(1) DWSP Plans
(a) Each PWS shall develop, submit, and
implement a DWSP Plan for each of its surface water sources of drinking water.
(i) Recognizing that more than one PWS may
jointly use a source from the same or nearby diversions, the Director
encourages collaboration among such PWSs with joint use of a source in the
development of a DWSP plan for that source. PWSs who jointly submit an
acceptable DWSP plan per R309-605-7 for one surface water source above common
point(s) of diversion, will be considered to have met the requirement of
R309-605-7(1)(a). The deadline from
that would apply to such a collaboration would be associated with the largest
population served by the individual parties to the agreement.
(b) Required Sections for DWSP
Plans - DWSP Plans should be developed in accordance with the 'Standard Report
Format for Surface Sources". This document may be obtained from the Division.
DWSP Plans must include the following eight sections:
(i) DWSP Delineation Report - A DWSP
Delineation Report in accordance with R309-605-7(3) is the first section of a
DWSP Plan.
(ii) Susceptibility
Analysis and Determination - A susceptibility analysis and determination in
accordance with R309-605-7(4) is the second section of a DWSP report.
(iii) Management Program to Control Each
Preexisting Potential Contamination Source - Land management strategies to
control each not adequately controlled preexisting potential contamination
source in accordance with R309-605-7(5) is the third section of a DWSP
(iv) Management Program to
Control or Prohibit Future Potential Contamination Sources - Land management
strategies for controlling or prohibiting future potential contamination
sources is the fourth section of a DWSP Plan. This must be in accordance with
R309-605-7(6), must be consistent with the general provisions of this rule, and
implemented to an extent allowed under the PWS's authority and jurisdiction.
(v) Implementation Schedule - The
implementation schedule is the fifth section of a DWSP Plan. Each PWS shall
develop a step-by-step implementation schedule which lists each of its proposed
land management strategies with an implementation date for each
(vi) Resource Evaluation
- The resource evaluation is the sixth section of a DWSP Plan. Each PWS shall
assess the financial and other resources which may be required for it to
implement each of its DWSP Plans and determine how these resources may be
(vii) Recordkeeping -
Recordkeeping is the seventh section of a DWSP Plan. Each PWS shall document
changes in each of its DWSP Plans as they are updated to show significant
changes in conditions in the protection zones. As a DWSP Plan is executed, the
PWS shall document any land management strategies that are implemented. These
documents may include any of the following: ordinances, codes, permits,
memoranda of understanding, public education programs, and so forth.
(viii) Public Notification - A method for,
schedule for and example of the means for notifying the public water system's
customers and consumers regarding the drinking water source water assessment
and the results of that assessment is the last section of a DWSP plan. This
must be in accordance with R309-605-7(7).
(ix) Existing watershed or resource
management plans - In lieu of some or all of the report sections described in
R309-605-7(1) (b), the PWS may submit watershed or resource management plans
that in whole or in part meet the requirements of this rule. Such plans shall
be submitted to the Director with a cover letter that fully explains how they
meet the requirements of the current DWSP rules. Any required section described
in R309-605-7(1)(b) that is not covered by the watershed or resource management
plan must be addressed and submitted jointly. The watershed or resource
management plans will be subject to the same review and approval process as any
other section of the DWSP plan.
(c) DWSP Plan Administration - DWSP Plans
shall be submitted, corrected, retained, implemented, updated, and revised
according to the following:
(i) Submitting
DWSP Plans - Each PWS shall submit a DWSP Plan to the Director in accordance
with the schedule in
for each of its surface water sources of drinking water (a joint development
and submittal of a DWSP plan is acceptable for PWSs with the joint use of a
source, per R309-605-7(1)(a)(i).)
(ii) Correcting Deficiencies - Each PWS shall
correct any deficiencies in a disapproved DWSP Plan and resubmit it to the
Director within 90 days of the disapproval date.
(iii) Retaining DWSP Plans - Each PWS shall
retain on its premises a current copy of each of its DWSP Plans. DWSP Plans
shall be made available to the public upon request.
(iv) Implementing DWSP Plans - Each PWS shall
begin implementing each of its DWSP Plans in accordance with its schedule in
R309-605-7(1)(b)(v), within 180 days after submittal if they are not
disapproved by the Director.
Updating and Resubmitting DWSP Plans - Each PWS shall review and update its
DWSP Plans as often as necessary to ensure that they show current conditions in
the DWSP zones, but at least annually after the original due date (see
R309-605-4(1)). Updated plans also document the implementation of land management strategies
in the recordkeeping section. Updated DWSP Plans will be resubmitted to the
Director every six years from their original due date, which is described in
(vi) Revising DWSP Plans - Each PWS shall
submit a revised DWSP Plan to the Director within 180 days after the
reconstruction or redevelopment of any surface water source of drinking water
which causes changes in source construction, source development, hydrogeology,
delineation, potential contamination sources, or proposed land management
(2) DWSP Plan Review.
(a) The Director shall review each DWSP Plan
submitted by PWSs and "concur," "conditionally concur" or "disapprove" the
plan. The Director may also authorize the designated DDW Source Protection
Manager to issue the following actions: "concur."
(b) The Director may "disapprove" DWSP Plans
for good cause, including any of the following reasons:
(i) A DWSP Plan that is missing the
delineation report or any of the information and data required in it (refer to
(ii) An inaccurate
Susceptibility Analysis or a DWSP Plan that is missing this report or any of
the information required in it (refer to R309-605-7(4));
(iii) An inaccurate Prioritized Inventory of
Potential Contamination Sources or a DWSP Plan that is missing this report or
any of the information required in it (refer to R309-605-7(4)(c));
(iv) An inaccurate assessment of current
controls (refer to R309-605-7(4)(a)(iii)(B));
(v) A missing or incomplete Management
Program to Control Each Preexisting Potential Contamination Source which has
been assessed as "not adequately controlled" by the PWS (refer to R309-605-7(5));
(vi) A missing or incomplete
Management Program to Control or Prohibit Future Potential Contamination
Sources (refer to R309-605-7(6));
(vii) A missing Implementation Schedule,
Resource Evaluation, Recordkeeping Section, or Contingency Plan (refer to
R309-605-7(1)(b) (v-vii) and
(viii) A missing or incomplete Public
Notification Section (refer to R309-605-7(7).
(c) If the Director conditionally concurs
with a DWSP Plan, the PWS must implement the conditions and report compliance
the next time the DWSP Plan is due and submitted to the Director.
(3) Delineation of Protection
(a) The delineation section of the DWSP
plan for surface water sources may be obtained from the Division upon request.
A delineation section prepared and provided by the Division would become the
first section of the submittal from the PWS. The delineation section provided
by the Division will consist of a map or maps showing the limits of the zones
described in R309-605-7(3)(b) (i-iv), and will include an inventory of
potential contamination sources on record in the Division's Geographic
Information System.
Alternatively, the PWS may provide their own delineation report. Such a
submittal must either describe the zones as defined in R309-605-7(3)(b) (i-iv),
or must comply with the requirements and definitions of R309-605-7(3)(c). The
delineation report must include a map or maps showing the extent of the zones.
(i) Zone 1:
(A) Streams, rivers and canals: zone 1
encompasses the area on both sides of the source, 1/2 mile on each side
measured laterally from the high water mark of the source (bank full), and from
100 feet downstream of the POD to 15 miles upstream, or to the limits of the
watershed or to the state line, whichever comes first. If a natural stream or
river is diverted into an uncovered canal or aqueduct for the purpose of
delivering water to a system or a water treatment facility, that entire canal
will be considered to be part of zone 1, and the 15 mile measurement upstream
will apply to the stream or river contributing water to the system from the
(B) Reservoirs or lakes:
zone 1 is considered to be the area 1/2 mile from the high water mark of the
source. Any stream or river contributing to the lake/reservoir will be included
in zone 1 for a distance of 15 miles upstream, and 1/2 mile laterally on both
sides of the source. If a reservoir is diverted into an uncovered canal or
aqueduct for the purpose of delivering water to a system or a water treatment
facility, that entire canal will be considered to be part of zone 1, and the 15
mile measurement upstream will apply to the reservoir and tributaries
contributing water to the system.
(ii) Zone 2: Zone 2 is defined as the area
from the end of zone 1, and an additional 50 miles upstream (or to the limits
of the watershed or to the state line, whichever comes first), and 1000 feet on
each side measured from the high water mark of the source.
(iii) Zone 3: Zone 3 is defined as the area
from the end of zone 2 to the limits of the watershed or to the state line,
whichever comes first, and 500 feet on each side measured from the high water
mark of the source.
(iv) Zone 4:
Zone 4 is defined as the remainder of the area of the watershed (up to the
state line, if applicable) contributing to the source that does not fall within
the boundaries of zones 1 through 3.
(v) Special case delineations:
(A) Basin Transfer PODs: Where water supplies
are received from basin transfers, the water from the extraneous basin will be
treated as a separate source, and will be subject to its own DWSP plan,
starting from zone 1 at the secondary POD.
(c) If the PWS is able to demonstrate that a
different zone configuration is more protective than those defined in
R309-605-7(3) (b), that different configuration may be used upon prior review
and approval by the Director. An explanation of the method used to obtain and
establish the dimensions of the zones must be provided. The delineation report
must include a map or maps showing the extent of the zones. The entire
watershed boundary contributing to a source must be included in the
Susceptibility Analysis and Determination:
Susceptibility Analysis:
(i) Structural
integrity of the intake: The PWS will evaluate the structural integrity of the
intake to ensure compliance with the existing source development rule
on a pass or fail basis. The pass-fail rating will be determined by whether the
intake meets minimum rule requirements, and whether the physical condition of
the intake is adequate to protect the intake from contamination events. The
integrity evaluation includes any portion of the conveyance from the point of
diversion to the distribution systems that is open to the atmosphere or is
otherwise vulnerable to contamination, including distribution canals,
(ii) Sensitivity of Natural
Setting: The PWS will evaluate the sensitivity of the source based on
physiographic and/or hydrogeologic factors. Factors influencing sensitivity may
include any natural or man-made feature that increases or decreases the
likelihood of contamination. Sensitivity does not address the question of
whether contamination is present in the watershed or recharge area.
(iii) Assessment of management of potential
contamination sources:
(A) Potential
Contamination Source Inventory
(I) Each PWS
shall identify and list all potential contamination sources within DWSP zones
1, 2 and 3, as applicable for individual sources. The name and address of each
non-residential potential contamination source is required, as well as a list
of the chemical, biological, and/or radiological hazards associated with each
potential contamination source. Additionally, each PWS shall identify each
potential contamination source as to its location in zone one, two, or three
and plot it on the map required in R309-605-7(3) (a and b). The PWS may rely on
the inventory provided by the Division for zone 4.
(II) List of Potential Contamination Sources
- A List of Potential Contamination Sources may be obtained from the Division.
This list may be used by PWSs as an introduction to inventorying potential
contamination sources within their DWSP zones. The list is not intended to be
(III) Refining,
Expanding, Updating, and Verifying Potential Contamination Sources - Each PWS
shall update its list of potential contamination sources to show current
conditions within DWSP zones according to R309-605-7(1)(c)(v). This includes
adding potential contamination sources which have moved into DWSP zones,
deleting potential contamination sources which have moved out, improving
available data about potential contamination sources, and all other appropriate
Identification and Assessment of Controls: The PWS will identify and assess the
hazards at each potential contamination source, including those in the
inventory provided by the Division that are located in zone 4, as "adequately
controlled" or "not adequately controlled".
(I) If controls are not identified, the
potential contamination source will be considered "not adequately controlled."
Additionally, if the hazards at a potential contamination source cannot be or
are not identified, the potential contamination source must be assessed as "not
adequately controlled."
(II) Types
of controls: For each hazard deemed to be controlled, one of the following
controls shall be identified: regulatory, best management/pollution prevention,
or physical controls. Negligible quantities of contaminants are also considered
a control. The assessment of controls will not be considered complete unless
the controls are completely evaluated and discussed in the DWSP report, using
the following criteria:
Regulatory Controls - Identify the enforcement agency and
verify that the hazard is being regulated by them; cite and/or quote applicable
references in the regulation, rule or ordinance which pertain to controlling
the hazard; explain how the regulatory controls affect the potential for
surface water contamination; assess the hazard; and set a date to reassess the
hazard. For assistance in identifying regulatory controls, refer to the 'Source
Protection User's Guide" Appendix D for a list of government agencies and the
programs they administer to control potential contamination sources. This guide
may be obtained from the Division.
Best Management/Pollution Prevention Practice Controls -List
the specific best management/pollution prevention practices which have been
implemented by potential contamination source management to control the hazard
and indicate that they are willing to continue the use of these practices;
explain how these practices affect the potential for surface water
contamination; assess the hazard; and set a date to reassess the hazard.
Physical Controls - Describe the physical control(s) which
have been constructed to control the hazard; explain how these controls affect
the potential for contamination; assess the hazard; and set a date to reassess
the hazard.
Negligible Quantity Control - Identify the quantity of the
hazard that is being used, disposed, stored, manufactured, and/or transported;
explain why this amount is a negligible quantity; assess the hazard; and set a
date to reassess the hazard.
(III) PWSs may assess controls on Potential
Contamination Sources collectively, when the Potential Contamination Sources
have similar characteristics, or when the Potential Contamination Sources are
clustered geographically. Examples may include, but are not limited to,
abandoned mines that are part of the same mining districts, underground storage
tanks that are in the same zone, or leaking underground storage tanks in the
same city. However, care should be taken to avoid collectively assessing
Potential Contamination Sources to the extent that the assessments become
meaningless. The Director may require an individual assessment for a Potential
Contamination Source if the Director determines that the collective assessment
does not adequately assess controls.
(C) A potential contamination source which is
covered by a permit or approval under one of the regulatory programs listed
below shall be considered to be adequately controlled unless otherwise
determined by the Director. The PWS must provide documentation establishing
that the Potential Contamination Source is covered by the regulatory program.
For all other state regulatory programs, the PWS's assessment is subject to
review by the Director; as a result, a PWS's DWSP Plan may be disapproved if
the Director does not concur with its assessment(s).
(I) The Utah Ground-Water Quality Protection
program established by Section
and Rule R317-6;
(II) Closure plans
or Part B permits under authority of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA) of 1984 regarding the monitoring and treatment of
(III) The Utah
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) established by Section
and Rule R317-8; at the discretion of the PWS, this may include Confined Animal
feeding Operations/Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO/AFO) assessed under the Utah
DWQ CAFO/AFO Strategy.
(IV) The
Underground Storage Tank Program established by Section
and Rules R311-200 through R311-208; and
(V) the Underground Injection Control (UIC)
Program for classes I-IV established by Sections
and Rules R317-7 and R649-5.
(b) Susceptibility determination:
(i) The PWS will assess the drinking water
source for its susceptibility relative to each potential contamination source.
The determination will be based on the following four factors:
1) the structural integrity of the intake,
2) the sensitivity of the natural
3) whether a Potential
Contamination Source is considered controlled or not, and
4) how the first three factors are
interrelated. The PWS will provide an explanation of the method or judgement
used to weigh the first three factors against each other to determine
Additionally, each drinking water source will be assessed by the PWS for its
overall susceptibility to potential contamination events. This will result in a
qualitative assessment of the susceptibility of the drinking water source to
contamination. This assessment of overall susceptibility allows the PWS and
others to compare the susceptibility of one drinking water source to
(iii) Each surface water
drinking water source in the state of Utah is initially considered to have a
high susceptibility to contamination, due to the intrinsic unprotected nature
of surface water sources. An assumption of high susceptibility will be used by
the Director unless a PWS or a group of PWSs demonstrates otherwise, per
R309-605, and receives concurrence from the Director under
Prioritized Potential Contamination Source Inventory: The PWS will prepare a
prioritized inventory of potential contamination sources based on the
susceptibility determinations in R309-605-7(4)(b)(i). The inventory will rank
potential contamination sources based on the degree of threat posed to the
drinking water source as determined in R309-605-7(4)(b)(i).
(5) Management Program to Control
Each Preexisting Potential Contamination Source.
(a) PWSs are not required to plan and
implement land management strategies for potential contamination source hazards
that are assessed as "adequately controlled."
(b) With the first submittal of the DWSP
Plan, PWSs shall include management strategies to reduce the risk of
contamination from, at a minimum, each of the three highest priority
uncontrolled Potential Contamination Sources in the protection zones for the
source. The Director may require land management strategies for additional
Potential Contamination Sources to assure adequate protection of the source. A
management plan may be for one specific Potential Contamination Source (i.e., a
sewage lagoon discharging into a stream), or for a group of similar or related
Potential Contamination Sources that were assessed jointly under
R309-605-7(4)(a)(iii)(B)(III) (i.e., one management plan for septic systems
within one residential development would be acceptable, and would count as one
of the three Potential Contamination Source management strategies).
PWSs shall plan land management strategies to control
preexisting uncontrolled potential contamination sources in accordance with
their existing authority and jurisdiction. Land management strategies must be
consistent with the provisions of R309-605, designed to control or reduce the
risk of potential contamination, and may be regulatory or non-regulatory. Land
management strategies must be implemented according to the schedule required in
PWSs with overlapping protection zones may cooperate in controlling a
particular preexisting potential contamination source if one PWS will agree to
take the lead in planning and implementing land management strategies. The
remaining PWS(s) will assess the preexisting potential contamination source as
"adequately controlled."
(d) At
each six year cycle for revising and resubmitting the DWSP Plan, under the
schedule in R309-605-7(1)(c)(v), the PWS shall prioritize their inventory
again, and shall propose a management program to control preexisting Potential
Contamination Sources for the three highest priority Potential Contamination
Sources, which may include uncontrolled Potential Contamination Sources not
previously managed. The PWS shall also continue existing management programs,
unless justification is provided that demonstrates that a Potential
Contamination Source that was previously managed is now considered
Management Program to Control or Prohibit Future Potential Contamination
Sources for Existing Drinking Water Sources.
(a) PWSs shall plan land management
strategies to control or prohibit future potential contamination sources within
each of its DWSP zones consistent with the provisions of R309-605 and to the
extent allowed under its authority and jurisdiction. Land management strategies
must be designed to control or reduce the risk of potential contamination and
may be regulatory or non-regulatory. Additionally land management strategies
must be implemented according to the schedule required in
(b) Protection
areas may extend into neighboring cities, towns, and counties. Since it may not
be possible for some PWSs to enact regulatory land management strategies
outside of their jurisdiction, except for municipalities as described below, it
is recommended that these PWSs contact their neighboring cities, towns, and
counties to see if they are willing to implement protective ordinances to
prevent surface water contamination under joint management
(c) Cities and towns
have extraterritorial jurisdiction in accordance with Section
of the Utah Code Annotated to enact ordinances to protect a stream or 'source"
from which their water is taken... " for 15 miles above the point from which it
is taken and for a distance of 300 feet on each side of such
(d) Zoning ordinances
are an effective means to control potential contamination sources that may want
to move into protection areas. They allow PWSs to prohibit facilities that
would discharge contaminants directly to surface water. They also allow PWSs to
review plans from potential contamination sources to ensure there will be
adequate spill protection and waste disposal procedures, etc. If zoning
ordinances are not used, PWSs must establish a plan to contact potential
contamination sources individually as they move into protection areas, identify
and assess their controls, and plan land management strategies if they are not
adequately controlled.
(7) Public Notification:
Within their DWSP report, each PWS shall specify the method
and schedule for notifying their customers and consumers that an assessment of
their surface water source has been completed and what the results of that
assessment are. Each PWS shall provide the proposed public notification
material as an appendix to the DWSP report. The public notification material
shall include a discussion of the general geologic and physical setting of the
source, the sensitivity of the setting, general types of potential
contamination sources in the area, how susceptible the drinking water source is
to potential contamination and a map showing the location of the drinking water
source and generalized areas of potential concern (it is not mandatory to show
the location of the intake itself). The public notification material will be in
plain English. The purpose of this public notification is to advise the public
regarding how susceptible their drinking water source is to potential
contamination sources. Examples of means of notifying the public, and examples
of acceptable public notification materials, are available from the Division.
The public notification materials must be approved by the Director prior to