Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Commerce
Title R156 - Professional Licensing
Rule R156-22 - Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Act Rule
Section R156-22-302d - Qualifications for Licensure - Experience Requirements for All Applicants
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
In accordance with Subsection 58-22-302, the following general experience requirements are established for all applicants under this chapter, and are in addition to the specific experience requirements for each profession described in Sections R156-22-302e, R156-22-302f and R156-22-302g:
(1) 2,000 hours of work experience constitutes one year (12 months) of work experience.
(2) No more than 2,000 hours of work experience can be claimed in any 12 month period.
(3) Experience shall be progressive on projects that are of increasing quality and requiring greater responsibility.
(4) Only experience of an engineering, structural engineering or surveying nature, as appropriate for the specific license, is acceptable.
(5) Experience is not acceptable if it is obtained in violation of applicable statutes or rules.
(6) Unless otherwise provided in Section 7, experience shall be gained under the direct supervision of a person licensed in the profession for which the license application is submitted. Supervision of an intern by another intern is not permitted.
(7) Experience is also acceptable when obtained in a work setting where licensure is not required or is exempted from licensure in accordance with Section 58-22-305, including experience obtained in the armed services if:
(8) Each supervisor shall provide to the applicant the certificate of qualifying experience with the supervisor's seal, which the applicant shall submit with the application for licensure.
(9) If the supervisor is unavailable or refuses to provide a certification of qualifying experience, the applicant shall submit:
(10) If the supervisor verifying the applicant's credentials is not licensed in the profession, the supervisor shall provide a written explanation as to why the supervisor is qualified to verify the applicant's knowledge, ability and competence to practice in the profession applied for.
(11) Supervisor duties and responsibilities shall include the following: