9.1 General.
Regulated non-production wells such as cathodic protection
wells, closed-loop heating-cooling exchange wells, monitor wells, piezometers,
test wells, and other wells meeting the criteria in Subsection
R655-4-1 ( drilled and constructed to a depth greater than 30 feet below natural
ground surface require approval from the state engineer. The approval and
permitting of regulated water production wells as outlined in Subsection
R655-4-1 (1.2.1) is accomplished through the water right processes in accordance with
Title 73, Water and Irrigation.
9.2 Approval to Drill, Construct, Renovate,
or Replace.
Approval to drill, construct, renovate, or replace
non-production wells is issued by the state engineer's main office and regional
offices following review of written requests from the owner-applicant or their
appointed representative. The appointed representative shall not include the
licensed driller designated on the application. The requests for approval shall
be made on forms provided by the state engineer entitled "Request for
Non-Production Well Construction". The following information must be included
on the form:
a. General location or
common description of the project.
b. Specific course and distance locations
from established government surveyed outside section corners or quarter
c. Total anticipated
number of wells to be installed.
Diameters, approximate depths and materials used in the wells.
e. Projected start and completion
f. Name and license number
of the driller contracted to install the wells.
g. A detailed explanation of the purpose and
technical aspects of the drilling project. This can also include reviews and
approvals, such as building permits, done by local jurisdictions of the
project. This additional documentation may expedite the Division's processing
of the non-production well application.
h. Signature of the well owner or authorized
representative attesting to the accuracy and truthfulness of the information on
the application. The licensed driller cannot be the signatory on the
non-production well application.
9.2.1 There is no fee required to request
approval to drill, construct, renovate, or replace a non-production well. Using
available information and sources, the Division will evaluate the potential for
the non-production well to become a contamination source or otherwise
negatively impact the groundwater resource before approval. This evaluation can
take up to 14 days to conduct. The Division shall list application information
on its website to allow the public and local jurisdictions to review the
project before approval. The well permit application shall be returned without
review to the applicant if the Division determines that the application is
incomplete, contains inaccurate information, lacks sufficient information or is
illegible. The Division shall deny the issuance of a well permit if the site
where the well is to be drilled is designated by the Division as an area where
wells may not be constructed, including contaminated or protected aquifers,
areas where drilling and construction of wells can impact other water rights,
and other areas where environmental remediation may be adversely affected by
the construction or operation of wells. Upon written approval by the state
engineer, the project will be assigned an approved non-production well number
which will be referenced on all Start Cards and official well driller's