains no reference to these earlier, obsolete (and now
repealed) rules, nor does it specifically reference those lake-specific rules
which were amended by the 1995 UPW Rules.
8. When the Water Resources Board adopted the
first set of general UPW Rules in 1995 (No. UPW 95-00, January 1, 1995), the
Board determined that that the use of internal combustion motors was not a
normal use prior to January 1, 1993 on some waterbodies. References to VUPW
Rule 3.5 in the lake-specific rules in this Appendix reflect these
10. Please note that other Vermont
statutes also govern the operation of vessels on Vermont waters. See 23 V.S.A.
Ch. 29, subch. 2.
Lake Abenaki, Town of Thetford (44*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Adams Reservoir, Town of
Woodford (21*)
The operation of vessels powered by an internal combustion motor is
b. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, January 1, 1987 (No. UPW 86-05)
Amherst Lake, Town of Plymouth (81)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Arrowhead Mountain Lake, Towns of Milton and Georgia
a. Vessels powered by motor
shall not exceed a speed of five miles per hour within the northeastern arm of
the Lake.
b. Personal watercraft
are prohibited from operating within the northeastern arm of the Lake, except
for a corridor within 200 feet of the shoreline between the public fishing
access and the main body of the Lake. As shown on the map on page
c. Use of aircraft is
prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rules a and b, January 3, 1996 (No. UPW 95-02)
Athens Pond, Town of Athens (21*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Austin Pond, Town of
Hubbardton (28*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Baker Pond, Town of
Barton (51*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Baker Pond, Town of
Brookfield (35*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Bald Hill Pond, Town of
Westmore (108)
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Ball Mountain Reservoir, Town of Jamaica (76*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
Batten Kill River, Town of Arlington
a. The following rule pertains to that
section of the Batten Kill in the Town of Arlington between the Water Street
Bridge on Vermont Route 313 and continuing downstream to the Vermont / New York
border. For purposes of these rules this section of the river shall be known as
the "regulated section."
b. The use
of all motors, including electric motors to power vessels in the regulated
section is prohibited.
Rules a and b, February 22, 1999 (No. UPW 98-04)
Bean Pond, Towns of Lyndon and Wheelock
a. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Bean Pond, Town of
Sutton (30*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Beaver Pond, Town of
Holland (40*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Beaver Pond, Town of
Weathersfield (49*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Beebe Pond, Town of
Hubbardton (111)
Waterskiing is prohibited.
Vessels powered by motors exceeding ten horsepower are prohibited.
c. A person operating a vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed a speed limit of five miles per hour.
d. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
e. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rules a, b, and c, October 2, 1973 (No. UPW 72-05)
Belvedere Pond, Town of
Eden (97)
See: Long Pond (Belvedere Pond), Town of Eden
Berlin Pond, Town of Berlin (293)1)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Big Pond (
Woodford Lake), Town of Woodford (31*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
Billings Marsh Pond, Town of West Haven (56*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Black Pond, Town of
Hubbardton (20*)
The operation of vessels powered by an internal combustion motor is
b. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, January 1, 1986 (No. UPW 85-02)
Black Pond, Town of
Plymouth (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Bliss Pond, Town of
Calais (46*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Blueberry Lake ( Warren Lake), Town of Warren (48*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake Bomoseen, Towns of Castleton and Hubbardton
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Bourn Pond, Town of
Sunderland (48*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Branch Pond, Town of
Sunderland (34*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Bristol Lake, Town of Bristol (248)
See: Winona Lake ( Bristol Lake), Town of Bristol
Brownington Pond, Towns of Brownington and
Derby (139)
a. Use
of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Bruce Pond, Town of Sheffield (27*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
Buck Lake, Town of Woodbury (39*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Burbee Pond, Town of
Windham (50*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Burr Pond, Town of
Pittsford (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Burr Pond, Town of
Sudbury (85)
a. No
vessel powered by motor shall be operated anywhere on Burr Pond in excess of
five miles per hour between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. local
b. Any motorboat launched at
the public Fish and Game access is to be utilized solely for the purpose of
fishing on Burr Pond and shall be limited to a speed of five miles per hour
regardless of when or where operated on Burr Pond.
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rules a and b, September 29, 1972 (No. UPW 72-03)
Lake Carmi, Town of Franklin (1402)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Caspian Lake, Town of Greensboro (789)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
a speed of forty miles per hour between one half hour before sunrise and one
half hour after sunset.
b. Vessels
powered by motor shall not exceed a speed of ten miles per hour between one
half hour after sunset and one half hour before sunrise.
c. Use of personal watercraft or any other
Class A vessel which uses an inboard engine powering a water jet pump as its
primary source of motive power is prohibited.
d. Ski slalom courses must comply with the
I. Construction
A. Length of the course measured on the
surface of the water shall be no more than 600 feet.
B. There shall be no more than 16 buoys
providing for no more than four slalom turns.
C. The buoys may be attached to an underlying
framework located at least five feet below the surface of the lake.
II. Location
A. There may be no more than one course on
the lake at any one time.
B. The
location each year must be at least 1,000 feet from the prior year's location
measured from the closest buoy of each such location.
C. The course must run as nearly parallel as
possible to the nearest shore.
All buoys must be at least 800 feet from shore.
III. Use
Sanctioned or public competition or exhibitions are prohibited.
B. Use by personal watercraft or any vessel
powered by motor other than a motorboat towing a water skier is
C. Boat shall turn away
from the nearest shore upon entrance to and exist from the course.
Rules a, b, c and d, February 1, 1992 (No. UPW 91-01)
Rule c, amended December 10, 2001 (No. UPW 01-01)
Cedar Lake (Monkton Pond), Town of Monkton (123)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Center Pond, Town of
Newark (79)
a. Use
of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Lake Champlain (172,800 in Vermont)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Chandler Pond, Town of Wheelock (68)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Charleston Pond ( Lubber Lake), Town of Charleston
a. Vessels powered by motor
shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Chipman Lake (Tinmouth Pond), Town of Tinmouth (79)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Chittenden Reservoir, Town of Chittenden (702)1
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
five miles per hour.
b. The use of
personal watercraft (as defined in
23 V.S.A. §
3302(8)) is
c. Waterskiing is
d. Use of aircraft is
prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rules a, b, and c, November 30, 2002 (No. UPW 02-02)
Clark Pond, Town of
Glover (33*)
See: Tildy's Pond (Clark Pond), Town of Glover
Clyde Pond, Town of
Derby (186)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Cobb Pond, Town of
Derby (27*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Cogman Pond, Town of
West Haven (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Coits Pond, Town of
Cabot (40*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Colby Pond, Town of
Plymouth (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Colchester Pond, Town of
Colchester (186)5
a. The operation of vessels powered by motor
is prohibited.
b. Except in an
emergency situation or as authorized by the Vermont Transportation Board in
accordance with 5 V.S.A. Chapter 9, aircraft are prohibited from landing or
taking off.
c. Use of personal
watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rules a and b, March 8, 1993 (No. UPW 91-03)
Cole Pond, Town of
Jamaica (41*)
The operation of vessels powered by an internal combustion motor is
b. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed a speed of five miles per hour.
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, January 1, 1993 (No. UPW 90-02)
Rule b, February 1, 1992 (No. UPW 90-02)
Coles Pond, Town of
Walden (99)
a. Use
of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Colton Pond, Town of Sherburne (27*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
Connecticut River Reservoirs
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Cranbury Meadow Pond, Town of
Woodbury (28*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Crescent Lake, Town of Sharon (20*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Crystal Lake, Town of Barton (763)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Curtis Pond, Town of
Calais (72*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed a speed of five miles per hour
(m.p.h.) north of the narrows as shown on the map on page C-1.
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, February 14, 1995 (No. UPW 94-04)
Cutler Pond, Town of
Highgate (25*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Danby Pond, Town of
Danby (71)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Daniels Pond, Town of
Glover (66)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Danyow Pond, Town of
Ferrisburgh (192*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
Deer Park Pond, Town of Halifax (22*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Dennis Pond, Town of
Brunswick (49*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake Derby, Town of Derby (207)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Dewey's Mill Pond, Town of
Hartford (56*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Dog Pond, Town of
Woodbury (88*)2
See: Valley Lake (Dog Pond), Town of Woodbury
Lake Dunmore, Towns is
Salisbury and Leicester (1037)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
East Long Pond, Town of
Woodbury (188)
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Echo Lake, Town of Charleston (550)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Echo Lake (Keeler Pond), Towns of Sudbury and Hubbardton
a. The operation of vessels
powered by a motor at speeds exceeding five miles per hour or in such a manner
as to cause a disturbing wake is prohibited.
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, November 29, 1982 (No. UPW 82-01)
Echo Lake, Town of Plymouth (104)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Lake Eden, Town of Eden (194)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Elfin Lake, Town of
Wallingford (16*)
a. The operation of vessels powered by an
internal combustion motor is prohibited.
b. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, January 1, 1988 (No. UPW 87-03)
Lake Eligo (Eligo Pond), Towns of Craftsbury and Greensboro
a. Use of personal watercraft is
prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Lake Elmore, Town of Elmore (219)
a. The provisions of Section 3.3(a)(1) not
withstanding, the use of personnel watercraft is allowed between 10:00 a.m. and
7:00 p.m.
Rule a, February 28, 1997 (No. UPW 96-02)
Emerald Lake, Town of East Dorset (28*)
a. The operation of vessels powered by an
internal combustion motor is prohibited.
b. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, January 1, 1987 (No. UPW 86-02)
Evart's Pond, Town of
Windsor (62*)
See: Lake Runnemede (Evart's Pond), Town of Windsor
Ewell Pond, Town of
Peacham (51*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Fairfield Pond, Town of Fairfield (446)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Fairfield Swamp Pond, Towns of Swanton, St. Albans and
Fairfield (152*)
a. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Lake Fairlee, Towns of Fairlee, West Fairlee and Thetford
a. The use of personal
watercraft (jet skis) is prohibited.
Rule a, February 22, 1999 (No. UPW 98-03)
Fern Lake, Town of Leicester (69*)
a. No vessel powered by motor shall be
operated on Fern Lake at speeds in excess of five miles per hour or in such a
manner as to cause a disturbing wake.
b. Except as may be authorized by the Vermont
Aeronautics Board, no aircraft shall land on or take off from Fern Lake except
under emergency conditions.
c. Use
of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rules a and b, November 17, 1980 (No. UPW 80-02)
Flagg Pond, Town of
Wheelock (111)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Forest Lake, Town of Averill (62*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
Forest Lake (Nelson Pond), Towns of Calais and Woodbury
a. Use of personal watercraft is
prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Forscythe Pond, Town of
Thetford (20*)
See: Mud Pond (Forscythe Pond), Town of Thetford
Fosters Pond, Town of
Peacham (61)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Gale Meadows Pond, Towns of Winhall and
Londonderry (195)6
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
a speed of five miles per hour.
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rule a, February 1, 1992 (No. UPW 90-03)
Gates Pond, Town of
Whitingham (30*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Gillett Pond, Town of
Richmond (30*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Glen Lake, Towns of Castleton, Fair Haven and Benson
a. No vessel powered by motor
shall be operated anywhere on Glen Lake at speeds in excess of five miles per
b. Use of personal watercraft
is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rule a, April 1, 1978 (No. UPW 75-01)
Great Averill Lake, Town of Norton (828)
a. The use of personal watercraft (i.e., jet
skis) is prohibited.
Rule a, February 15, 2004 (No. UPW 03-01)
Great Hosmer Pond, Towns of Craftsbury and
Albany (149*)2, 7
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
b. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch.
Rule b, January 1, 1995, (No. UPW 95-00)
Green River Reservoir, Towns of Hyde Park and
Eden (653)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Greenwood Lake, Town of Woodbury (96*)2
a. Unless otherwise prohibited by law,
vessels powered by motor when towing water-skier(s) shall travel in a
counterclockwise direction.
Unless otherwise prohibited by law, waterskiing shall be limited to the
following days and times:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from noon
until 7:00 p.m.
c. Use of personal
watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rules a and b, February 1, 1992 (No. UPW 90-01)
Rule b, amended, February 28, 1997 (No. UPW 96-03)
Lake Groton ( Groton Pond), Town of Groton (422)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Grout Pond, Town of
Stratton (84)
The operation of vessels powered by an internal combustion motor is
b. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, August 28, 1974 (No. UPW 73-02)
Half Moon Pond, Town of
Hubbardton (23*)
The operation of vessels powered by an internal combustion motor is
b. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, January 1, 1987 (No. UPW 86-03)
Half Moon Pond, Town of
Fletcher (21*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Halfway Pond, Town of
Norton (22*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Halls Lake, Town of Newbury (85)
a. Waterskiing is limited to the hours
between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed a speed of 10 mph between one half
hour after sunset and one half hour before sunrise.
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rules a and b, February 1, 1992 (No. UPW 89-01)
Lake Hancock (Sucker Pond), Town of Stamford (51*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Hardwick Lake, Town of Hardwick (92*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Hardwood Pond, Town of
Elmore (44*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Harriman Pond, Town of
Newbury (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Harriman Reservoir, Towns of Whitingham and
Wilmington (2046)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Harvey's Lake, Town of
Barnet (351)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Haystack Pond, Town of
Wilmington (27*)1
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
High Pond, Town of
Sudbury (20*)1
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Hinkum Pond, Town of
Sudbury (60*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Holland Pond, Town of Holland (325)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Horse Pond, Town of
Greensboro (32*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Lake Hortonia (Horton Pond), Towns of Hubbardton and Sudbury
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Hough Pond, Town of
Sudbury (16*)
See: Huff (Hough) Pond, Town of Sudbury
Howe Pond, Town of
Readsboro (52*)1
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Huff (Hough) Pond, Town of
Sudbury (16*)
The operation of vessels powered by an internal combustion motor is
b. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, August 7, 1984 (No. UPW 83-01)
Indian Brook Reservoir, Town of
Essex (50*)
a. The
operation of vessels powered by internal combustion motors is
b. Except in an
emergency situation or as authorized by the Vermont Transportation Board in
accordance with 5 V.S.A. Chapter 9, aircraft are prohibited from landing or
taking off from Indian Brook Reservoir.
c. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
d. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rules a and b, April 20, 1989 (No. UPW 88-06)
Inman Pond, Town of
Fair Haven (85)1
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake Iroquois, Towns of Hinesbug and Williston (243)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Island Pond, Town of
Brighton (626)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Jacksonville Pond, Town of Whitingham (20*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Jobs Pond, Town of
Westmore (39*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Joe's Pond, Towns of Cabot and
Danville (396)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Keeler Pond, Towns of
Sudbury and Hubbardton (54*)
See: Echo Lake (Keeler Pond), Towns of Sudbury and
Keiser Pond, Towns of Peacham and
Danville (33*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Kennedy's Pond, Town of
Windsor (77)
See: Mill Pond (Kennedy's Pond), Town of Windsor
Kenny Pond, Town of
Newfane (26*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Kent Pond, Town of
Killington (99)4, 6
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph.
b. Use of personal
watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Kettle Pond, Towns of
Groton, Peacham and Marshfield (109)4, 6
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph.
b. Use of personal
watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Knapp Brook Pond #1, Towns of
Reading and Cavendish (25*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Knapp Brook Pond #2, Towns of
Reading and Cavendish (35*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
Lakota Lake, Town of Barnard (20*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake Lamoille, Town of Morristown (148)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
a speed of five miles per hour outside the northeastern arm of the lake as
shown on the map on page C-4.
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, December 10, 2001 (No. UPW 01-02)
Lamson Pond, Town of
Brookfield (24*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lefferts Pond, Town of
Chittenden (80)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Levi Pond, Town of
Groton (22*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lewis Pond, Town of
Lewis (68)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed a speed of five miles per hour
b. Use of personal
watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, November 20, 1991 (No. UPW 89-03); reaffirmed (No.
UPW 92-01)
Lily Pond, Town of
Londonderry (21*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lily Pond, Town of
Poultney (21*)
Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized
under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
And see: Lake St. Catherine rules
Lily Pond, Town of
Vernon (41*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Little Averill Pond, Town of
Averill (467)
The use of personal watercraft (i.e., jet skis) is prohibited.
Rule a, February 15, 2004 (No. UPW 03-01)
Little Elmore Pond, Town of
Elmore (24*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Little Hosmer Pond, Town of
Craftsbury (180)6
a. Vessels powered by motors of more than ten
horsepower are prohibited on Little Hosmer Pond.
b. No person shall operate a vessel powered
by motor at any time at a speed in excess of five miles per hour on Little
Hosmer Pond.
c. Use of personal
watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rules a and b, October 4, 1973 (No. UPW 73-01)
Little Pond, Town of
Franklin (95)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Little Lake, Town of
Wells (177)
See: Lake St. Catherine rules.
Long Pond (Belvedere Pond), Town of
Eden (97)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Long Pond, Town of
Greensboro (100)
The operation of vessels powered by an internal combustion motor is
b. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, September 22, 1975 (No. UPW 74-02)
Long Pond, Town of
Milton (47*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Long Pond, Town of
Sheffield (38*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Long Pond, Town of
Westmore (90)3
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph.
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Love's Marsh, Town of
Castleton (62*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lowell Lake, Town of Londonderry (109)
a. The operation of vessels powered by an
internal combustion motor is prohibited.
b. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, April 13, 1988 (No. UPW 87-04)
Lower Pond (
Lake Sunset), Town of Hinesburg (58*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Lower Syme's Pond, Town of
Ryegate (57*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Lubber Lake, Town of Charleston (40*)
See: Charleston Pond ( Lubber Lake), Town of
Lyford Pond, Town of
Walden (33*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Lake Madeline, Town of Sandgate (20*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
Maidstone Lake, Town of Maidstone (745)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Lake Mansfield, Town of Stowe (35*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Marshfield Pond, Town of Marshfield (69*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Martin Pond, Town of
Williamstown (28*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Martins Pond, Town of
Peacham (82)
a. Use
of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
May Pond, Town of
Barton (85)
a. The
operation of vessels powered by an internal combustion motor is
b. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, January 1, 1988 (No. UPW 87-02)
McAllister Pond, Town of
Lowell (25*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
McConnell Pond, Town of
Brighton (87)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
McIntosh Pond, Town of
Royalton (23*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Lake Memphremagog, Towns of Derby and Coventry and City of
Newport (5966 in Vermont)
See Appendix D, attached.
VUPW Rules, Appendix D, November 17, 2000 (No. UPW 00-01);
amended, February 6, 2006 (No. UPW 05-01)
Metcalf Pond, Town of
Fletcher (81*)2
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Mile Pond, Town of
Ferdinand (26*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Miles Pond, Town of
Concord (205)
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Mill Pond (Parson's Mill Pond), Town of
Benson (39*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Mill Pond (Kennedy's Pond), Town of
Windsor (77)
a. The
operation of vessels and vehicles powered by an internal combustion motor
except snowmobiles on a designated trail is prohibited.
b. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, March 9, 1989 (No. UPW 88-02)
Miller Pond, Town of
Strafford (64)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Milton Pond, Town of
Milton (24*)1
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Minards Pond, Town of
Rockingham (46*)1
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Mirror Lake (No. 10 Pond), Town of Calais (85)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
a speed of five miles per hour.
A no-wake zone shall apply to the entire pond.
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, December 17, 1978 (No. UPW 78-02); amended February
14, 2005 (No. UPW 04-02)
Rule b, February 14, 2005 (No. UPW 04-02)
Lake Mitchell, Town of Sharon (28*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Molly's Pond, Town of
Cabot (38*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Molly's Falls Reservoir, Town of
Cabot (397)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Monkton Pond, Town of
Monkton (123)
See Cedar Lake (Monkton Pond), Town of Monkton
Lake Morey, Town of
Fairlee (547)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed a speed of forty miles per
b. The use of personal
watercraft (jet skis) is prohibited.
Rule a, February 1, 1992 (No. UPW 88-05)
Rule b, February 22, 1999 (No. UPW 98-03)
Mud Pond, Town of
Craftsbury (35*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Mud Pond, Town of
Granby (55*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Mud Pond, Town of
Leicester (23*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Mud Pond (North), Town of
Morgan (35*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Mud Pond, Town of
Peacham (34*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Mud Pond (Forscythe Pond), Town of
Thetford (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Mud Creek Pond, Town of
Alburg (333)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Mudd Pond, Town of
Hubbardton (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5) N.E. Developers Pond,
Town of
Wells (27*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Neal Pond, Town of
Lunenburg (185)
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Nelson Pond, Towns of
Calais and Woodbury (133)
See: Forest Lake (Nelson Pond), Towns of Calais and
Newark Pond, Town of Newark (153)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Nichols Pond, Town of
Woodbury (171)3
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph. (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Lake Ninevah, Town of Mount Holly (171)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not be
operated at speeds exceeding five miles per hour.
b. Except in an emergency situation or as
authorized by the Vermont Transportation Board in accordance with 5 V.S.A.
Chapter 9, aircraft are prohibited from landing or taking off from Lake
c. Use of personal
watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rules a and b, April 20, 1989 (No. UPW 88-01)
No. 10 Pond, Town of
Calais (85)
See: Mirror Lake (No. 10 Pond), Town of Calais
Norford Lake, Town of Thetford (21*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
North Pond, Town of
Brookfield (24*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
North Pond, Town of
Whitingham (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
North Hartland Reservoir, Towns of Hartland and
Hartford (108*)2
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
North Montpelier Pond, Towns of East Montpelier and Calais
a. Vessels powered by motor
shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
North Springfield Reservoir, Towns of Weathersfield and
Springfield (290)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
a speed limit of five miles per hour on North Springfield Reservoir.
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, May 25, 1972 (No. UPW 71-01); amended October 5, 1994
(No. UPW 93-01)
Norton Pond, Town of
Norton and Warren Gore (667)8
a. The use of personal watercraft (i.e., jet
skis) is prohibited.
b. Use of
aircraft is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5
V.S.A. Ch. 9.
Rule a, November 30, 2002 (No. UPW 02-01)
Rule b, March 1, 2007 (No. UPW 06-01)
Notch Pond, Town of
Ferdinand (22*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Noyes Pond (Seyon Pond), Town of
Groton (39*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Nulhegan Pond, Town of
Brighton (37*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
No. 10 Pond, Town of
Calais (85)
See: Mirror Lake (No. 10 Pond), Town of Calais
Old Marsh Pond, Town of
Fair Haven (131)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Osmore Pond, Town of
Peacham (48*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Oxbow Pond, Town of
Swanton (27*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake Paran, Towns of Bennington and Shaftsbury (40*)
a. The operation of vessels powered by motor
is prohibited.
b. Use of personal
watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, July 14, 1980 (No. UPW 80-01); amended October 5,
1994) (No UPW 93-01)
Lake Parker (Parker Pond), Town of Glover (250)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Parson's Mill Pond, Town of
Benson (39*)
See: Mill Pond (Parson's Mill Pond), Town of Benson
Patch Pond, Town of
Rutland (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake Pauline, Town of Ludlow (32*)
See: Reservoir Pond ( Lake Pauline), Town of Ludlow
Paul Stream Pond, Town of Brunswick (20*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Peacham Pond, Town of
Peacham (340)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Pensioner Pond, Town of
Charleston (173)
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Perch Pond, Town of
Benson (24*)
a. The
operation of vessels powered by an internal combustion motor is
b. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, October 25, 1974 (No. UPW 73-04)
Pigeon Pond, Town of
Groton (69)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Pine Pond, Town of
Castleton (40*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake Pineo, Town of Hartford (50*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Pleasant Valley Reservoir, Town of
Brattleboro (25*)1
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake Raponda, Town of Wilmington (121)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Reading Pond, Towns of Reading and Plymouth (22*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Rescue Lake, Town of Ludlow (229)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Reservoir Pond (
Lake Pauline), Town of Ludlow (32*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
Richmond Pond, Town of Richmond (24*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Richville Pond, Town of
Shoreham (129*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Ricker Pond, Town of
Groton (95)
a. Use
of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Roach Pond, Town of
Hubbardton (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Rood Pond, Towns of Williamstown and
Brookfield (23*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Round Pond, Town of
Milton (22*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Round Pond, Town of
Newbury (30*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake Runnemede (Evart's Pond), Town of Windsor (62*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Sabin Pond (
Woodbury Lake), Towns of Calais and Woodbury (142)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Sadawga Pond, Town of
Whitingham (194)
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Lake Salem ( Salem Pond), Town of Derby (764)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Schofield Pond, Town of
Hyde Park (29*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Searsburg Reservoir, Town of
Searsburg (25*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Seymour Lake, Towns of Morgan and Charleston (1763)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Seyon Pond, Town of
Groton (39*)
See: Noyes Pond (Seyon Pond), Town of Groton
Shadow Lake, Town of Concord (128)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Shadow Lake, Town of Glover (210)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Lake Shaftsbury, Town of Shaftsbury (27*)
a. The operation of vessels powered by an
internal combustion motor is prohibited.
b. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
c. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, January 1, 1987 (No. UPW 86-04)
Shelburne Pond, Town of
Shelburne (452)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Sherman Reservoir, Towns of Readsboro and Whitingham
a. Use of personal watercraft is
prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Shippee Pond, Town of
Whitingham (24*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Shrewsbury Pond, Town of Shrewsbury (66*)
See: Spring Lake ( Shrewsbury Pond), Town of
Silver Lake, Town of Barnard (84)
a. Between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00
p.m. local time a maximum of four persons at one time may operate motorboats
for purposes of the waterskiing on Silver Lake, provided that the use of the
lake for waterskiing shall not be conducted to the exclusion of other normal
uses and provided further that each person operating a motorboat engaged in
waterskiing shall proceed only in a counterclockwise direction.
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rule a, May 19, 1972 (No. UPW 71-03)
Silver Lake, Towns of Georgia and Fairfax (27*)1
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Silver Lake, Town of Leicester (101)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Sodom Pond, Towns of East Montpelier and Calais (21*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Somerset Reservoir, Towns of Somerset and Stratton
a. The use of personal
watercraft (jet skis) is prohibited.
b. Waterskiing is prohibited.
c. The use of vessels powered by internal
combustion motors at speeds in excess of 10 miles per hour is prohibited except
as provided for in rule e below.
A no disturbing wake zone shall apply to the entire reservoir except as
provided for in rule e below.
The prohibitions established by rules c and d above shall not apply to vessels
operated on behalf of Trans Canada in conjunction with its operation of the
Rules a, b, c and e, February 4, 1995 (No. UPW 94-05)
Rule c, amended January 3, 1996 (No. UPW 95-04)
Rule d, February 6, 2006 (No. UPW 05-04); amended January 11,
2009 (No. UPW 07-01)
Rule e, amended February 6, 2006 (No. UPW 05-04)
South Pond, Town of
Eden (103)
a. Use
of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
South Pond, Town Marlboro (68)1
a. Vessels powered by motor shall
not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
South America Pond, Town of
Ferdinand (29*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
South Stream Pond, Town of
Pownal (54*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Spectacle Pond, Town of
Brighton (103)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Spring Lake ( Shrewsbury Pond), Town of Shrewsbury
a. The operation of
vessels powered by an internal combustion motor is prohibited.
b. A person operating a vessel powered by
motor shall not exceed a speed limit of five miles per hour
c. Except as may be authorized by the Vermont
Aeronautics Board, no aircraft shall land on, or take off from, Spring Lake
except under emergency conditions. (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rules a, b and c, June 6, 1974 (No. UPW 73-03)
Spruce Pond, Town of
Orwell (25*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
St. Albans Reservoir (North), Town of
Fairfax (35*) 1
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Albans Reservoir (South), Town of Fairfax (27*)
a. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake St. Catherine, Towns of Wells and Poultney
a. Waterskiing
is prohibited in the following waters:
All portions of Lily Pond and the channel connecting Lily Pond and Lake St.
(2) All portions of the
channel connecting Little Lake (also known as Little Pond) and Lake St.
b. The
operation of vessels powered by motor at speeds exceeding five miles per hour
or in such a manner as to cause a disturbing wake is prohibited in the
following waters:
(1) All portions of Lily
Pond and the channel connecting Lily Pond and Lake St. Catherine.
(2) All portions of the channel connecting
Little Lake (also known as Little Pond) and Lake St. Catherine.
(3) Forest House Bay - defined for purposes
of this rule as those waters south and southwest of a straight line between the
southerly corner of Camp 102 and the northeasterly corner of Camp
(4) Hall's Bay - defined for
purposes of this rule as those waters north and northeast of a straight line
between the southerly corner of Camp 224 and the northerly corner of Camp
(5) Horseshoe Bay - defined
for purposes of this rule as those waters west of a straight line between the
easterly corner of Camp 38 and northerly corner of Camp 46A.
(6) Oxbow Bay - defined for purposes of this
rule as those waters west of a straight line between the northerly corner of
Camp 21 and the northerly corner of Camp 36.
(7) With regard to Forset House Bay, Hall's
Bay, Horseshoe Bay and Oxbow Bay, it is permissible for a boat to start and
return to its own dock at speeds in excess of five miles per hour for purposes
of water skiing. In starting, the boat must head directly out of the safety
zone. In returning, the boat must go directly to its dock, at the lowest speed
necessary to sustain the skier.
c. For purposes of this regulation only, the
term "channel" as used in rules a and b above, shall mean those waters within
and contiguous to Lake St. Catherine which are less than 400 feet in width and
which serve to connect that Lake with Lily Pond or Little Lake (also known as
Little Pond).
d. The provisions of
Section 3.3(a)(1) of these rules notwithstanding, the use of personal
watercraft at speeds not exceeding five (5) miles per hour is allowed on Little
Lake and Lily Pond for purposes of obtaining access to, and returning from,
Lake St. Catherine.
Rules a and b(1) and (2), and c, November 17, 1980 (No. UPW
Rule b(3) -- (7), October 5, 1994, (No. UPW 93-01)
Rule d, October 14, 1997 (No. UPW 97-03)
Stannard Pond, Town of
Stannard (25*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Star Lake, Town of Mt. Holly (63)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Stevens Pond, Town of
Maidstone (26*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Stiles Pond, Town of
Waterford (135) 1
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Stoughton Pond, Town of Weathersfield (56*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
a speed limit of five miles per hour on Stoughton Pond
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, May 25, 1972 (No. UPW 71-01)
Stratton Pond, Town of
Stratton (46*)
The operation of vessels powered by motor is prohibited.
b. No docks or floats, whether permanent or
temporary, are permitted on the pond.
c. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
d. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rules a and b, October 7, 1974 (No. UPW 73-02)
Sucker Pond, Town of
Stamford (51*)
See: Lake Hancock (Sucker Pond), Town of Stamford
Sugar Hill Reservoir, Town of
Goshen (63*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Sugar Hollow Pond, Towns of Brandon and Pittsford
a. Vessels powered by
motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Sunrise Lake, Towns of Benson & and Orwell (57*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
a speed of five miles per hour.
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, February 1, 1992 (No. UPW 89-05)
Sunset Lake, Towns of Benson and Orwell (202)
a. Waterskiing on Sunset Lake is restricted
to the hours from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
b. No more than one water-skier shall be
pulled by a vessel at any time.
Use of personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rules a and b, October 25, 1974 (No. UPW 73-04)
Sunset Lake, Town of Brookfield (25*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake Sunset, Town of Hinesburg (58*)
See: Lower Pond ( Lake Sunset), Town of Hinesburg
Sunset Lake, Town of Marlboro (96) 1
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Sweet Pond, Town of
Guilford (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
No. 10 Pond, Town of
Calais (85)
See: Mirror Lake (No. 10 Pond), Town of Calais
Thompsons Pond, Town of
Pownal (28*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Thurman W. Dix Reservoir, Town of
Orange (123) 1
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Ticklenaked Pond, Town of
Ryegate (54*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Tildy's Pond (Clark Pond), Town of
Glover (33*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Tinmouth Pond, Town of
Tinmouth (79)
See: Chipman Lake (Tinmouth Pond), Town of Tinmouth
Tiny Pond, Towns of
Ludlow and Mt. Holly (29*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Toad Pond, Town of
Charleston (22*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Townshend Reservoir, Town of
Townshend (108*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Turtle Pond, Town of
Holland (27*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Turtle Pond, Town of
Hardwick (21*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Upper Symes Pond, Town of
Ryegate (20*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Valley Lake (Dog Pond), Town of Woodbury (88*) 2
a. Waterskiing on Valley Lake shall be
restricted to the hours from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Rule a, October 4, 1973 (No. UPW 72-06,)
Wallace Pond, Town of
Canaan (107 in Vermont *)
No lake-specific rules; but see VUPW Rules, Section
Wallingford Pond, Town of Wallingford (87*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Wantasiquet Pond, Town of
Weston (44*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Lake Wapanaki, Town of Wolcott (22*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Warden Pond, Town of
Barnet (46*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Warren Lake, Town of Warren (48*)
See: Blueberry Lake ( Warren Lake), Town of Warren
Waterbury Reservoir, Towns of Waterbury and Stowe
a. Except as provided for in
parts c or d of this rule, vessels powered by motor shall not exceed five (5)
miles per hour or create a disturbing wake in the following portions of
Waterbury Reservoir:
(1) that portion of the
eastern arm of the Waterbury Reservoir easterly of a line two hundred (200)
feet west of the end of the peninsula separating the two bays, as shown on the
map on page C-3, and
(2) that
portion of the northern arm of the Waterbury Reservoir northerly of the point
of land on the western shoreline located approximately 5500 feet southerly of
the mouth of Cotton Brook, as shown on the map on page C-3 of this
b. The two 5
m.p.h. no disturbing wake zones provided for in part a of this rule shall each
be clearly marked by buoys.
c. The
provisions of part a of this rule shall not apply to either:
(1) participants in events authorized under
V.S.A. Section 3316(a), for
a maximum of five events per calendar year for a maximum of two days for each
such event, or
(2) a single vessel
using waterski slalom course number #1 (as identified in part d(1)
d. Unless
otherwise regulated by law, only two water-ski slalom courses may be located in
the Reservoir, by the person(s) or organization designated by the Board as
provided for in part e of this rule as follows:
(1) one slalom course located at one of the
following locations indicated as shown on the map on page C-3:
(a) southerly of the mouth of Cotton Brook
within that portion of the northern arm of the reservoir, indicated as Course
#1 described in part a (2) of this rule, or
(b) north of the Little River State Park in
the northern arm of Waterbury Reservoir, indicated as Course #1 Alternate A,
(c) south of the Little River
State Park in the northern arm of Waterbury Reservoir, indicated as Course #1
Alternate B.
(d) west of Blush Hill
boat access in the eastern arm of Waterbury Reservoir, indicated as Course
(e) The waterski slalom courses
allowed by part d of this rule shall be installed, maintained, and utilized in
accordance with the following requirements:
(1) Each course shall be installed following
recognized National Design Standards, shall consist of not more than 26 buoys
and include underwater alignment and anchoring devices and shall be configured
to occupy not more than 2.0 acres of the Reservoir's surface area,
(2) be available for use by any
member of the general public, and
(3) be installed and maintained by a
person(s) or organization designated by the Board who shall file with the
Commissioner of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (Commissioner)
by April 1 each year a certificate of insurance, including proof of liability
insurance protecting the State of Vermont to a degree equal to or greater than
that provided to the Commissioner by the American Waterski Association and
Green Mountain Water skiers in May, 1996.
(4) except as may be provided for under part
c (1) of this rule, waterski slalom course #1 shall be subject to the following
(a) only one vessel at a time
shall be allowed to use the course, and
(b) the course shall be lowered to the bottom
of the Reservoir each time that the course is not in active use. While on the
water surface, the course shall not be left unattended.
(5) The granting of approval under this rule
by the Board does not relieve the designee from responsibility to comply with
any other applicable requirements of federal, state or local law.
(6) The Board may revoke any designation
under this rule for failure to comply with the above requirements.
Rules a, b and c, June 2, 1989 (No. UPW 88-04); amended
February 28, 1997 (No. UPW 96-05 and 96-06)
Rules d and e, February 28, 1997 (No. UPW 96-05 and
Rules d and e(6), amended February 15, 2004 (No. UPW
Weathershead Hollow Pond, Town of
Guilford (33*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
West Hill Pond, Town of
Cabot (46*)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
d. Use of internal
combustion motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
West Mountain Pond, Town of Maidstone (60)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
West River/ Retreat Meadows Basin
a. Waterskiing is prohibited.
Rule a, January 11, 2009 (No. UPW 08-01)
Wheeler Pond, Town of Brunswick (66)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
Lake Willoughby, Town of Westmore (1687)
a. The use of personal watercraft (jet skis)
is prohibited.
Rule a, February 14, 2005 (No. UPW 04-01)
Winona Lake ( Bristol Lake), Town of Bristol (248)
a. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
Wolcott Pond, Town of
Wolcott (74)
Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed 5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Woodbury Lake, Towns of Calais and Woodbury (142)
See: Sabin Pond ( Woodbury Lake), Towns of Calais and
Woodford Lake, Town of Woodford (31*)
See: Big Pond ( Woodford Lake), Town of Woodford
Woodward Reservoir, Town of
Plymouth (106)
Vessels powered by motor shall not be operated anywhere on Woodward Reservoir
at a speed in excess of five miles per hour.
b. Use of personal watercraft is prohibited
(VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft
is prohibited May 1 - November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9
(VUPW Rule 3. 4)
Rule a, September 28, 1972 (No. UPW 71-02); amended, February
14, 1995 (No. UPW 94-01)
Worcester Pond, Town of Worcester (35*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule 3.
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3. 5)
Wrightsville Reservoir, Towns of East Montpelier and
Middlesex and City of
Montpelier (150)
The operation of vessels powered by a motor at speeds exceeding two miles per
hour or in such a manner as to cause a disturbing wake is prohibited northerly
of the narrows which is immediately to the north of the "Roadside Park Boat
Launch Ramp."
b. The provisions of
§ 3.3(a)(1) not withstanding, the use of personal watercraft is allowed
southerly of the narrows referred to in Rule (a) above.
Rule a, January 1, 1985 (No. UPW 84-01)
Rule b, January 3, 1996 (No. UPW 95-03)
Zack Woods Pond, Towns of
Hyde Park and Wolcott (23*)
a. Vessels powered by motor shall not exceed
5 mph (VUPW Rule 3. 2(a))
b. Use of
personal watercraft is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3.3)
c. Use of aircraft is prohibited May 1 -
November 30, except where authorized under 5 V.S.A. Ch. 9 (VUPW Rule
d. Use of internal combustion
motors is prohibited (VUPW Rule 3.5)
* This waterbody has been determined to have less than 30
contiguous acres outside the shoreline safety zone (i.e. more than 200 feet
from any shore) and is therefore subject to the 5 mph speed limit imposed by
VUPW Rule 3.2(a).
1. Restrictions
adopted by authorities other than the Natural Resources Board may also apply --
for example, restrictions on recreational uses established by the state or a
local board of health to protect public water supplies.
2. Despite having less than 30 contiguous
acres outside the shoreline safety zone, the Water Resources Board, in its 1995
Rules, determined that high speed boating is a normal use on this waterbody.
See, No. UPW 95-00 (Appendix A), January 1, 1995.
3. The Water Resources Board, in its 1995
Rules, specifically determined that high speed boating is not a normal use on
this body of water and established a maximum speed limit of 5 mph for vessels
being propelled by motor. See, No. UPW 95-00 (Appendix A), January 1, 1995; and
see, VUPW Rule 3.2(a).
4. Despite
the fact that this waterbody does not appear to have any of the restrictions
noted in VUPW Rule 3. 2(a), the Water Resources Board, in its 1995 Rules,
established a maximum speed limit of 5 mph for this waterbody. See, No. UPW
95-00 (Appendix A), January 1, 1995.
5. Despite the fact that this waterbody
appears to meet the speed limit provisions of VUPW Rule 3.2(a) because internal
combustion motors are prohibited, the Water Resources Board, in its 1995 Rules,
specifically did not establish a maximum speed limit for this waterbody. See,
No. UPW 95-00 (Appendix A), January 1, 1995.
6. While UPW Rule 3.4 would prohibit the use
of this waterbody by aircraft, the Water Resources Board, in its 1995 Rules,
specifically allowed aircraft use of this waterbody. See, No. UPW 95-00
(Appendix A), January 1, 1995.
While UPW Rule 3.4 would allow the use of this waterbody by aircraft, the Water
Resources Board, in its 1995 Rules, specifically prohibited aircraft use of
this waterbody. See, No. UPW 95-00 (Appendix A), January 1, 1995.
8. While UPW Rule 3.4 would allow the use of
this waterbody by aircraft, the Water Resources Panel specifically prohibits
aircraft use of this waterbody. See, No. UPW 96-01.
Appendix B Reserved
Appendix C Maps Referenced in Appendix A
Curtis Pond
Click here
to view image
Arrowhead Mountain Lake
here to view image
Waterbury Reservoir
here to view image
Lake Lamoille
here to view image
Appendix D Rules Regulating the Mooring of Vessels within
Lake Memphremagog and Other Public Waters within the City of Newport,
10 V.S.A. §
Initial Rules Adopted November 2, 2000.
Amended Rules Adopted February 6,