Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
In addition to the definitions in Title 58, Chapters 1 and
61, as used in this rule:
(1) "BACB"
means Behavior Analyst Certification Board.
(2) "BCaBA" means Board Certified Assistant
Behavior Analyst.
(3) "BCBA" means
Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
"Experiential behavior analyst training" means:
(i) practical training experience providing
behavior analysis services, including completing assessments, developing
programs, implementing programs, training on programs, and ongoing monitoring
of programs under supervision of a licensed behavior analyst; and
(ii) participating in at least one
supervisory session every two weeks for no less than 5% of the total hours
spent completing supervised hours.
(b) "Experiential behavior analyst training
does not mean:
(i) attending meetings with
little or no behavior-analytic content;
(ii) providing interventions that are not
based in behavior analysis;
performing non-behavioral administrative activities;
(iv) completed non-behavioral assessments
(e.g., diagnostic assessments, intellectual assessments); or
(v) completing paperwork, documentation,
billing or any other activities that are not directly related to behavior
(5) "LaBA" means Licensed Assistant Behavior
(6) "LBA" means Licensed
Behavior Analyst.
(7) "Qualified
supervisor" means a:
(a) LBA or psychologist
who is licensed in good standing with the Division and has completed the
supervision and experience training module administered by the BACB, who is
supervision a LaBA or supervisee working towards obtaining the required
experience to become licensed; or
(b) RBS, LBA or psychologist who is in good
standing with the Division who is supervising a RaBS.
(8) "RaBS" means Registered Assistant
Behavior Specialist.
(9) "RBS"
means Registered Behavior Specialist.
(10) "Supervision contract" means a written
contract between the qualified supervisor or a LaBA, RaBS, or a supervisee
working towards obtaining the required experience to become licensed that
includes at a minimum the following:
(a) the
responsibilities of the supervisor and supervisee;
(b) a description of the appropriate
activities and instructional objectives;
(c) the objective and measurable
circumstances under which the supervisor will sign the supervision form;
(d) the consequences should the
parties not adhere to their responsibilities, including proper termination of
the contract; and
(e) an
attestation that both parties will adhere to the Professional and Ethical
Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts issued by the BACB.
(11) "Supervision form" means a form to
document ongoing supervision that includes at a minimum the following:
(a) the date of each supervisory meeting;
(b) the duration of each
supervisory meeting;
(c) the
format of meeting (i.e. individual or small group);
(d) an evaluation of supervisee performance;
(e) signature and date lines
for supervisor and supervisee indicating when the form was completed and