Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Natural Resources
Title R645 - Oil, Gas and Mining; Coal
Rule R645-302 - Coal Mine Permitting: Special Categories and Areas of Mining
Section R645-302-200 - Special Categories of Mining

Universal Citation: UT Admin Code R 645-302-200

Current through Bulletin 2024-18, September 15, 2024

The rules in R645-302-200 present the requirements for information to be included in the permit application to conduct coal mining and reclamation operations for designated special categories of mining and present procedures to process said permit applications.

210. Experimental Practices Mining.

211. Experimental practices provide a variance from environmental protection performance standards of the Act, of R645-301, and the State Program for experimental or research purposes, or to allow an alternative postmining land use, and may be undertaken if they are approved by the Division and the Office and if they are incorporated in a permit or permit change issued in accordance with the requirements of R645-200, R645-300, R645-301, R645-302-100 through R645-302-280, R645-302-310, R645-302-320, or R645-303.

212. An application for an experimental practice will contain descriptions, maps, plans, and data which show:

212.100. The nature of the experimental practice, including a description of the performance standards for which variances are requested, the duration of the experimental practice, and any special monitoring which will be conducted;

212.200. How use of the experimental practice encourages advances in mining and reclamation technology or allows a postmining land use for industrial, commercial, residential, or public use (including recreation facilities) on an experimental basis;

212.300. That the experimental practice:

212.310. Is potentially more, or at least as, environmentally protective, during and after coal mining and reclamation operations, as would otherwise be required by standards promulgated under R645-301 and R645-302; and

212.320. Will not reduce the protection afforded public health and safety below that provided by the requirements of R645-301 and R645-302; and

212.400. That the applicant will conduct monitoring of the effects of the experimental practice. The monitoring program will ensure the collection, analysis, and reporting of reliable data that are sufficient to enable the Division and the Office to:

212.410. Evaluate the effectiveness of the experimental practice; and

212.420. Identify, at the earliest possible time, potential risk to the environment and public health and safety which may be caused by the experimental practice during and after coal mining and reclamation operations.

213. Applications for experimental practices will comply with the public notice requirements of R645-300-120.

214. No application for an experimental practice under R645-302-210 will be approved until the Division first finds in writing and the Office then concurs that:

214.100. The experimental practice encourages advances in coal mining and reclamation technology or allows a postmining land use for industrial, commercial, residential, or public use (including recreational facilities) on an experimental basis;

214.200. The experimental practice is potentially more, or at least as, environmentally protective, during and after coal mining and reclamation operations, as would otherwise be required by standards promulgated under R645- 301 and R645-302;

214.300. The coal mining and reclamation operations approved for a particular land use or other purpose are not larger or more numerous than necessary to determine the effectiveness and economic feasibility of the experimental practice; and

214.400. The experimental practice does not reduce the protection afforded public health and safety below that provided by standards promulgated under R645-301 and R645-302.

215. Experimental practices granting variances from the special environmental protection performance standards of Sections 515 and 516 of the Federal Act applicable to prime farmlands will be approved only after consultation with the NRCS.

216. Each person undertaking an experimental practice will conduct the periodic monitoring, recording and reporting program set forth in the application, and will satisfy such additional requirements as the Division or the Office may impose to ensure protection of the public health and safety and the environment.

217. Each experimental practice will be reviewed by the Division at a frequency set forth in the approved permit, but no less frequently than every two and one-half years. After review, the Division may require such reasonable modifications of the experimental practice as are necessary to ensure that the activities fully protect the environment and the public health and safety. Copies of the decision of the Division will be sent to the permittee and will be subject to the provisions for administrative and judicial review of R645-300-200.

218. Revisions or amendments to an experimental practice will be processed in accordance with the requirements of R645-303-220 and approved by the Division. Any revisions which propose significant alterations in the experimental practice will, at a minimum, be subject to notice, hearing, and public participation requirements of R645-300-120 and concurrence by the Office. Revisions that do not propose significant alterations in the experimental practice will not require concurrence by the Office.

220. Mountaintop Removal Mining.

221.R645-302-220 applies to any person who conducts or intends to conduct SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES by mountaintop removal mining.

222. Mountaintop removal mining means SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES, where the mining operation removes an entire coal seam or seams running through the upper fraction of a mountain, ridge, or hill, except as provided for in R645-302-227.500, by removing substantially all of the overburden off the bench and creating a level plateau or a gently rolling contour, with no highwalls remaining, and capable of supporting postmining land uses in accordance with the requirements of R645-302-220.

223. The Division may issue approval to conduct mountaintop removal mining, without regard to the requirements of R645-301-537.200, R645-301-552 through R645-301-553.230, R645-301-553.260 through R645-301-553.900, and R645-302-234 to restore the lands disturbed by such mining to their approximate original contour, if it first finds, in writing, on the basis of a complete application, that the following requirements are met:

223.100. The proposed postmining land use of the lands to be affected will be an industrial, commercial, agricultural, residential, or public facility (including recreational facilities) use and, if:

223.110. After consultation with the appropriate land-use planning agencies, if any, the proposed land use is deemed by the Division to constitute an equal or better economic or public use of the affected land compared with the premining use;

223.120. The applicant demonstrates compliance with the requirements for acceptable alternative postmining land uses of R645-301-413.100 through R645-301-413.300;

223.130. The applicant has presented specific plans for the proposed postmining land use and appropriate assurances that such use will be:

223.131. Compatible with adjacent land uses;

223.132. Obtainable according to data regarding expected need and market;

223.133. Assured of investment in necessary public facilities;

223.134. Supported by commitments from public agencies where appropriate;

223.135. Practicable with respect to private financial capability for completion of the proposed use;

223.136. Planned pursuant to a schedule attached to the reclamation plan so as to integrate the mining operation and reclamation with the postmining land use; and

223.137. Designed by a registered engineer in conformance with professional standards established to assure the stability, drainage, and configuration necessary for the intended use of the site.

223.140. The proposed use would be consistent with adjacent land uses and existing Utah and local land use plans and programs; and

223.150. The Division has provided, in writing, an opportunity of not more than 60 days to review and comment on such proposed use to the governing body of general purpose government in whose jurisdiction the land is located and to any Utah or federal agency which the Division, in its discretion, determines to have an interest in the proposed use;

223.200. The applicant demonstrates that in place of restoration of the land to be affected to the approximate original contour under R645-301-537.200, R645-301-552 through R645-301-553.230, R645-301-553.260 through R645-301-553.900, and R645-302-234, the SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITY will be conducted in compliance with the requirements of R645-302-227.

223.300. The requirements of R645-302-227 are made a specific condition of the permit;

223.400. All other requirements of the State Program are met by the proposed operations; and

223.500. The application to conduct SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES clearly identifies mountaintop removal mining.

224. Any permits incorporating a variance issued under R645-302-220 will be reviewed by the Division to evaluate the progress and development of the SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES to establish that the operator is proceeding in accordance with the terms of the variance:

224.100. Within the sixth month preceding the third year from the date of its issuance;

224.200. Before each permit renewal; and

224.300. Not later than the middle of each permit term.

225. Any review required under R645-302-224 need not be held if the permittee has demonstrated and the Division finds, in writing, within three months before the scheduled review, that all SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES under the permit are proceeding and will continue to be conducted in accordance with the terms of the permit and requirements of the State Program.

226. The terms and conditions of a permit that includes mountaintop removal mining may be modified at any time by the Division, if it determines that more stringent measures are necessary to insure that the operation involved is conducted in compliance with the requirements of the State Program.

227. Performance Standards. Under the State Program, SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES may be conducted under a variance from the requirement of R645-301 and R645-302 for restoring affected areas to their approximate original contour, if:

227.100. The Division grants the variance under a permit to conduct SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES, in accordance with R645-302-220;

227.200. The activities involve the mining of an entire coal seam running through the upper fraction of a mountain, ridge, or hill, by removing all of that overburden and creating a level plateau or gently rolling contour with no highwalls remaining;

227.300. An industrial, commercial, agricultural, residential, or public facility (including recreational facilities) use is proposed and approved for the affected land;

227.400. The alternative land use requirements of R645-301-413.100 through R645-301-413.300 and all applicable requirements of R645-301 and R645-302 and the State Program, other than the requirement to restore affected areas to their approximate original contour, are met;

227.500. An outcrop barrier of sufficient width, consisting of the toe of the lowest coal seam, and its associated overburden, are retained to prevent slides and erosion, except that the Division may allow an exemption to the retention of the coal barrier requirement if the following conditions are satisfied:

227.510. The proposed mine site was mined prior to May 3, 1978, and the toe of the lowest seam has been removed; or

227.520. A coal barrier adjacent to a head-of-hollow fill may be removed after the elevation of a head-of-hollow fill attains the elevation of the coal barrier if the head-of-hollow fill provides the stability otherwise ensured by the retention of a coal barrier;

227.600. The final graded slopes on the mined area are less than 1v:5h, so as to create a level plateau or gently rolling configuration, and the outslopes of the plateau do not exceed 1v:2h except where engineering data substantiates, and the Division finds, in writing, and includes in the permit to conduct SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES under R645-302-220 that a minimum static safety factor of 1.5 will be attained;

227.700. The resulting level or gently rolling contour is graded to drain inward from the outslope, except at specified points where it drains over the outslope in stable and protected channels. The drainage will not be through or over a valley or head-of-hollow fill and natural watercourses below the lowest coal seam mined will not be damaged;

227.800. All waste and acid-forming or toxic-forming materials, including the strata immediately below the coal seam, are covered with nontoxic spoil to prevent pollution and achieve the approved postmining land use; and

227.900. Spoil is placed on the mountaintop bench as necessary to achieve the postmining land use approved under R645-302-227.300 and R645-302-227.400. All excess spoil material not retained on the mountaintop will be placed in accordance with applicable requirements of R645-301-211, R645-301-212, R645-301-412.300, R645-301-512.210, R645-301-512.220, R645-301-514.100, R645-301-528.310, R645-301-535.100 through R645-301-535.130, R645-301-535.300 through R645-301-535.500, R645-301-536.300, R645-301-542.720, R645-301-553.240, R645-301-731.100 through R645-301-731.522, R645-301-731.800, R645-301-742.300, R645-301-745.100, R645-301-745.300, and R645-301-745.400.

230. Steep Slope Mining.

231. The rules in R645-302-230 apply to any person who conducts or intends to conduct steep slope coal mining and reclamation operations, except:

231.100. Where an operator proposes to conduct coal mining and reclamation operations on flat or gently rolling terrain, leaving a plain or predominantly flat area, but on which an occasional steep slope is encountered as the coal mining and reclamation operation proceeds;

231.200. Where a person obtains a permit under the provisions of R645-302-220; or

231.300. To the extent that a person obtains a permit incorporating a variance under R645-302-270.

232. Any application for a permit to conduct coal mining and reclamation operations covered by R645-302-230 will contain sufficient information to establish that the operations will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of R645-302-234.

233. No permit will be issued for any coal mining and reclamation operations covered by R645-302-230, unless the Division finds, in writing, that in addition to meeting all other requirements of R645-301 and R645-302, the operation will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of R645-302-234.

234. Backfilling and Grading.

234.100. Coal mining and reclamation operations on steep slopes will be conducted so as to meet the requirements of R645-301-537.200, R645-301-552 through R645-301-553.230, R645-301-553.260 through R645-301-553.900, except where mining is conducted on flat or gently rolling terrain with an occasional steep slope through which the mining proceeds and leaves a plain or predominantly flat area or where operations are conducted in accordance with R645-302-227.

234.200. The following materials will not be placed on the downslope except as provided for UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES under R645-301-553:

234.210. Spoil;

234.220. Waste materials of any type;

234.230. Debris, including that from clearing and grubbing; and

234.240. Abandoned or disabled equipment.

234.300. Land above the highwall will not be disturbed unless the Division finds that this disturbance will facilitate compliance with the environmental protection standards of R645-301 and R645-302 and the disturbance is limited to that necessary to facilitate compliance.

234.400. Woody materials will not be buried in the backfilled area unless the Division determines that the proposed method for placing woody material within the backfill will not deteriorate the stable condition of the backfilled area.

240. Auger Mining and Remining Operations.

241. The Rules given under R645-302-240 apply to any person who conducts or intends to conduct coal mining and reclamation operations utilizing augering operations.

241.100. To the extent not otherwise addressed in the permit application, the applicant will identify potential environmental and safety problems related to prior mining activity at the site and that could be reasonably anticipated to occur. This identification shall be based on a due diligence investigation which shall include visual observations at the site, a record review of past mining at the site, and environmental sampling tailored to current site conditions.

241.200. With regard to potential environmental and safety problems referred to in R645-302-241.100, describe the mitigative measures that will be taken to ensure that the applicable reclamation requirements of the regulatory program can be met.

242. Any application for a permit that includes operations covered by R645-302-240 will contain, in the mining and reclamation plan, a description of the augering or remining methods to be used and the measures to be used to comply with R645-302-244 and R645-302-245.

243. No permit will be issued for any operations covered by R645-302-240 unless the Division finds, in writing, that in addition to meeting all other applicable requirements of R645-200, R645-300, R645-301, R645-302-100 through R645-302-290, R645-302-310, R645-302-320, and R645-303, the operation will be conducted in compliance with R645-302-244 and R645-302-245.

244. The Division may prohibit auger mining, if necessary, to:

244.100. Maximize the utilization, recoverability, or conservation of the solid-fuel resource; or

244.200. Protect against adverse water-quality impacts.

245. Performance Standards.

245.100. Coal Recovery.

245.110. Auger mining will be conducted so as to maximize the utilization and conservation of the coal in accordance with R645-301-522.

245.120. Auger mining will be planned and conducted to maximize recoverability of mineral reserves remaining after coal mining and reclamation operations are completed.

245.130. Each person who conducts auger mining operations will leave areas of undisturbed coal, as approved by the Division, to provide access for future underground coal mining and reclamation activities to coal reserves remaining after augering is completed, unless it is established that the coal reserves have been depleted or are so limited in thickness or extent that it will not be practicable to recover the remaining coal. This determination will be made by the Division upon presentation of appropriate technical evidence by the operator.

245.200. Hydrologic Balance.

245.210. Auger mining and remining operations will be planned and conducted to minimize disturbances to the prevailing hydrologic balance in accordance with the requirements of R645-301-731.100 through R645-301-731.522, R645-301-731.800, and R645-301-751.

245.220. All auger holes, except as provided in R645-302-245.230, will be:

245.221. Sealed within 72 hours after completion with an impervious and noncombustible material, if the holes are discharging water containing acid- or toxic-forming material. If sealing is not possible within 72 hours, the discharge will be treated commencing within 72 hours after completion to meet applicable effluent limitations and water- quality standards until the holes are sealed; and

245.222. Sealed with an impervious noncombustible material, as contemporaneously as practicable with the augering operation, as approved by the Division, if the holes are not discharging water containing acid- or toxic- forming material.

245.230. Auger holes need not be sealed with an impervious material so as to prevent drainage if the Division determines that:

245.231. The resulting impoundment of water may create a hazard to the environment or public health and safety; and

245.232. The drainage from the auger holes will:
245.232.1. Not pose a threat of pollution to surface water; and

245.232.2. Comply with the requirements of R645-301-731.100 through R645-301-731.522, R645-301-731.800, and R645-301-751.

245.300. Subsidence Protection. Auger mining and remining operations will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of R645-301-525.210 and R645-301-525.230.

245.400. Backfilling and Grading.

245.410. General. Auger mining and remining operations will be conducted in accordance with the backfilling and grading requirements of R645-301-537.200 and R645-301-553.

245.420. Remining will comply with the requirements of R645-301-553.500 and R645-301-553.600. Where auger mining operations affect previously mined areas that were not reclaimed to the standards of the R645 Rules and the volume of all reasonably available spoil is demonstrated in writing to the Division to be insufficient to completely backfill the highwall, the highwall will be eliminated to the maximum extent technically practical in accordance with the following criteria:

245.421. The person who conducts the auger mining operation will demonstrate to the Division that the backfill, designed by a qualified registered professional engineer, has a minimum static safety factor for the stability of the backfill of at least 1.3;

245.422. All spoil generated by the auger mining operation and any associated SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES, and any other reasonably available spoil will be used to backfill the area. Reasonably available spoil will include spoil generated by the mining operation and other spoil located in the permit area that is accessible and available for use and that when rehandled will not cause a hazard to the public safety or significant damage to the environment. For this purpose, the permit area will include spoil in the immediate vicinity of the auger mining operation;

245.423. The coal seam mined will be covered with a minimum of four feet of nonacid-, nontoxic- forming material and the backfill graded to a slope which is compatible with the approved postmining land use and which provides adequate drainage and long-term stability;

245.424. Any remnant of the highwall will be stable and not pose a hazard to the public health and safety or to the environment; and

245.425. Spoil placed on the outslope during previous mining operations will not be disturbed if such disturbances will cause instability of the remaining spoil or otherwise increase the hazard to the public health and safety or to the environment.

245.500. Protection of Underground Mining. Auger holes will not extend closer than 500 feet (measured horizontally) to any abandoned or active underground mine workings, except as approved in accordance with R645-301-513.700 and R645-301-523.200.

250. In Situ Processing Activities.

251.R645-302-250 applies to any person who conducts or intends to conduct coal mining and reclamation operations utilizing in situ processing activities.

252. Any application for a permit that includes operations covered by R645-302-250 will address all requirements of R645-200, R645-300, R645-301, R645-302-100 through R645-302-290, R645-302-310, R645-302-320, and R645-303 applicable to coal mining and reclamation operations. In addition, the mining and reclamation operations plan for operations involving in situ processing activities will contain information establishing how those operations will be conducted in compliance with the requirements of R645-302-254, including:

252.100. Delineation of proposed holes and wells and production zone for approval of the Division;

252.200. Specifications of drill holes and casings proposed to be used;

252.300. A plan for treatment, confinement or disposal of all acid-forming, toxic-forming or radioactive gases, solids, or liquids constituting a fire, health, safety or environmental hazard caused by the mining and recovery process; and

252.400. Plans for monitoring surface and ground water and air quality as required by the Division.

253. No permit will be issued for operations covered by R645-302-250, unless the Division first finds, in writing, upon the basis of a complete application made in accordance with R645-302-252, that the operation will be conducted in compliance with all requirements of R645-200, R645-300, R645-301, R645-302-100 through R645-302-290, R645-302-310, R645-302-320, and R645-303.

254. Performance Standards.

254.100. The person who conducts in situ processing activities will comply with R645-301 and R645-302-254.

254.200. In situ processing activities will be planned and conducted to minimize disturbance to the prevailing hydrologic balance by:

254.210. Avoiding discharge of fluids into holes or wells, other than as approved by the Division;

254.220. Injecting process recovery fluids only into geologic zones or intervals approved as production zones by the Division;

254.230. Avoiding annular injection between the wall of the drill hole and the casing; and

254.240. Preventing discharge of process fluid into surface waters.

254.300. Each person who conducts in situ processing activities will submit for approval as part of the application for permit under R645-302-250, and follow after approval, a plan that ensures that all acid-forming, toxic- forming, or radioactive gases, solids, or liquids constituting a fire, health, safety, or environmental hazard and caused by the mining and recovery process are promptly treated, confined, or disposed of, in a manner that prevents contamination of ground and surface waters, damage to fish, wildlife and related environmental values, and threats to the public health and safety.

254.400. Each person who conducts in situ processing activities will prevent flow of the process recovery fluid:

254.410. Horizontally beyond the affected area identified in the permit; and

254.420. Vertically into overlying or underlying aquifers.

254.500. Each person who conducts in situ processing activities will restore the quality of affected ground water in the permit area and adjacent area, including ground water above and below the production zone, to the approximate premining levels or better, to ensure that the potential for use of the ground water is not diminished.

254.600. Monitoring.

254.610. Each person who conducts in situ processing activities will monitor the quality and quantity of surface and ground water and the subsurface flow and storage characteristics, in a manner approved by the Division under R645-301-731.100 through R645-301-731.522 and R645-301-731.800, to measure changes in the quantity and quality of water in surface and ground water systems in the permit area and in adjacent areas.

254.620. Air and water quality monitoring will be conducted in accordance with monitoring programs approved by the Division as necessary according to appropriate federal and Utah air and water quality standards.

260. Coal Processing Plants Not Located Within the Permit Area of a Mine.

261.R645-302-260 applies to any person who operates or intends to operate a coal processing plant outside the permit area of any coal mining and reclamation operation, other than such plants which are located at the site of ultimate coal use. Any person who operates such a processing plant will obtain a permit from the Division in accordance with the requirements of R645-302-260.

262. Any application for a permit that includes operations covered by R645-302-260 will contain an operation and reclamation plan which specifies plans, including descriptions, maps, and cross sections, of the construction, operation, maintenance, and removal of the processing plant and support facilities operated incident thereto or resulting therefrom. The plan will demonstrate that those operations will be conducted in compliance with R645-302-264.

263. No permit will be issued for any operation covered by R645-302-260, unless the Division finds in writing that, in addition to meeting all other applicable requirements of R645-200, R645-300, R645-301, R645-302-100 through R645-302-290, R645-302-310, R645-302-320, and R645-303, the operations will be conducted in compliance with the requirements of R645-302-264.

264. Performance Standards. Construction, operation, maintenance, modification, reclamation, and removal activities at coal processing plants will comply with the requirements listed below.

264.100. Signs and markers for the coal processing plant, coal processing waste disposal area, and water-treatment facilities will comply with R645-301-521.200.

264.200. Surface drainage will be controlled according to the following:

264.210. Any stream channel diversion will comply with R645-301-742.300;

264.220. Drainage from any disturbed area related to the coal processing plant will comply with R645-301-356.300, R645-301-356.400, R645-301-513.300, R645-301-532, R645-301-742.100 through R645-301-742.240, R645-301-744, and R645-301-763.200 and all discharges from these areas will meet the requirements of R645-301-731.100 through R645-301-731.522, R645-301-731.800, and R645-301-751 and any other applicable Utah or federal law; and

264.230. Permanent impoundments associated with coal processing plants will meet the requirements of R645-301-512.240, R645-301-514.300, R645-301-515.200, R645-301-533.100 through R645-301-533.600, R645-301-542.400, R645-301-733.220 through R645-301-733.224, and R645-301-743. Dams constructed of or impounding coal processing waste will comply with R645-301-536.400 and R645-301-746.300.

264.300. Disposal of coal processing waste, noncoal mine waste, and excess spoil will comply with R645-301-210 through R645-301-212, R645-301-412.300, R645-301-512.210 through R645-301-512.230, R645-301-513.400, R645-301-513.800, R645-301-514.100, R645-301-514.200, R645-301-515.200, R645-301-528.310, R645-301-528.322 through R645-301-528.323, R645-301-528.320, R645-301-528.330, R645-301-535.100 through R645-301-535.130, R645-301-535.300 through R645-301-535.500, R645-301-536 through R645-301-536.200, R645-301-536.300 through R645-301-536.500, R645-301-536.900, R645-301-542.720 through R645-301-542.740, R645-301-553.240 through R645-301-553.250, R645-301-745.100, R645-301-745.300 through R645-301-745.400, R645-301-746.100 through R645-301-746.300, and R645-301-747.

264.400. Fish, wildlife, and related environmental values will be protected in accordance with R645-301-333, R645-301-342, and R645-301-358.

264.500. Support facilities related to the coal processing plant will comply with R645-301-526.220 and roads will comply with R645-301-358, R645-301-512.250, R645-301-527.100, R645-301-527.230, R645-301-534.100, R645-301-532.200, R645-301-534.300, R645-301-542.600, R645-301-742.410, R645-301-742.420, R645-301-752.200, and R645-301-762.

264.600. Cessation of operations will be in accordance with R645-301-515.300 and R645-301-541.100 through R645-301-541.300.

264.700. Erosion and air pollution attendant to erosion will be controlled in accordance with R645-301-244.100 and R645-301-244.300.

264.800. Adverse effects upon, or resulting from, nearby underground coal mining activities will be minimized by appropriate measures including, but not limited to, compliance with R645-301-513.700 and R645-301-523.200.

264.900. Reclamation will follow proper topsoil handling, backfilling and grading, revegetation, and postmining land use procedures in accordance with R645-301-232 through R645-301-233.100, R645-301-234, R645-301-242, R645-301-244.200, R645-301-352 through R645-301-357, R645-301-413, R645-301-512.260, R645-301-537.200, R645-301-553, and R645-302-271.

270. Variances from Approximate Original Contour Restoration Requirements.

271. The Division may issue approval or, if applicable, a permit for nonmountaintop removal mining in steep slope areas which includes a variance from the requirements of R645-301-537.200, R645-301-552 through R645-301-553.230, R645-301-553.260 through R645-301-553.420, R645-301-553.600 through R645-301-553.900, and R645-302-234 to restore the disturbed areas to their approximate original contour. The permit may contain such a variance only if the Division finds, in writing, that the applicant has demonstrated, on the basis of a complete application, that the following requirements are satisfied:

271.100. The alternative postmining land use requirements of R645-301-413.300 are met;

271.200. All applicable requirements of the State Program, other than the requirements to restore disturbed areas to their appropriate original contour are met;

271.300. After consultation with the appropriate land use agencies, if any, the potential use is shown to constitute an equal or better economic or public use;

271.400. Federal, Utah and local government agencies with an interest in the proposed land use have had an adequate period of time in which to review and comment on the proposed use;

271.500. After reclamation, the lands to be affected by the variance within the permit area will be suitable for an industrial, commercial, residential or public postmining land use (including recreational facilities);

271.600. The surface landowner of the lands within the permit area has knowingly requested, in writing, as part of the permit application, that a variance be granted so as to render the land, after reclamation, suitable for an industrial, commercial, residential or public use (including recreational facilities). The request will be made separately from any surface owner consent given for the operations under R645-301-114 and will show an understanding that the variance could not be granted without the owner's request;

271.700. The watershed of lands within the proposed permit and adjacent areas will be improved by the coal mining and reclamation operations when compared with the condition of the watershed before mining or with its condition if the approximate original contour were to be restored. The watershed will be deemed improved only if:

271.710. The amount of total suspended solids or other pollutants discharged to ground or surface water from the permit area will be reduced, so as to improve the public or private uses or the ecology of such water, or flood hazards within the watershed containing the permit area will be reduced by reduction of the peak flow discharge from precipitation events or thaws; and

271.720. The total volume of flow from the proposed permit area, during every season of the year, will not vary in a way that adversely affects the ecology of any surface water or any existing or planned use of surface or ground water;

271.800. Engineering. The proposed design plan for the variance will be prepared and certified as described under R645-301-512.260. The proposed design plan will also meet the following requirements:

271.810. Unless the highwall is determined to be retained under R645-301-553.650, the highwall will be completely backfilled with spoil material, in a manner which results in a static factor of safety at least 1.3, using standard geotechnical analysis; and

271.820. Only the amount of spoil as is necessary to achieve the postmining land use, ensure the stability of spoil retained on the bench, and meet all other requirements of the Act and R645 Rules will be placed on the mine bench. All spoil not retained on the bench will be placed in accordance with R645-301-211, R645-301-212, R645-301-412.300, R645-301-512.210, R645-301-512.220, R645-301-514.100, R645-301-528.310, R645-301-535.100 through R645-301-535.130, R645-301-535.300 through R645-301-535.500, R645-301-536.300, R645-301-542.720, R645-301-553.240, R645-301-745.100, R645-301-745.300, and R645-301-745.400; and

271.900. After Division approval, the watershed of the permit and adjacent areas is shown to be improved.

272. If a variance is granted under R645-302-270:

272.100. The requirements of R645-302-270 will be included as a specific condition of the permit; and

272.200. The permit will be specifically marked as containing a variance from approximate original contour.

273. A permit incorporating a variance under R645-302-270 will be reviewed by the Division at least every 30 months following the issuance of the permit to evaluate the progress and development of the coal mining and reclamation operations to establish that the operator is proceeding in accordance with the terms of the variance.

274. If the permittee demonstrates to the Division that the coal mining and reclamation operation has been, and continues to be, conducted in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit, the requirements of the Act, the R645 Rules, and the State Program, the review specified in R645-302-273 need not be held.

275. The terms and conditions of a permit incorporating a variance under R645-302-270 may be modified at any time by the Division, if it determines that more stringent measures are necessary to ensure that the operations involved are conducted in compliance with the requirements of the State Program.

280. Variances for Delay in Contemporaneous Reclamation Requirement in Combined SURFACE and UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES.

281. Applicability. R645-302-280 applies to any person or persons conducting or intending to conduct combined SURFACE and UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES where a variance is requested from the contemporaneous reclamation requirements of R645-301-352.

282. Application Contents for Variances. Any person desiring a variance under R645-302-280 will file with the Division complete applications for both the SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES and UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES which are to be combined. The reclamation and operation plans for these permits will contain appropriate narratives, maps, and plans, which:

282.100. Show why the proposed UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES are necessary or desirable to assure maximum practical recovery of the coal;

282.200. Show how multiple future disturbances of surface lands or waters will be avoided;

282.300. Identify the specific surface areas for which a variance is sought and the sections of the State Program from which a variance is being sought;

282.400. Show how the activities will comply with R645-301-513.700 and R645-301-523.200 and other applicable requirements of the State Program;

282.500. Show why the variance sought is necessary for the implementation of the proposed UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES;

282.600. Provide an assessment of the adverse environmental consequences and damages, if any, that will result if the reclamation of disturbed areas is delayed; and

282.700. Show how off-site storage of spoil will be conducted to comply with the requirements of the Act, R645-301-211, R645-301-212, R645-301-412.300, R645-301-512.210, R645-301-512.220, R645-301-514.100, R645-301-528.310, R645-301-535.100 through R645-301-535.130, R645-301-535.300 through R645-301-535.500, R645-301-536.300, R645-301-542.720, R645-301-553.240, R645-301-745.100, R645-301-745.300, R645-301-745.400, and the State Program.

283. Issuance of Permit. A permit incorporating a variance under R645-302-280 may be issued by the Division if it first finds, in writing, upon the basis of a complete application filed in accordance with R645-302-280, that:

283.100. The applicant has presented, as part of the permit application, specific, feasible plans for the proposed UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES;

283.200. The proposed UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES are necessary or desirable to assure maximum practical recovery of the mineral resource and will avoid multiple future disturbances of surface land or waters;

283.300. The applicant has satisfactorily demonstrated that the applications for the SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES and UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES conform to the requirements of the State Program;

283.400. The disturbed area proposed for the variance has been shown by the applicant to be necessary for implementing the proposed UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES;

283.500. No substantial adverse environmental damage, either on-site or off-site, will result from the delay in completion of reclamation otherwise required by R645-301, R645-302, and the State Program;

283.600. The operations will, insofar as a variance is authorized, be conducted in compliance with the requirements of R645-301-513.700, R645-301-532.200, and the State Program;

283.700. Provisions for off-site storage of spoil will comply with the requirements of R645-301-211, R645-301-212, R645-301-412.300, R645-301-512.210, R645-301-512.220, R645-301-514.100, R645-301-528.310, R645-301-535.100 through R645-301-535.130, R645-301-535.300 through R645-301-535.500, R645-301-536.300, R645-301-542.720, R645-301-553.240, R645-301-745.100, R645-301-745.300, R645-301-745.400, and the State Program;

283.800. Liability under the performance bond required to be filed by the applicant with the Division pursuant to R645-301-800 and the State Program will be for the duration of the UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES and until all requirements of R645-301-800 and the State Program have been complied with; and

283.900. The permit for the coal mining and reclamation operation contains specific conditions:

283.910. Delineating the particular surface areas for which a variance is authorized;

283.920. Identifying the applicable provisions of R645 Rules and the State Program; and

283.930. Providing a detailed schedule for compliance with the provisions of R645-302-280.

284. Review of Permits Containing Variances. Permits to conduct coal mining and reclamation operations that contain variances granted under R645-302-280 will be reviewed by the Division no later than three years from the dates of issuance of the permit and any permit renewals.

290. Small Operator Assistance Program (SOAP).

291. General Information on SOAP. The rules in R645-302-290 describe the Small Operator Assistance Program (SOAP) and govern the procedures for providing assistance to eligible small mine operators who request assistance under Section 40-10-10(3) of the Act, for:

291.100. The determination of the probable hydrologic consequences of mining and reclamation, under Section 40-10-10(2)(c) of the Act; and

291.200. The statement of physical and chemical analyses of test borings or core samples, under Section 40-10-10(2)(d) of the Act.

292. Objectives. The objectives of this part are to meet the intent of Section 40-10-10(3) of the Act by:

292.100. Providing financial and other necessary assistance to qualified small operators; and

292.200. Assuring that the Division will have sufficient information to make a reasonable assessment of the probable cumulative impacts of all anticipated mining upon the hydrology of the area and particularly upon water availability.

293. Financial Assistance. The Division will provide financial and other assistance under Section 40-10-10(3) of the Act, contingent upon receipt of funding.

293.100. Assistance Funding.

293.110. Use of Funds. Funds specifically authorized for SOAP will be used to provide the services specified in R645-302-299 and will not be used to cover administrative expenses.

293.120. Allocation of Funds. The Division Mined Land Reclamation Program Administrator, hereinafter referred to as the "Program Administrator", will establish a formula for allocating funds to provide services for eligible small operators if available funds are less than those required to provide the services pursuant to R645-302-290.

293.200. Applicant Liability.

293.210. The applicant will reimburse the Division for the cost of the laboratory services performed pursuant to R645-302-290 if:

293.211. The applicant submits false information, fails to submit a permit application within one year from the date of receipt of the approved laboratory report, or fails to mine after obtaining a permit;

293.212. The program administrator finds that the applicant's actual and attributed annual production of coal for all locations exceeds 100,000 tons during any consecutive 12-month period either during the term of the permit for which assistance is provided or during the first five years after issuance of the permit whichever is shorter; or

293.213. The permit is sold, transferred, or assigned to another person and the transferee's total actual and attributed production exceeds the 100,000 ton annual production limit during any consecutive 12-month period of the remaining term of the permit. Under R645-302-293.213 the applicant and its successor are jointly and severally obligated to reimburse the Division.

293.220. The Division may waive the reimbursement obligation if it finds that the applicant at all times acted in good faith.

294. Responsibilities of the Division. The Division will:

294.100. Review requests for assistance and determine qualified operators;

294.200. Develop and maintain a list of qualified laboratories, and select and pay laboratories for services rendered;

294.300. Conduct periodic on-site evaluations of SOAP activities with the operator;

294.400. Participate with the Office in data coordination activities with the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and other appropriate agencies or institutions; and

294.500. Insure that applicable equal opportunity in employment provisions are included within any contract or other procurement documents.

295. Qualified Laboratories.

295.100. Basic Qualifications. To be designated a qualified laboratory, a firm will demonstrate that it:

295.110. Is staffed with experienced, professional or technical personnel in the fields applicable to the work to be performed;

295.120. Has adequate space for material preparation and cleaning and sterilizing equipment and has stationary equipment, storage, and space to accommodate workloads during peak periods;

295.130. Meets applicable Federal or Utah safety and health requirements;

295.140. Has analytical, monitoring and measuring equipment capable of meeting applicable standards;

295.150. Has the capability of collecting necessary field samples and making hydrologic field measurements and analytical laboratory determinations by acceptable hydrologic, geologic, or analytical methods in accordance with the requirements of R645-301-623 through R645-301-623.200, R645-301-624 through R645-301-626, R645-301-723, R645-301-724.100 through R645-301-724.320, R645-301-724.500, R645-301-725 through R645-301-729.200, R645-301-731, R645-301-731.210 through R645-301-731.213, R645-301-731.220 through R645-301-731.223, and any other applicable provisions of the R645 Rules. Other appropriate methods or guidelines for data acquisition may be approved by the program administrator; and

295.160. Has the capability of performing services for either the determination or statement referenced in R645-302-299.200.

295.200. Subcontractors. Subcontractors may be used to provide some of the required services provided their use is identified at the time a determination is made that a firm is qualified and they meet requirements specified by the Division.

296. Eligibility for Assistance.

296.100. Applicants are eligible for assistance if they:

296.110. Intend to apply for a permit pursuant to the State Program;

296.120. Establish that their probable total actual and attributed production from all locations during any consecutive 12-month period either during the term of their permit or during the first five years after issuance of their permit, whichever period is shorter, will not exceed 100,000 tons. Production from the following operations will be attributed to the applicant:

296.121. The pro rata share, based upon percentage of ownership of applicant, of coal produced by operations in which the applicant owns more than a five percent interest;

296.122. The pro rata share, based upon percentage of ownership of applicant, of coal produced in other operations by persons who own more than five percent of the applicant's operation;

296.123. All coal produced by operations owned by persons who directly or indirectly control the applicant by reason of direction of the management; and

296.124. All coal produced by operations owned by members of the applicant's family and the applicant's relatives, unless it is established that there is no direct or indirect business relationship between or among them;

296.130. Are not restricted in any manner from receiving a permit under the State Program; and

296.140. Do not organize or reorganize their company solely for the purpose of obtaining assistance under the SOAP.

296.200. The Division may provide alternate criteria or procedures for determining the eligibility of an operator for assistance under SOAP, provided that such criteria may not be used as a basis for grant requests in excess of that which would be authorized under the criteria of R645-302-296.100.

297. Filing for Assistance. Each application for assistance will include the following information:

297.100. A statement of the operator's intent to file a permit application;

297.200. The names and addresses of:

297.210. The permit applicant; and

297.220. The operator if different from the applicant;

297.300. A schedule of the estimated total production of coal from the proposed permit area and all other locations from which production is attributed to the applicant under R645-302-296. The schedule will include for each location:

297.310. The operator or company name under which coal is or will be mined;

297.320. The permit number and MSHA number;

297.330. The actual coal production during the year preceding the year for which the applicant applies for assistance and production that may be attributed to the applicant under R645-302-296; and

297.340. The estimated coal production and any production which may be attributed to the applicant for each year of the proposed permit;

297.400. A description of:

297.410. The proposed method of coal mining;

297.420. The anticipated starting and termination dates of coal mining and reclamation operations;

297.430. The number of acres of land to be affected by the proposed coal mining and reclamation operation; and

297.440. A general statement on the probable depth and thickness of the coal resource including a statement of reserves in the permit area and the method by which they were calculated.

297.500. A U.S. Geological Survey topographic map at a scale of 1:24,000 or larger or other topographic map of equivalent detail which clearly shows:

297.510. The area of land to be affected;

297.520. The location of any existing or proposed test borings; and

297.530. The location and extent of known workings of any underground mines; and

297.600. Copies of documents which show that:

297.610. The applicant has a legal right to enter and commence mining within the permit area; and

297.620. A legal right of entry has been obtained for the program administrator and laboratory personnel to inspect the lands to be mined and adjacent areas to collect environmental data or to install necessary instruments.

298. Application Approval and Notice.

298.100. If the program administrator finds the applicant eligible, then the applicant will be informed in writing that the application is approved.

298.200. If the program administrator finds the applicant ineligible, then the applicant will be informed in writing that the application is denied. The notice of denial will state the reasons for denial.

299. Program Services and Data Requirements.

299.100. To the extent possible with available funds, the program administrator will select and pay a qualified laboratory to make the determination and statement referenced in R645-302-299.200 for eligible operators who request assistance.

299.200. The program administrator will determine the data needed for each applicant or group of applicants. Data collected and the results provided to the program administrator will be sufficient to satisfy the requirements for:

299.210. The determination of the probable hydrologic consequences of the coal mining and reclamation operations in the proposed permit area and adjacent areas in accordance with R645-301-728 and any other applicable provisions of the R645 Rules; and

299.220. The statement of the results of test borings or core samplings for the proposed permit area in accordance with R645-301-624 and any other applicable provisions of the R645 Rules.

299.300. Data collection and analysis may proceed concurrently with the development of mining and reclamation plans by the operator.

299.400. Data collected under this program will be made publicly available in accordance with R645-300-124.

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