Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Natural Resources
Title R655 - Natural Resources, Water Rights
Rule R655-5 - Maps Submitted to the Division of Water Rights
Section R655-5-2 - Definitions
Current through Bulletin 2024-18, September 15, 2024
2.1 "Application Map" means a map filed in support of an Application to Appropriate, Temporary Application to Appropriate, Application to Exchange Water, Application for Permanent Change of Water, or Application for Temporary Change of Water.
2.2 "Competent Survey" means a survey performed by or under the direction of either a Utah-licensed professional land surveyor or a Utah-licensed professional engineer. It must be based on measured ties, metes, and bounds, to a regularly established and monumented section corner or quarter corner. The survey shall be conducted to produce location specifications within a one-foot positional tolerance. It may be submitted in support of a Proof of Beneficial Use or Diligence Claim.
2.3 "Basis of Bearing" means the bearing in degrees, minutes and seconds, or equivalent, of a line between two physical monuments or two monumented corners that serves as the reference bearing for all other lines on the survey. The absence of a basis of bearing does not invalidate a survey or legal description, however the datum used must be identified.
2.4 "Hereafter" in an Application for Permanent Change or Application for Temporary Change, means the conditions of authorized use of a perfected or approved water right proposed under the application, including point of diversion, place of beneficial use, nature of beneficial use, and period of use.
2.5 "Heretofore" in an Application for Permanent Change or Application for Temporary Change, the term "heretofore" means the conditions of authorized use of a perfected or approved water right existing before the proposed changes, including point of diversion, place of beneficial use, nature of beneficial use, and period of use.
2.6 "Mutual Irrigation Company" means an incorporated non-profit entity properly registered with the Department of Commerce, Division of Corporations, specifically established to provide construction, operation, maintenance, and administration of water systems designed to deliver water to its shareholders.
2.7 "Parcel of Land" means a tract or tracts of land held in undivided ownership by one or more persons. Its legal description may be described by a metes and bounds description, as a lot or subdivision of a section, or entire sections. The place of beneficial use of water is located on the parcel of land and may occupy the entire parcel or only a portion of the parcel.
2.8 "Place of Beneficial Use" means place of beneficial use located on maps as required in this rule and defined under one of the two following headings:
2.9 "Proof Map" means a map submitted in conjunction with the filing of a Proof of Beneficial Use of Water under Section 73-3-16.
2.10 "Qualifying Water Company" means a mutual nonprofit or private for-profit water entity properly registered with the Department of Commerce, Division of Corporations, if a corporation, or with the Division of Public Utilities, either as a regulated utility or as holding a letter of exemption. Such company shall have been established to provide construction, operation, maintenance, and administration of water systems specifically designed to serve one or more legally platted and recorded subdivisions. Such entities shall be bound by their articles of incorporation or bylaws to monitor water use within their designated service areas and report annually that use to the Division of Water Rights.