Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Commerce
Title R156 - Professional Licensing
Rule R156-73 - Chiropractic Physician Practice Act Rule
Section R156-73-303b - Continuing Education - Standards
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
(1) The standards for continuing education are as follows:
(2) A licensee shall be responsible for maintaining competent records of completed continuing education for a period of two years after close of the two year period to which the records pertain.
(3) The board may, after review, waive the continuing education requirements for a licensee presenting sufficient evidence of hardship or illness or other reason making it impossible or highly impractical for the licensee to attend or have attended a sufficient number of continuing education classes.
(4) As part of the 40 continuing education hours required every two years, a chiropractic physician, who provides acupuncture services as a part of their practice, shall complete 10 hours of acupuncture related continuing education.