Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Natural Resources
Title R645 - Oil, Gas and Mining; Coal
Rule R645-301 - Coal Mine Permitting: Permit Application Requirements
Section R645-301-600 - Geology

Universal Citation: UT Admin Code R 645-301-600

Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024

The rules in R645-301-600 present the requirements for information related to geology which is to be included in each permit application.

610. Introduction.

611. General Requirements. Each permit application will include descriptions of:

611.100. The geology within and adjacent to the permit area as given under R645-301-621 through R645-301-627; and

611.200. Proposed operations given under R645-301-630.

612. All cross sections, maps and plans as required by R645-301-622 will be prepared and certified as described under R645-301-512.100

620. Environmental Description.

621. General Requirements. Each permit application will include a description of the geology within the proposed permit and adjacent areas that may be affected or impacted by the proposed coal mining and reclamation operation.

622. Cross Sections, Maps and Plans. The application will include cross sections, maps and plans showing:

622.100. Elevations and locations of test borings and core samplings;

622.200. Nature, depth, and thickness of the coal seams to be mined, any coal or rider seams above the seam to be mined, each stratum of the overburden, and the stratum immediately below the lowest coal seam to be mined;

622.300. All coal crop lines and the strike and dip of the coal to be mined within the proposed permit area; and

622.400. Location, and depth if available, of gas and oil wells within the proposed permit area.

623. Each application will include geologic information in sufficient detail to assist in:

623.100. Determining all potentially acid- or toxic-forming strata down to and including the stratum immediately below the coal seam to be mined;

623.200. Determining whether reclamation as required by R645-301 and R645-302 can be accomplished; and

623.300. For the purposes of UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES preparing the subsidence control plan described under R645-301-525 and R645-521-142.

624. Geologic information will include, at a minimum, the following:

624.100. A description of the geology of the proposed permit and adjacent areas down to and including the deeper of either the stratum immediately below the lowest coal seam to be mined or any aquifer below the lowest coal seam to be mined which may be adversely impacted by mining. This description will include the regional and structural geology of the permit and adjacent areas, and other parameters which influence the required reclamation and it will also show how the regional and structural geology may affect the occurrence, availability, movement, quantity and quality of potentially impacted surface and ground water. It will be based on:

624.110. The cross sections, maps, and plans required by R645-301-622.100 through R645-301-622.400.

624.120. The information obtained under R645-301-624.200, R645-301-624.300 and R645-301-625; and

624.130. Geologic literature and practices.

624.200. For the purposes of UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES, any portion of a permit area in which the strata down to the coal seam to be mined will be removed or are already exposed, and for the purposes of SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES, samples will be collected and analyzed from test borings; drill cores; or fresh, unweathered, uncontaminated samples from rock outcrops down to and including the deeper of either the stratum immediately below the lowest coal seam to be mined or any aquifer below the lowest coal seam to be mined which may be adversely impacted by mining. The analyses will result in the following:

624.210. Logs showing the lithologic characteristics including physical properties and thickness of each stratum and location of ground water where occurring;

624.220. Chemical analyses identifying those strata that may contain acid- or toxic-forming, or alkalinity-producing materials and to determine their content except that the Division may find that the analysis for alkalinity-producing material is unnecessary; and

624.230. Chemical analysis of the coal seam for acid- or toxic-forming materials, including the total sulfur and pyritic sulfur, except that the Division may find that the analysis of pyritic sulfur content is unnecessary.

624.300. For lands within the permit and adjacent areas of UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES where the strata above the coal seam to be mined will not be removed, samples will be collected and analyzed from test borings or drill cores to provide the following data:

624.310. Logs of drill holes showing the lithologic characteristics, including physical properties and thickness of each stratum that may be impacted, and location of ground water where occurring;

624.320. Chemical analyses for acid- or toxic-forming or alkalinity-producing materials and their content in the strata immediately above and below the coal seam to be mined;

624.330. Chemical analyses of the coal seam for acid- or toxic-forming materials, including the total sulfur and pyritic sulfur, except that the Division may find that the analysis of pyrite sulfur content is unnecessary; and

624.340. For standard room and pillar mining operations, the thickness and engineering properties of clays or soft rock such as clay shale, if any, in the stratum immediately above and below each coal seam to be mined.

625. If determined to be necessary to protect the hydrologic balance, to minimize or prevent subsidence, or to meet the performance standards of R645-301 and R645-302, the Division may require the collection, analysis and description of geologic information in addition to that required by R645-301-624.

626. An applicant may request the Division to waive in whole or in part the requirements of R645-301-624.200 and R645-301-624.300. The waiver may be granted only if the Division finds in writing that the collection and analysis of such data is unnecessary because other information having equal value or effect is available to the Division in a satisfactory form.

627. An application for a permit to conduct UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES will include, at a minimum, a description of overburden thickness and lithology.

630. Operation Plan.

631. Casing and Sealing of Exploration Holes and Boreholes. Each permit application will include a description of the methods used to backfill, plug, case, cap, seal or otherwise manage exploration holes or boreholes to prevent acid or toxic drainage from entering water resources, minimize disturbance to the prevailing hydrologic balance and to ensure the safety of people, livestock, fish and wildlife, and machinery in the permit and adjacent area. Each exploration hole or borehole that is uncovered or exposed by coal mining and reclamation operations within the permit area will be permanently closed, unless approved for water monitoring or otherwise managed in a manner approved by the Division. Use of an exploration borehole as a monitoring or water well must meet the provisions of R645-301-551 and R645-301-731. The requirements of R645-301-631 do not apply to boreholes drilled for the purpose of blasting.

631.100. Temporary Casing and Sealing of Drilled Holes. Each exploration borehole, other drill hole or borehole which has been identified in the approved permit application for use to return underground development waste, coal processing waste or water to underground workings or to be used to monitor ground water conditions will be temporarily sealed before use and for the purposes of SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES, protected during use by barricades, or fences, or other protective devices approved by the Division. These protective devices will be periodically inspected and maintained in good operating condition by the operator conducting surface coal mining and reclamation activities.

631.200. Permanent Casing and Sealing of Exploration Holes and Boreholes. When no longer needed for monitoring or other use approved by the Division upon a finding of no adverse environmental or health and safety effect, or unless approved for transfer as a water well under R645-301-731.400, each exploration hole or borehole will be plugged, capped, sealed, backfilled or otherwise properly managed under R645-301-551, R645-301-631 and consistent with 30 CFR 75.1711. Permanent closure methods will be designed to prevent access to the mine workings by people, livestock, fish and wildlife, and machinery and to keep acid or other toxic drainage from entering water resources.

632. Subsidence Monitoring. Each application for a permit to conduct UNDERGROUND COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES will, except where planned subsidence is projected to be used, include as part of the subsidence monitoring plan described under R645-301-525:

632.100. A determination of the commencement and degree of subsidence so other appropriate measures can be taken to prevent or reduce material damage; and

632.200. A map showing the locations of subsidence monitoring points within and adjacent to the permit area.

640. Performance Standards.

641. All exploration holes and boreholes will be permanently cased and sealed according to the requirements of R645-301-631 and R645-301-631.200.

642. All monuments and surface markers used as subsidence monitoring points and identified under R645-301-632.200 will be reclaimed in accordance with R645-301-521.210.

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