Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Commerce
Title R156 - Professional Licensing
Rule R156-17b - Pharmacy Practice Act Rule
Section R156-17b-615 - Operating Standards - Class C Pharmacy -Pharmaceutical Wholesaler/Distributor and Pharmaceutical Manufacturer

Universal Citation: UT Admin Code R 156-17b-615

Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024

In accordance with Subsections 58-17b-102(47) and 58-17b-601(1), the operating standards for Class C pharmacies designated as pharmaceutical wholesaler/distributor and pharmaceutical manufacturer licensees includes the following:

(1) Each pharmaceutical wholesaler or manufacturer that distributes or manufactures drugs or medical devices in Utah shall be licensed by the Division. A separate license shall be obtained for each separate location engaged in the distribution or manufacturing of prescription drugs. Business names cannot be identical to the name used by another unrelated wholesaler licensed to purchase drugs and devices in Utah.

(2) Manufacturers distributing only their own FDA-approved:

(a) prescription drugs or prescription drugs that are co-licensed products satisfy the requirement in Subsection (1) by registering their establishment with the FDA pursuant to 21 CFR Part 207 and submitting the information required by 21 CFR Part 205 including any amendments thereto, to the Division; or

(b) devices or devices that are co-licensed products, including products packaged with devices, such as convenience kits, that are exempt from the definition of transaction in 21 USC sec. 360eee(24)(B) (xii-xvi) satisfy the requirement in Subsection (1) by registering their establishment with the FDA pursuant to 21 CFR.

(3) An applicant for licensure as a pharmaceutical wholesale distributor shall provide the following minimum information:

(a) All trade or business names used by the licensee (including "doing business as" and "formerly known as");

(b) Name of the owner and operator of the license as follows:
(i) if a person, the name, business address, social security number and date of birth;

(ii) if a partnership, the name, business address, and social security number and date of birth of each partner, and the partnership's federal employer identification number;

(iii) if a corporation, the name, business address, social security number and date of birth, and title of each corporate officer and director, the corporate names, the name of the state of incorporation, federal employer identification number, and the name of the parent company, if any, but if a publicly traded corporation, the social security number and date of birth for each corporate officer shall not be required;

(iv) if a sole proprietorship, the full name, business address, social security number and date of birth of the sole proprietor and the name and federal employer identification number of the business entity;

(v) if a limited liability company, the name of each member, social security number of each member, the name of each manager, the name of the limited liability company and federal employer identification number, and the name of the state where the limited liability company was organized; and

(c) any other relevant information required by the Division.

(4) The licensed facility need not be under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist, but shall be under the supervision of a designated representative who meets the following criteria:

(a) is at least 21 years of age;

(b) has been employed full time for at least three years in a pharmacy or with a pharmaceutical wholesaler in a capacity related to the dispensing and distribution of, and recordkeeping related to prescription drugs;

(c) is employed by the applicant full time in a managerial level position;

(d) is actively involved in and aware of the actual daily operation of the pharmaceutical wholesale distribution;

(e) is physically present at the facility during regular business hours, except when the absence of the designated representative is authorized, including but not limited to, sick leave and vacation leave; and

(f) is serving in the capacity of a designated representative for only one licensee at a time.

(5) The licensee shall provide the name, business address, and telephone number of a person to serve as the designated representative for each facility of the pharmaceutical wholesaler that engages in the distribution of drugs or devices.

(6) All pharmaceutical wholesalers and manufacturer shall publicly display or have readily available all licenses and the most recent inspection report administered by the Division.

(7) All Class C pharmacies shall:

(a) be of suitable size and construction to facilitate cleaning, maintenance and proper operations;

(b) have storage areas designed to provide adequate lighting, ventilation, sanitation, space, equipment and security conditions;

(c) have the ability to control temperature and humidity within tolerances required by all prescription drugs and prescription drug precursors handled or used in the distribution or manufacturing activities of the applicant or licensee;

(d) provide for a quarantine area for storage of prescription drugs and prescription drug precursors that are outdated, damaged, deteriorated, misbranded, adulterated, opened or unsealed containers that have once been appropriately sealed or closed or in any other way unsuitable for use or entry into distribution or manufacturing;

(e) be maintained in a clean and orderly condition; and

(f) be free from infestation by insects, rodents, birds or vermin of any kind.

(8) Each facility used for wholesale drug distribution or manufacturing of prescription drugs shall:

(a) be secure from unauthorized entry;

(b) limit access from the outside to a minimum in conformance with local building codes, life and safety codes and control access to persons to ensure unauthorized entry is not made;

(c) limit entry into areas where prescription drugs, prescription drug precursors, or prescription drug devices are held to authorized persons who have a need to be in those areas;

(d) be well lighted on the outside perimeter;

(e) be equipped with an alarm system to permit detection of entry and notification of appropriate authorities at all times when the facility is not occupied for the purpose of engaging in distribution or manufacturing of prescription drugs; and

(f) be equipped with security measures, systems and procedures necessary to provide reasonable security against theft and diversion of prescription drugs or alteration or tampering with computers and records pertaining to prescription drugs or prescription drug precursors.

(9) Each facility shall provide the storage of prescription drugs, prescription drug precursors, and prescription drug devices in accordance with the following:

(a) all prescription drugs and prescription drug precursors shall be stored at appropriate temperature, humidity and other conditions in accordance with labeling of such prescription drugs or prescription drug precursors or with requirements in the USP-NF;

(b) if no storage requirements are established for a specific prescription drug, prescription drug precursor, or prescription drug devices, the products shall be held in a condition of controlled temperature and humidity as defined in the USP-NF to ensure that its identity, strength, quality and purity are not adversely affected; and

(c) there shall be established a system of manual, electromechanical or electronic recording of temperature and humidity in the areas in which prescription drugs, prescription drug precursors, and prescription drug devices are held to permit review of the record and ensure that the products have not been subjected to conditions that are outside of established limits.

(10) Each person who is engaged in pharmaceutical wholesale distribution of prescription drugs for human use that leave, or have ever left, the normal distribution channel shall, before each pharmaceutical wholesale distribution of such drug, provide a pedigree to the person who receives such drug. A retail pharmacy or pharmacy warehouse shall comply with the requirements of this section only if the pharmacy engages in pharmaceutical wholesale distribution of prescription drugs. The pedigree shall:

(a) include all necessary identifying information concerning each sale in the chain of distribution of the product from the manufacturer, through acquisition and sale by any pharmaceutical wholesaler, until sale to a pharmacy or other person dispensing or administering the prescription drug. At a minimum, the necessary chain of distribution information shall include:
(i) name, address, telephone number, and if available, the email address of each owner of the prescription drug, and each pharmaceutical wholesaler of the prescription drug;

(ii) name and address of each location from which the product was shipped, if different from the owner's;

(iii) transaction dates;

(iv) name of the prescription drug;

(v) dosage form and strength of the prescription drug;

(vi) size of the container;

(vii) number of containers;

(viii) lot number of the prescription drug;

(ix) name of the manufacturer of the finished dose form; and

(x) National Drug Code (NDC) number.

(b) be maintained by the purchaser and the pharmaceutical wholesaler for five years from the date of sale or transfer and be available for inspection or use upon a request of an authorized officer of the law.

(11) Each facility shall comply with the following requirements:

(a) in general, each person who is engaged in pharmaceutical wholesale distribution of prescription drugs shall establish and maintain inventories and records of all transactions regarding the receipt and distribution or other disposition of the prescription drugs. These records shall include pedigrees for all prescription drugs that leave the normal distribution channel;

(b) upon receipt, each outside shipping container containing prescription drugs, prescription drug precursors, or prescription drug devices shall be visibly examined for identity and to prevent the acceptance of prescription drugs, prescription drug precursors, or prescription drug devices that are contaminated, reveal damage to the containers or are otherwise unfit for distribution:
(i) prescription drugs, prescription drug precursors, or prescription drug devices that are outdated, damaged, deteriorated, misbranded, adulterated or in any other way unfit for distribution or use in manufacturing shall be quarantined and physically separated from other prescription drugs, prescription drug precursors or prescription drug devices until they are appropriately destroyed or returned to their supplier; and

(ii) any prescription drug or prescription drug precursor whose immediate sealed or outer secondary sealed container has been opened or in any other way breached shall be identified as such and shall be quarantined and physically separated from other prescription drugs and prescription drug precursors until they are appropriately destroyed or returned to their supplier;

(c) each outgoing shipment shall be carefully inspected for identity of the prescription drug products or devices and to ensure that there is no delivery of prescription drugs or devices that have been damaged in storage or held under improper conditions:
(i) if the conditions or circumstances surrounding the return of any prescription drug or prescription drug precursor cast any doubt on the product's safety, identity, strength, quality or purity, then the drug shall be appropriately destroyed or returned to the supplier, unless examination, testing or other investigation proves that the product meets appropriate and applicable standards related to the product's safety, identity, strength, quality and purity;

(ii) returns of expired, damaged, recalled, or otherwise non-saleable prescription drugs shall be distributed by the receiving pharmaceutical wholesale distributor only to the original manufacturer or a third party returns processor that is licensed as a pharmaceutical wholesale distributor under this chapter;

(iii) returns or exchanges of prescription drugs (saleable or otherwise), including any redistribution by a receiving pharmaceutical wholesaler, shall not be subject to the pedigree requirements, so long as they are exempt from the pedigree requirement under the FDA's Prescription Drug Marketing Act guidance or regulations; and

(d) licensee under this Act and pharmacies or other persons authorized by law to dispense or administer prescription drugs for use by a patient shall be accountable for administering their returns process and ensuring that all aspects of their operation are secure and do not permit the entry of adulterated and counterfeit prescription drugs.

(12) A manufacturer or pharmaceutical wholesaler shall furnish prescription drugs only to a person licensed by the Division or to another appropriate state licensing authority to possess, dispense or administer such drugs for use by a patient.

(13) Prescription drugs furnished by a manufacturer or pharmaceutical wholesaler shall be delivered only to the business address of a person described in Subsections R156-17b-102(20) (c) and R156-17b-615, or to the premises listed on the license, or to an authorized person or agent of the licensee at the premises of the manufacturer or pharmaceutical wholesaler if the identity and authority of the authorized agent is properly established.

(14) Each facility shall establish and maintain records of all transactions regarding the receipt and distribution or other disposition of prescription drugs and prescription drug precursors and shall make inventories of prescription drugs and prescription drug precursors and required records available for inspection by authorized representatives of the federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in accordance with the following:

(a) there shall be a record of the source of the prescription drugs or prescription drug precursors to include the name and principal address of the seller or transferor and the address of the location from which the drugs were shipped;

(b) there shall be a record of the identity and quantity of the prescription drug or prescription drug precursor received, manufactured, distributed or shipped or otherwise disposed of by specific product and strength;

(c) there shall be a record of the dates of receipt and distribution or other disposal of any product;

(d) there shall be a record of the identity of persons to whom distribution is made to include name and principal address of the receiver and the address of the location to which the products were shipped;

(e) inventories of prescription drugs and prescription drug precursors shall be made available during regular business hours to authorized representatives of federal, state and local law enforcement authorities;

(f) required records shall be made available for inspection during regular business hours to authorized representatives of federal, state and local law enforcement authorities and such records shall be maintained for a period of two years following disposition of the products; and

(g) records that are maintained on site or immediately retrievable from computer or other electronic means shall be made readily available for authorized inspection during the retention period; or if records are stored at another location, they shall be made available within two working days after request by an authorized law enforcement authority during the two year period of retention.

(15) Each facility shall establish, maintain and adhere to written policies and procedures that shall be followed for the receipt, security, storage, inventory, manufacturing, distribution or other disposal of prescription drugs or prescription drug precursors, including policies and procedures for identifying, recording and reporting losses or thefts, and for correcting all errors and inaccuracies in inventories. In addition, the policies shall include the following:

(a) a procedure whereby the oldest approved stock of a prescription drug or precursor product is distributed or used first with a provision for deviation from the requirement if such deviation is temporary and appropriate;

(b) a procedure to be followed for handling recalls and withdrawals of prescription drugs adequate to deal with recalls and withdrawals due to:
(i) any action initiated at the request of the FDA or other federal, state or local law enforcement or other authorized administrative or regulatory agency;

(ii) any voluntary action to remove defective or potentially defective drugs from the market; or

(iii) any action undertaken to promote public health, safety or welfare by replacement of existing product with an improved product or new package design;

(c) a procedure to prepare for, protect against or handle any crisis that affects security or operation of any facility in the event of strike, fire, flood or other natural disaster or other situations of local, state or national emergency;

(d) a procedure to ensure that any outdated prescription drugs or prescription drug precursors shall be segregated from other drugs or precursors and either returned to the manufacturer, other appropriate party or appropriately destroyed;

(e) a procedure for providing for documentation of the disposition of outdated, adulterated or otherwise unsafe prescription drugs or prescription drug precursors and the maintenance of that documentation available for inspection by authorized federal, state or local authorities for a period of five years after disposition of the product;

(f) a procedure for identifying, investigating and reporting significant drug inventory discrepancies (involving counterfeit drugs suspected of being counterfeit, contraband, or suspect of being contraband) and reporting of such discrepancies within three (3) business days to the Division and/or appropriate federal or state agency upon discovery of such discrepancies; and

(g) a procedure for reporting criminal or suspected criminal activities involving the inventory of drugs and devices to the Division, FDA and if applicable, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), within three (3) business days.

(16) Each facility shall establish, maintain and make available for inspection by authorized federal, state and local law enforcement authorities, lists of all officers, directors, managers and other persons in charge which lists shall include a description of their duties and a summary of their background and qualifications.

(17) Each facility shall comply with laws including:

(a) operating within applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations;

(b) permitting the state licensing authority and authorized federal, state and local law enforcement officials, upon presentation of proper credentials, to enter and inspect their premises and delivery vehicles and to audit their records and written operating policies and procedures, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, to the extent authorized by law; and

(c) obtaining a controlled substance license from the Division and registering with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) if they engage in distribution or manufacturing of controlled substances and shall comply with all federal, state and local regulations applicable to the distribution or manufacturing of controlled substances.

(18) Each facility shall be subject to and shall abide by applicable federal, state and local laws that relate to the salvaging or reprocessing of prescription drug products.


(a) A Class C pharmacy may not be located in the same building as a separately licensed Class A, B, D, or E pharmacy unless:
(i) the separately licensed pharmacy is a third-party logistics provider; or

(ii) the two pharmacies are located in different suites as recognized by the United States Postal Service.

(b) Two Class C pharmacies may be located at the same address in the same suite if the pharmacies:
(i) are under the same ownership;

(ii) have processes and systems for separating and securing all aspects of the operation; and

(iii) have traceability with a clear audit trail that distinguishes a pharmacy's purchases and distributions.

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