(1) Under Section
58-60-105, the continuing
education (CE) requirements for each two-year renewal cycle beginning October 1
of each even-numbered year, for a CMHC licensed under Title 58, Chapter 60,
Part 4, Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensing Act shall be 40 hours and
(a) six hours in ethics of clinical
practice, law, or technology; and
(b) two hours in suicide prevention, this
course shall meet the requirements of Section
(2) An individual who completes
more than the required number of CE hours during a two-year renewal cycle may
carry over up to ten hours of excess to the next two-year renewal
(3) CE shall be:
(a) approved, conducted, or under the
sponsorship of one of the following:
accredited college or university;
(ii) county, state, or federal
(iii) professional
association, or similar body, involved in clinical mental health therapy;
(iv) mental health agency that
provides clinical mental health services;
(b) completed in not less than 50-minute
blocks of time in one of the following formats:
(i) college or university lecture and
discussion up to a maximum of:
(A) three CE
hours per semester hour; or
(B) 1.5
CE hours per quarter hour;
lecture or instruction up to a maximum of two times per course, up to a maximum
of ten CE hours for a CMHC;
(v) training
(vi) synchronous distance
learning course that is clearly documented as real-time and
(vii) asynchronous
distance learning course that is not realtime and interactive, up to a maximum
of ten CE hours for a CMHC;
specialty certification;
certifiable clinical readings, up to a maximum of ten hours;
(x) direct supervision of an ACMHC, CSW, or
AMFT completing the experience requirements for licensure, up to a maximum of
ten hours for a CMHC; and
volunteer service on a board, committee, or in a leadership role in any state,
national, or international organization for the development and improvement of
the licensee's profession; one CE hour may be counted as a regular credit,
ethics of clinical practice, law, or technology credit, up to a maximum of six
CE hours during each two-year period;
(c) prepared and presented by individuals who
are qualified by education, training, and experience to provide CE;
(d) relevant to the licensee's scope of
practice; and
(e) verified by a
certificate of course completion that shall include:
(i) name of the attendee;
(ii) name of course provider;
(iii) name of instructor;
(iv) date of the course;
(v) title of the course;
(vi) number of CE hours;
(vii) course objectives; and
(viii) type of CE, for example, seminar,
real-time interactive, distance learning, teaching.
(4) An individual shall maintain
adequate documentation as proof of compliance with this section for a period of
two years after the end of the renewal cycle for which the CE is due.
(5) An individual may not carry forward any
CE hours received before a granted license, including professional
(6) CE hours shall be
decreased proportionately according to the date of obtaining clinical mental
health counselor licensure within the two-year renewal cycle.
(7) The Division may defer or waive CE
requirements in accordance with Section