Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Commerce
Title R156 - Professional Licensing
Rule R156-17b - Pharmacy Practice Act Rule
Section R156-17b-612 - Operating Standards - Prescriptions
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
In accordance with Subsection 58-17b-601(1), the following shall apply to prescriptions:
(1) Prescription orders for controlled substances including prescription transfers shall be handled in accordance with 21 CFR 1306.25 (2021).
(2) A prescription issued by an authorized licensed practitioner, if verbally communicated by an agent of that practitioner upon that practitioner's specific instruction and authorization, may be accepted by a pharmacist, pharmacy intern, or DMP.
(3) A prescription issued by a licensed prescribing practitioner, if electronically communicated by an agent of that practitioner, upon that practitioner's specific instruction and authorization, may be accepted by a pharmacist, pharmacy intern, pharmacy technician, pharmacy technician trainee, DMP, or DMP designee.
(4) In accordance with Sections 58-17b-609 and 58-17b-611, prescription files, including refill information, shall be maintained for a minimum of five years and shall be immediately retrievable in written or electronic format.
(5) In accordance with Section 58-17b-604, prescriptions for legend drugs having a remaining authorization for refill may be transferred by the pharmacist, pharmacy intern, pharmacy technician, at the discretion of the pharmacist on duty, or DMP at the pharmacy holding the prescription to a pharmacist, pharmacy intern, pharmacy technician, or DMP at another pharmacy upon the authorization of the patient to whom the prescription was issued or electronically as authorized under Subsection R156-17b-613(9). The transferring pharmacist, pharmacy intern, or DMP and receiving pharmacist, pharmacy intern, or DMP shall act diligently to ensure that the total number of authorized refills is not exceeded. The following additional terms apply to such a transfer:
(6) Prescriptions for terminal patients in licensed hospices, home health agencies or nursing homes may be partially filled if the patient has a medical diagnosis documenting a terminal illness and may not need the full prescription amount.
(7) Refills may be dispensed only in accordance with the prescriber's authorization as indicated on the original prescription drug order.
(8) If there are no refill instructions on the original prescription drug order, or if refills authorized on the original prescription drug order have been dispensed, authorization from the prescribing practitioner shall be obtained prior to dispensing any refills.
(9) Refills of prescription drug orders for legend drugs may not be refilled after one year from the date of issuance of the original prescription drug order without obtaining authorization from the prescribing practitioner prior to dispensing any additional quantities of the drug.
(10) Refills of prescription drug orders for controlled substances shall be done in accordance with Subsection 58-37-6(7)(f).
(11) A pharmacist or DMP may exercise professional judgment in refilling a prescription drug order for a drug, other than a Schedule II controlled substance, without the authorization of the prescribing practitioner, if:
(12) The address specified in Subsection 58-17b-602(1)(b) shall be a physical address, not a post office box.
(13) In accordance with Subsection 58-37-6(7)(e), a prescription may not be written, issued, filled, or dispensed for a Schedule I controlled substance unless:
(14) A pharmacist or pharmacy intern may dispense an emergency refill prescription for a drug a patient is currently using and on file with the pharmacy, other than a controlled substance, without the prescribing practitioner's authorization if they are not available promptly, in accordance with Section 58-17b-608, for: