Code of Vermont Rules
Current through August, 2024
( 9A V.S.A. § 9-607(2)) Office of the Secretary of State Corporations Division
A. Definitions
For the purpose of implementing the central filing system for farm products authorized by 9A V.S.A. Article 9 Part 6, the following definitions apply
B. Filing of Farm Product Notices
C. Amendment, Continuation and Termination of a Farm Product Notice
D. Farm Product Identification Codes
Specific codes prescribed by the Secretary of State shall be used to describe farm products on the farm product notice and ancillary statements, as well as on the master list and cumulative supplements maintained and distributed by the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State may add classes and codes as the need is demonstrated. Formal amendment of these rules shall not be necessary in order to add classes or codes to this list, as long as the Secretary of State makes the current list of classes and codes available on request and posts the current list in his or her office. The table of classes and codes is attached to this rule as Appendix A.
E. County Codes
The codes in this section shall be used to describe the county or counties in which the product is located on the farm product notice and ancillary statements, as well as on the master list and cumulative supplements maintained and distributed by the Secretary of State. The table of codes is as follows:
01 Addison |
06 Franklin |
11 Rutland |
02 Bennington |
07 Grand Isle |
12 Washington |
03 Caledonia |
08 Lamoille |
13 Windham |
04 Chittenden |
09 Orange |
14 Windsor |
05 Essex |
10 Orleans |
99 Other |
The code 99, "Other," is designed to accommodate filings for products produced in Vermont but stored prior to sale in another state.
F. Unit Codes and Crop Year Codes
The codes in this section shall be used to describe the units of farm products on the farm product notice and ancillary statements, where necessary, as well as on the master list and supplements maintained and distributed by the Secretary of State. The table of codes is as follows:
A - acres |
H - head |
W - lugs |
B - bushels |
L - pounds |
X - boxes |
C - hundredweight |
N - bins |
Z - stubs |
E - cases |
S - sacks |
F - flats |
T - tons |
G - gallons |
V - hives |
Crop years shall be entered using the last two digits of the calendar year. If no crop year code is entered all crop years are deemed to be covered.
G. Registration of Buyers, Commission Merchants, and Selling Agents
H. Distribution of Master Lists and Supplements
I. Requests for Information
J. Fees
Appendix A Food Product Classes and Codes
01 Fruits |
011 apples |
02 Berries |
021 blackberries |
012 apricots |
022 blueberries |
013 cherries |
023 raspberries |
014 grapes |
024 strawberries |
015 nectarines |
016 peaches |
017 pears |
018 plums |
03 Veg. |
031 artichokes |
04 Veg. |
041 celery |
032 asparagus |
042 corn (sweet) |
033 beans (lima) |
043 cucumbers |
034 beans (snap) |
044 eggplant |
035 Brussels sprouts |
045 lettuce |
036 broccoli |
046 onions |
037 cabbage |
047 parsnips |
038 carrots |
048 peas (green) |
039 cauliflower |
049 peppers |
05 Veg. |
051 pumpkins/squash |
06 feeds |
061 barley |
052 spinach |
062 buckwheat |
053 sugar beets |
063 corn (field) |
054 tomatoes |
064 hay |
055 turnips |
065 oats |
066 rye |
067 sorghum grain |
068 wheat |
07 ensilage |
071 ensilage |
08 potatoes |
081 potatoes |
082 potatoes (sweet) |
09 popcorn |
091 popcorn |
10 nursery products |
101 Christmas trees |
102 flowers & potted plants |
103 nursery stock (trees & shrubs) |
104 sod |
11 apiary products |
111 bees |
12 maple |
121 maple syrup |
112 bees wax |
113 honey |
13 mushrooms |
131 mushrooms |
14 worms |
141 worms |
15 sprouts |
151 sprouts |
16 ginseng |
161 ginseng |
17 poultry & eggs |
171 chickens |
18 livestock |
181 beefalo |
172 ducks |
182 beef cattle & calves |
173 eggs |
183 dairy cattle |
174 game birds |
184 deer & elk |
175 geese |
185 goats |
176 turkeys |
186 hogs |
187 horses |
188 rabbits |
189 sheep & lambs |
19 semen |
191 cattle semen |
20 milk & milk pro. |
201 milk |
192 horse semen |
21 coats |
211 mink & pelts |
22 misc. |
221 sunflower seeds |
212 wool |
23 fish |
231 fish |
Farm Product Notice (FPN-1)
Use this form for filing notice of a security interest in farm products produced in Vermont. Complete instructions for its use, the schedule of fees, and tables of codes for farm products, counties, and units of amount appear on the back of this form.
A. Debtor Name(s) |
C. Debtor Address |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
D. Names and Addresses of Secured Party (ies) |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
F. |
G. |
H. |
I. |
J. |
K. |
L. |
. |
Item |
Product |
County |
Crop |
Amount |
Unit |
Add. |
No. |
Code |
Code |
Year(s) |
(if nec.) |
Info. |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
M. Debtor Signature(s) |
N. Secured Party Signature |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
[B elow the carbon, so that it appears on only the pink copy (the acknowledgement copy) of the FPN-1, add]: Termination Statement: This Statement of Termination of the Farm Product Notice is presented to the Secretary of State for filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code. The Secured Party certifies that the Secured Party no longer claims a security interest under the Farm Product Notice bearing the file number shown above.
Capacity or Title of Signer
...By .
Signature of Secured Party(ies)
Instructions for Completion of FPN-1
Instructions for Completion of FPN-1
Farm Product Notice: Continuation, Amendment or Termination (FPN-2)
Use this form to continue, amend or terminate a previously-filed farm product notice (FPN-1). Complete instructions for its use, the fee schedule, and tables of farm products, counties, and units of amount appear on the back page of this form.
G. Action |
H. Debtor Name(s) |
J. Debtor Address(es) |
Code |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
L. |
M. |
N. |
O. |
P. |
Q. |
R. |
S. |
Item |
Action |
Product |
County |
Crop |
Amount |
Unit |
Add. |
No. |
Code |
Code |
Code |
Year |
(if nec.) |
Info. |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
T. |
U. |
Item |
Information |
No. |
. ... |
.... |
V. Other Amendment |
.... |
.... |
W. Signature(s) of Debtor |
X. Signature(s) of Secured Party(ies) |
.... |
.... |
Instructions for Completion of FPN-2
Farm Product Notice Request For Information or Copies (FPN-3)
Use this form to request information in writing, as opposed to a request for oral confirmation, and to request copies of farm product notices.
A. Debtor Name |
C. Address of Debtor |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
Filing Officer: Please furnish a certificate showing whether there are on file in your office any farm product notices and ancillary statements relating to the above named debtor.
Signature of Requesting Party: ...
The undersign hereby certifies that the attach information represents a complete and correct listing of all farm product notices on filed against the above named debtor as of the date and hour on the attached sheets.
Signature of Filing Officer: ...
Filing Officer: If you find any farm product notices and ancillary statements described in the foregoing request, please provide a copy of each (except for those statements indicated in the space below).
Signature of the Requesting Party: ...
The undersigned hereby certifies that the attached copies are true and exact copies of all farm product notices and ancillary statements (except for those noted below) on file in my office as of the date and hour indicated on the attached sheets.
Signature of Filing Officer: ...
Registration of Buyer, Commission Merchant and Selling Agent (FPN-4)
Alphabetical only |
Numeric Only |
Both |
Special selections only ** |
** If you marked special selections only, please indicate below which products and/or products by county you would like to have printed for you in lieu of the complete list. Please use the product and county codes to indicate your selections:
Product(s) (state as whole): ....., ....., ....., ....., ....., .....,
Products by county: Product(s) ....., ....., ....., ....., .....,
Counties: ....., ....., ....., ....., .....,
(Please use the back of this form for additional special selections if there is insufficient space on this form)
Enclosed |
Alphabetical list only |
$ 250.00 |
.... |
Numeric list only |
$ 250.00 |
.... |
Both |
$ 500.00 |
.... |
Special selections |
Milk only (statewide) |
150.00 |
.... |
Other products (statewide)(each) |
75.00 |
.... |
Any product by county (each) |
50.00 |
.... |
(For registrations made on September 1 or later in the calendar year): | ||
Alphabetical list only |
$ 100.00 |
.... |
Numeric list only |
$ 100.00 |
.... |
Both |
$ 200.00 |
.... |
Special selections |
Milk only (statewide) |
75.00 |
.... |
Other products (statewide)(each) |
50.00 |
.... |
Any product by county (each) |
25.00 |
.... |
Instructions for Completing FPN-4