Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
In accordance with Subsections
58-1-203(1)(g) and
the following continuing education requirements are established as a condition
of renewal or reinstatement of licenses issued under Title 58, Chapter 63 in
the classifications of armored car security officer:
(1) An armored car security officers shall
complete at least 32 hours of continuing education during each two-year renewal
cycle. A minimum of 16 hours shall be core continuing education; the remaining
hours may consist of professional continuing education or core continuing
(a) "Core continuing education" is
defined as education completed during a two-year renewal cycle, that covers
each of the following topics:
(i) company
operational procedures manual;
applicable state laws and rules;
(iii) legal powers and limitations of private
security officers;
(iv) observation
and reporting techniques;
(vi) management of
aggressive behavior, use of force, de-escalation techniques;
(vii) emergency techniques; and
(viii) a recognized basic life saving course
to obtain or maintain certification in:
cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR);
(B) automated external defibrillator
(C) first aid; or
(D) any other recognized basic life-saving
"Professional continuing education" is defined as education covering one or
more of the following topics:
(i) executive
(ii) basic
(iii) driving
techniques for the security professional;
(iv) escort techniques;
(v) crowd control;
(vi) access control and the use of electronic
detection devices;
(vii) use of
defensive items and objects;
homeland security involving bomb threats and anti-terrorism;
(ix) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
compliance; or
(x) any other topic
relevant to the education of armored car security professionals.
(2) In addition to the
32 hours of core/professional continuing education, an armored car security
officer shall complete at least 16 hours of continuing firearms education and
training during each two-year renewal cycle. Continuing firearms education and
(a) shall be completed in four-hour
blocks every six months;
(b) may
not include any hours for the continuing education requirement in Subsection
(c) shall comply
with the provisions of Title 15, USC Chapter 85, the Armored Car Industry
Reciprocity Act; and
(d) shall
include at minimum:
(i) live classroom
instruction concerning:
(A) restrictions in
the use of deadly force; and
firearms safety on duty, at home, and on the range; and
(ii) a recognized practical pistol
recertification course on which the licensee achieves a minimum score of 80%
using regular or low light conditions.
(3) Credit for continuing education shall be
recognized as follows:
(a) unlimited hours
for core, professional, and firearm continuing education completed in blocks of
time of not less than one hour in formally established classroom courses,
seminars, or conferences;
unlimited hours for professional continuing education provided via the
Internet, if the course provider verifies registration and participation in the
courses by means of an exam which demonstrates that the participant has learned
the material presented;
(c) two
hours for each hour of lecturing, training, or instructing a course, if it is
the first time the material has been taught during the preceding 12 months, up
to a maximum of 12 hours during each two-year renewal period; the type of
credit received - whether core, professional, or firearms education and
training - shall be based on the subject taught; and
(d) one professional continuing education
hour for each hour of service on the Contract Security Services Licensing
Board, a state or national security board, or the Contract Security Education
Advisory Peer Committee, up to a maximum of six hours during each two-year
renewal period.
Modification of Required Continuing Education Hours.
(a) A licensee who fails to complete the
required four hours of continuing firearms education and training within the
appropriate six-month period shall complete one and one half times the number
of hours the licensee was deficient for the reporting period ("penalty" hours).
Penalty hours shall not satisfy in whole or in part any of the continuing
firearms education and training hours required for subsequent renewal of the
(b) If a renewal period is
shortened or lengthened to effect a change of renewal cycle, the continuing
education hours required for that renewal period shall be increased or
decreased proportionately.
(c) The
Division may defer or waive continuing education requirements as provided in
(5) A licensee shall maintain
documentation showing compliance with the requirements of this section, such as
certificates of completion or course handouts and materials, for a period of
three years from the end of the renewal period for which the continuing
education is due.
(6) An armored
car security company licensed under this chapter shall:
(a) review continuing education courses and
approve for its employees only those courses that meet the requirements of this
(i) maintain accurate records of its approved
continuing education courses and of each employee's attendance and course
completion; and
(ii) make such
records available for audit by representatives of the Division; and
(c) ensure that each provider of
its approved continuing education courses:
(i) maintains accurate records of attendance
and course completion, by individual licensee, that are available for review by
the licensed company, the Division, and the licensee;
(ii) provides individuals completing the
course a certificate identifying the:
name of the individual;
(B) date
the course was taken;
(C) location
where the course was taken or type of Internet course taken;
(D) title of the course identifying its
topic(s) as outlined in Subsection R156-63b-304(1);
(E) name of the continuing education provider
and instructor;
(F) exam score for
any exam taken; and
(G) number of
continuing education hours completed.
(7) On a random basis, the
Division may assign monitors at no charge to attend a continuing education
course for the purposes of evaluating the course and the instructor.
(8) The initial licensure education and
training programs defined in Subsections
R156-63b-102(1) and
(2) may not be used to satisfy, in whole or
in part, any of the continuing education requirements of this