Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
Under Section
58-28-306, there is created a
continuing education requirement as a condition for renewal or reinstatement of
licenses issued under Title 58, Chapter 28, Veterinary Practice Act. Continuing
education shall comply with the following criteria:
During each two-year period commencing on September 30 of each even-numbered
year, a licensee shall complete at least 24 hours of qualified continuing
education directly related to the licensee's professional practice.
(b) At least one hour of the 24 hours shall
be specifically related to recognizing opioid use and dependency in office
staff, clients, and coworkers.
At least one hour of the 24 hours shall be devoted to topics that improve
communication in the veterinary workplace for clients, employees, or
recruitment, such as for example:
clinician-patient relationships;
(ii) employee engagement and team
(iii) diversity, equity,
and inclusion, such as topics relating to culture, race, ethnicity, religion,
gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or issues such as
unconscious bias, cross-culture communication, or access and legal aspects of
(iv) business
writing or other professional communication; or
(v) communication skills training, such as
topics relating to active listening, non-verbal communication, or communication
(2) If
a licensee is initially licensed during the two-year period, the licensee's
required number of continuing education hours shall be decreased
proportionately according to the date of licensure.
(3) Continuing education shall:
(a) have an identifiable clear statement of
purpose and defined objective for the educational program directly related to
the practice of a veterinarian;
be relevant to the licensee's professional practice;
(c) be presented in a competent, well
organized, and sequential manner consistent with the stated purpose and
objective of the program;
(d) be
prepared and presented by individuals who are qualified by education, training,
and experience; and
(e) have a
competent method of registration of individuals who completed the professional
education program, with records of that registration and completion available
for review.
(4) The
Division shall recognize continuing education as follows:
(a) unlimited hours for continuing education
as a student or presenter, completed in blocks of time of not less than one
hour in formally established classroom courses, seminars, lectures, wet labs,
or specific veterinary conferences approved or sponsored by one or more of the
(i) the American Veterinary Medical
(ii) the Utah
Veterinary Medical Association;
(iii) the American Animal Hospital
(iv) the American
Association of Equine Practitioners;
(v) the American Association of Bovine
(vi) certifying
boards recognized by the AVMA;
(vii) other state veterinary medical
associations or state licensing boards; or
(viii) the Registry of Continuing Education
(RACE) of the AASVB;
up to five continuing education hours for being the primary author of an
article published in a peer reviewed scientific journal, and up to two
continuing education hours for being a secondary author;
(c) up to six continuing education hours in
practice management courses; and
(d) if the course has no instructor or the
instructor is not physically present, such as for internet, audio and visual
recordings, broadcast seminars, mail, or other correspondence courses, the
course shall assure the licensee's participation and acquisition of the
knowledge and skills intended by an examination.
(5) A licensee shall maintain documentation
sufficient to prove compliance with this section for two years after the end of
the two-year renewal cycle for which the continuing education is due.
(6) A licensee who cannot complete the
continuing education requirement for reasons such as a medical or related
condition, humanitarian or ecclesiastical services, or extended presence in a
geographical area where continuing education is not available, may be excused
from the requirement for up to three years under Section