Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Environmental Quality
Title R309 - Drinking Water
Rule R309-200 - Monitoring and Water Quality: Drinking Water Standards
Section R309-200-5 - Primary Drinking Water Standards
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
(1) Inorganic Contaminants.
Contaminant |
Maximum Contaminant Level |
1. Antimony |
0.006 mg/L |
2. Arsenic |
0.010 mg/L (see Note 5 below) |
3. Asbestos |
7 Million Fibers/liter (longer than 10 um) |
4. Barium |
2 mg/L |
5. Beryllium |
0.004 mg/L |
6. Cadmium |
0.005 mg/L |
7. Chromium |
0.1 mg/L |
8. Cyanide (as free Cyanide) |
0.2 mg/L |
9. Fluoride |
4.0 mg/L |
10. Mercury |
0.002 mg/L |
11. Nickel |
--- (see Note 1 below) |
12. Nitrate |
10 mg/l (as Nitrogen) (see Note 4 below) |
13. Nitrite |
1 mg/L (as Nitrogen) |
14. Total Nitrate and Nitrite |
10 mg/L (as Nitrogen) |
15. Selenium |
0.05 mg/L |
16. Sodium |
--- (see Note 1 below) |
17. Sulfate |
1000 mg/L (see Note 2 below) |
18. Thallium |
0.002 mg/L |
19. Total Dissolved Solids |
2000 mg/L (see Note 3 below) |
In no case shall the Director allow the use of water having a sulfate level greater than 1000 mg/L.
(2) Lead and copper.
(3) Organic Contaminants.
The following are the maximum contaminant levels for organic chemicals. For the purposes of R309-100 through R309-R309-605, organic chemicals are divided into three categories:
Pesticides/PCBs/SOCs, volatile organic contaminants (VOCs) and total trihalomethanes.
Contaminant |
Maximum Contaminant Level |
1. Alachlor |
0.002 mg/L |
2. Aldicarb |
(see Note 1 below) |
3. Aldicarb sulfoxide |
(see Note 1 below) |
4. Aldicarb sulfone |
(see Note 1 below) |
5. Atrazine |
0.003 mg/L |
6. Carbofuran |
0.04 mg/L |
7. Chlordane |
0.002 mg/L |
8. Dibromochloropropane |
0.0002 mg/L |
9. 2,4-D |
0.07 mg/L |
10. Ethylene dibromide |
0.00005 mg/L |
11. Heptachlor |
0.0004 mg/L |
12. Heptachlor epoxide |
0.0002 mg/L |
13. Lindane |
0.0002 mg/L |
14. Methoxychlor |
0.04 mg/L |
15. Polychlorinated biphenyls |
0.0005 mg/L |
16. Pentachlorophenol |
0.001 mg/L |
17. Toxaphene |
0.003 mg/L |
18. 2,4,5-TP |
0.05 mg/L |
19. Benzo(a)pyrene |
0.0002 mg/L |
20. Dalapon |
0.2 mg/L |
21. Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate |
0.4 mg/L |
22. Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate |
0.006 mg/L |
23. Dinoseb |
0.007 mg/L |
24. Diquat |
0.02 mg/L |
25. Endothall |
0.1 mg/L |
26. Endrin |
0.002 mg/L |
27. Glyphosate |
0.7 mg/L |
28. Hexachlorobenzene |
0.001 mg/L |
29. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene |
0.05 mg/L |
30. Oxamyl (Vydate) |
0.2 mg/L |
31. Picloram |
0.5 mg/L |
32. Simazine |
0.004 mg/L |
33. 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Dioxin) |
0.00000003 mg/L |
Note 1: The MCL for this contaminant is under further review, however, this contaminant shall be monitored in accordance with R309-205-6(1).
Contaminant |
Maximum Contaminant Level |
1. Vinyl chloride |
0.002 mg/L |
2. Benzene |
0.005 mg/L |
3. Carbon tetrachloride |
0.005 mg/L |
4. 1,2-Dichloroethane |
0.005 mg/L |
5. Trichloroethylene |
0.005 mg/L |
6. para-Dichlorobenzene |
0.075 mg/L |
7. 1,1-Dichloroethylene |
0.007 mg/L |
8. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane |
0.2 mg/L |
9. cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene |
0.07 mg/L |
10. 1,2-Dichloropropane |
0.005 mg/L |
11. Ethylbenzene |
0.7 mg/L |
12. Monochlorobenzene |
0.1 mg/L |
13. o-Dichlorobenzene |
0.6 mg/L |
14. Styrene |
0.1 mg/L |
15. Tetrachloroethylene |
0.005 mg/L |
16. Toluene |
1 mg/L |
17. trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene |
0.1 mg/L |
18. Xylenes (total) |
10 mg/L |
19. Dichloromethane |
0.005 mg/L |
20. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene |
0.07 mg/L |
21. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane |
0.005 mg/L |
MCL (mg/L) |
Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) |
0.080 |
Haloacetic acids (five) (HAA5) |
0.060 |
Bromate |
0.010 |
Chlorite |
1.0 |
MRDL (mg/L) |
Chlorine |
4.0 (as Cl) |
Chloramines |
4.0 (as Cl) |
Chlorine dioxide |
0.8 (as ClO2) |
(4) Radiologic Chemicals.
Average Annual Concentrations Assumed to Produce: A Total Body or Organ Dose of 4 mrem/yr
Radionuclide |
Critical organ |
pCi per liter |
Tritium |
Total body |
20,000 |
Strontium-90 |
Bone Marrow |
8 |
Continuous disinfection is recommended for all water sources. It shall be required of all ground water sources which do not consistently meet standards of bacteriologic quality. Surface water sources or ground water sources under direct influence of surface water shall be disinfected and continuously monitored for disinfection residual during the course of required conventional complete treatment for systems serving greater than 3,300 people. Disinfection shall not be considered a substitute for inadequate collection or filtration facilities.
Successful disinfection assures 99.9 percent inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts and 99.99 percent inactivation of enteric viruses. Both filtration and disinfection are considered treatment techniques to protect against the potential adverse health effects of exposure to Giardia lamblia, viruses, Legionella, and heterotrophic bacteria in water. Minimum disinfection levels are set by "CT" values as defined in R309-110.
V = ((c + d + e) / (a + b)) x 100 where:
a = number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is measured;
b = number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is not measured but heterotrophic bacteria plate count (HPC) is measured;
c = number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is measured but not detected and no HPC is measured;
d = number of instances where no residual disinfectant concentration is detected and where HPC is greater than 500/ml;
e = number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is not measured and HPC is greater than 500/ml.