Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Natural Resources
Title R643 - Oil, Gas and Mining; Abandoned Mine Reclamation
Rule R643-886 - State Reclamation Grants
Section R643-886-200 - Administrative Procedures
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
The Division will follow administrative procedures governing accounting, payment, property, and related requirements contained in Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-102.
210. Allowable Costs.
211. Reclamation project costs which will be allowed include actual costs of construction, operation and maintenance, planning and engineering, inspection, other necessary administration costs and up to 90 percent of the costs of the acquisition of land.
212. Costs must conform with any limitation, conditions, or exclusions set forth in the grant agreement.
220. Financial Management.
221. The Division will account for grant funds in accordance with the requirement of Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-102. The Division will use generally accepted accounting principles and practices consistently applied. Accounting for grant funds must be accurate and current.
222. The Division will adequately safeguard all accounts, funds, property, and other assets and will assure that they are used solely for authorized purposes.
223. The Division will provide a comparison of actual amounts spent with budgeted amounts for each grant.
224. When advances are made by a letter-of-credit method, the Division will make drawdowns from the U.S. Treasury through its commercial bank as closely as possible to the time of making the disbursements.
225. The Division will design a systematic method to assure timely and appropriate resolution of audit findings and recommendations.
230. Reports.
231. The Division will for each grant/cooperative agreement submit quarterly to the Office the following reports prepared according to Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-102, Attachments H and I:
232. The Division will for each grant/cooperative agreement submit annually to the Office the following reports prepared according to Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-102, Attachments H and I:
240. Records.
241. The Division will maintain complete records in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-102, Attachment C. This includes, but is not limited to, books, documents, maps, and other evidence and accounting procedures and practices sufficient to reflect properly:
242. Subgrantees and contractors, including contractors for professional services, will maintain books, documents, papers, maps, and records which are pertinent to a specific grant award.