Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Tax Commission
Title R861 - Administration
Rule R861-1A - Administrative Procedures
- Section R861-1A-2 - Rulemaking Power Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-1-210 and 63-46a-4 (Repealed)
- Section R861-1A-3 - Division Conferences Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-1-210 and 63G-4- 102
- Section R861-1A-9 - State Board of Equalization Procedures Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-2-1008, 59-2-1004, and 59-2-1006
- Section R861-1A-10 - Miscellaneous Provisions Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-1-210
- Section R861-1A-11 - Appeal of Corrective Action Order Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-2- 704
- Section R861-1A-12 - Policies and Procedures Regarding Public Disclosure Pursuant to Utah Code Ann Sections 41-3-209, 59-1-210, 59-1-403, and 59-1-405
- Section R861-1A-13 - Requests for Accommodation and Grievance Procedures Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 63G-3-201, 28 CFR 35.107 1992 edition, and 42 USC 12201
- Section R861-1A-15 - Requirement of Social Security and Federal Identification Numbers Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-1-210
- Section R861-1A-16 - Utah State Tax Commission Management Plan Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-1-207
- Section R861-1A-18 - Allocations of Remittances Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-1-210 and 59-1- 705
- Section R861-1A-20 - Time of Appeal Pursuant to Utah Code Anns 63G-4-201 and 68-3-85
- Section R861-1A-22 - Petitions for Commencement of Adjudicative Proceedings Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-1-501, and 63G-4-201
- Section R861-1A-23 - Designation of Adjudicative Proceedings Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 63G-4- 202
- Section R861-1A-24 - Formal Adjudicative Proceedings Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-1-502.5, 63G-4-206, and 63G-4-208
- Section R861-1A-26 - Procedures for Formal Adjudicative Proceedings Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-1-501 and 63G-4-204 through 63G-4-209
- Section R861-1A-27 - Discovery Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 63G-4-205
- Section R861-1A-28 - Evidence in Adjudicative Proceedings Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-1-210, 63G-4-206, 76-8-502, and 76-8-503
- Section R861-1A-29 - Decisions, Orders, and Reconsideration Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-1-205 and 63G-4-302
- Section R861-1A-30 - Ex Parte Communications Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 63G-4-203 and 63G-4- 206
- Section R861-1A-31 - Declaratory Orders Pursuant to Utah Code Ann Section 63G-4-503
- Section R861-1A-32 - Mediation Process Pursuant to Utah Code Section 63G-4-102
- Section R861-1A-33 - Settlement Agreements Pursuant to Utah Code Sections 59-1-210 and 59-1- 502.5
- Section R861-1A-34 - Private Letter Rulings Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-1-210
- Section R861-1A-35 - Manner of Retaining Records Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-1-210, 59-5-104, 59-5-204, 59-6-104, 59-7-506, 59-8-105, 59-8a-105, 59-10-501, 59-12-111, 59-13-211, 59-13-312, 59-13-403, 59-14-303, and 59-15-105
- Section R861-1A-36 - Signatures Defined Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 41-1a-209, 59-7-505, 59-10- 512, 59-12-107, 59-13-206, and 59-13-307
- Section R861-1A-37 - Provisions Relating to Disclosure of Commercial Information Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-1-404
- Section R861-1A-38 - Class Actions Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-1-304
- Section R861-1A-39 - Penalty for Failure to File a Return Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 10-1-405, 59-1-401, 59-12-118, and 69-2-5
- Section R861-1A-40 - Waiver of Requirement to Post Security Prior to Judicial Review Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-1-611
- Section R861-1A-42 - Waiver of Penalty and Interest for Reasonable Cause Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-1-401
- Section R861-1A-43 - Electronic Meetings Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 52-4-207
- Section R861-1A-44 - Definition of Delivery Service Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-1- 1404
- Section R861-1A-45 - Procedures for Commission Meetings Not Open to the Public Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-1-405
- Section R861-1A-46 - Procedures for Purchaser Refund Requests Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-1-1410 and 59-12-110
Authorizing, and Implemented or
Interpreted Law
10-1-405; 41-1a-209; 52-4-207; 59-1-205;
59-1-207; 59-1-210; 59-1-301; 59-1-302.1; 59-1-304; 59-1-401; 59-1-403;
59-1-404; 59-1-405; 59-1-501; 59-1-502.5; 59-1-602; 59-1-611; 59-1-705;
59-1-706; 59-1-1004; 59-1-1404; 59-7-505; 59-10-512; 59-10-532; 59-10-533;
59-10-535; 59-12-107; 59-12-114; 59-12-118; 59-13-206; 59-13-210; 59-13-307;
59-10-544; 59-14-404; 59-2-212; 59-2-701; 59-2-705; 59-2-1003; 59-2-1004;
59-2-1006; 59-2-1007; 59-2-704; 59-2-924; 59-7-517; 63G-3-301; 63G-4-102;
76-8-502; 76-8-503; 59-2-701; 63G-4-201; 63G-4-202; 63G-4-203; 63G-4-204;
63G-4-205 through 63G-4-209; 63G-4-302; 63G-4-401; 63G-4-503; 63G-3-201(2);
68-3-7; 68-3-8.5; 69-2-5; 42 USC 12201; 28 CFR 25.107 1992