Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Commerce
Title R156 - Professional Licensing
Rule R156-55d - Burglar Alarm Licensing Rule
Section R156-55d-102 - Definitions
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
In addition to the definitions in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 55, as used in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 55, or this rule:
(1) "Alarm company agent", as defined in Subsection 58-55-102(2), is further defined for clarification to include a direct seller in accordance with 26 U.S.C. Section 3508.
(2) "Conviction", as used in this rule, means criminal conduct where the filing of a criminal charge has resulted in:
(3) "Employee", as used in Subsection 58-55-102(17), means an individual:
(4) "Immediate supervision", as used in this rule, means reasonable direction, oversight, inspection, and evaluation of the work of a person, in or out of the immediate presence of the supervision person, so as to ensure that the end result complies with applicable standards.
(5) "Sensitive alarm system information, as defined in Subsection 58-55-102(39), is further defined for clarification to include any information that would permit a person to compromise, bypass, deactivate, or disable any part of an alarm system. Sensitive alarm system information does not include knowledge of what is installed in the home nor the location, by general description, of the equipment installed unless the knowledge would permit a person to compromise, bypass, deactivate, or disable any part of an alarm system.
(6) "Unprofessional conduct", as defined in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 55, is further defined, in accordance with Subsection 58-1-203(1), in Section R156-55d-502.