Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Natural Resources
Title R657 - Wildlife Resources
Rule R657-40 - Wildlife Rehabilitation
Section R657-40-15 - Facilities and Captivity Standards

Universal Citation: UT Admin Code R 657-40-15

Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024

(1) All protected wildlife held pursuant to a certificate of registration shall be kept in as humane a manner as possible to safeguard and protect the interests of the protected wildlife held.

(2) All facilities shall meet the following minimum standards:

(a) The facility shall:
(i) be constructed of such strength as is appropriate for the nature of the animal held;

(ii) be properly braced and constructed of material of sufficient strength to resist any force the animal may be capable of exerting against it;

(iii) be constructed in such a manner as to reasonably prevent the animal's escape or the entry of unauthorized persons or other animals;

(iv) be structurally sound, and shall be maintained in good repair in order to protect the animals from injury and to facilitate the humane practices prescribed in this rule.

(b) Each animal shall be supplied with sufficient water to meet its needs. If potable water is not accessible to the animal at all times, it shall be provided as often as necessary for the health and comfort of the animal and the rehabilitator shall ensure that the level of available water is monitored once daily or more often as the needs of the animal dictate. All water receptacles shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.

(i) Food shall be wholesome, palatable, and free from contamination, and of sufficient appeal, quantity, and nutritive value to maintain each animal held in good health.

(ii) Each animal's diet shall be prepared based upon the nutritional needs and preferences of the animal with consideration for the age, species, condition, size, and type of the animal, and all veterinary directions or recommendations in regard to diet.

(iii) The quantity of food supplied to each animal shall be sufficient to meet its needs and keep it in good health.

(iv) Each animal shall be fed as often as its needs dictate, taking into consideration hibernation, veterinary treatment or recommendation, normal fasts or other professionally accepted humane practices.

(v) The rehabilitator shall ensure the level of available food for each animal is monitored once daily, except for those periods of time where professionally accepted humane practices dictate that the animal not consume any food during the entire day.

(vi) Food and food receptacle, if used, shall be sufficient in quantity and accessible to all animals in the facility and shall be placed to minimize potential contamination. Food receptacles shall be kept clean and sanitary at all times. Any self-feeding food receptacles shall function properly and the food they provide shall not be subject to deterioration, contamination, molding, caking, or any other process which would render such food unsafe or unpalatable for the animal to be fed.

(vii) Appropriate means of refrigeration shall be provided for supplies or perishable animal foods.

(i) The facility shall be kept sanitary and regularly cleaned as the nature of the animal requires and allows.

(ii) Adequate provision shall be made for the removal and disposal of animal waste, food waste, unusable bedding materials, trash, debris, and dead animals not intended for food.

(iii) The facility shall be maintained to minimize the potential of vermin infestation, disease, and unseemly odors.

(iv) Excrement shall be removed from the primary enclosure facility as often as necessary to prevent contamination of the animals and to minimize hazard of disease and to reduce unseemly odors.

(v) The sanitary condition of the facility shall be monitored by the rehabilitator at least daily.

(vi) When the facility is cleaned by hosing, flushing or the introduction of any chemical substances, adequate measures shall be taken to ensure the animal has no direct contact with any chemical substance and is not directly sprayed with water, steam, or chemical substances or otherwise wetted involuntarily.

(d) A sanitary and humane method shall be provided to rapidly eliminate excess water from the facility. If drains are used, they shall be properly constructed and kept in good repair to avoid foul odors and installed so as to prevent backup or accumulation.

(e) No animal shall be exposed to any human activity or environment which has a harmful effect upon the animal.

(f) Facilities shall not be constructed or maintained in proximity to any physical condition which may give rise to any health threat to the animal, including trash or garbage collection sites and pools of standing water. All persons caring for the animals shall maintain themselves in a sufficiently clean condition when dealing in or around the animal so as to minimize any threat to the health of the animal.

(g) All animals housed in the same facility or within the same enclosed area shall be compatible and shall not pose a substantial threat to the health, life, or well being of any other animal in the same facility or enclosure.

(h) Facilities for the enclosure of animals shall be constructed and maintained to provide sufficient space and to allow each animal adequate freedom of movement to make normal postural and social adjustments. The facility area shall be large enough and constructed in such a manner to allow the animal proper and adequate exercise as is characteristic to each animal's natural behavior and physical need. Facilities for digging or burrowing animals shall have secure safe floors below materials supplied for such digging or burrowing activity. Animals which naturally climb shall be provided with safe and adequate climbing apparatus. Animals which naturally live in an aquatic environment shall be supplied with sufficient access to safe water so as to meet their aquatic behavioral needs.

(3) In addition to the standards set forth in this section:

(a) the division may require additional standards to adequately maintain the health and safety of the animals held and the individuals providing care for the animals; and

(b) facilities used for rehabilitation must meet applicable federal standards provided in 7 USC 2139 - 2159, Animal Welfare Act, and those regulations promulgated thereunder in 9 CFR Subchapter A, which are hereby incorporated by reference.

(4) Facilities may be inspected at any reasonable time by division representatives.

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