Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Commerce
Title R156 - Professional Licensing
Rule R156-63b - Security Personnel Licensing Act Armored Car Rule
Section R156-63b-102 - Definitions
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
In addition to the definitions in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 63, as used in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 63 or this rule:
(1) "Approved basic education and training program" means a basic education and training program that:
(2) "Approved basic firearms training program" means a firearms education and training program that:
(3) "Armored car company" includes a peace officer who engages in providing security or guard services when acting in a capacity other than as an employee of the law enforcement agency by whom the peace officer is employed.
(4) "Armored car company" does not include a company which hires as employees, individuals to provide security or guard services for the purpose of protecting tangible property, currency, valuables, jewelry, SNAP benefits as defined in Section 35A-1-102, or other high value items that require secured delivery from one place to another and are owned by or under the responsibility of that company, as long as the security or guard services provided by the company do not benefit any person other than the employing company.
(5) "Authorized emergency vehicle" is as defined in Subsection 41-6a-102(3).
(6) "Compensated", as used in Subsection 58-63-302(1) (c)(viii)(A), means remuneration in the form of W-2 wages unless the qualifying agent is an owner of a contract security or armored car company, in which case "compensated" means the owner's profit distributions or dividends.
(7) "Conviction" means criminal conduct where the filing of a criminal charge has resulted in:
(8) "Corporate officer" as defined in Subsection 58-63-102(9), includes an individual who is on file with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code as a limited liability company's company officer or "governing person" as defined in Subsection 48-3a-102(7), or as a limited partnership's "general partner" as defined in Subsection 48-2e-102(8).
(9) "Employee" means an individual providing services in the armored car industry for compensation when the amount of compensation is based directly upon the armored car services provided, and upon which the employer is required under law to withhold federal and state taxes, and for whom the employer is required under law to provide worker's compensation insurance coverage and pay unemployment insurance.
(10) "Instructor" means a person who directly facilitates learning through means of live in-class lecture, group participation, practical exercise, or other means, who has fulfilled the instructor experience and training requirements set forth in Section R156-63b-602.
(11) "Qualified continuing education" means continuing education that meets the standards set forth in Subsection R156-63b-304.
(12) "Qualifying agent" means a natural person who meets all of the requirements set forth in Subsection 58-63-302(1) (c).
(13) "Soft uniform" means a business suit or a polo-type shirt with appropriate slacks. The coat or shirt has an embroidered badge or armored car company logo that clips onto or is placed over the front pocket.
(14) "Supervision" means general supervision as defined in Subsection R156-1-102a(4)(c).
(15) "Trainer" has the same meaning as "instructor".
(16) "Unprofessional conduct," as defined in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 63, is further defined, in accordance with Subsection 58-1-203(1)(e), in Section R156-63b-502.