Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
Under Subsections 15A-1-209(5)(c) and 58-56-17.5(2)(c), and Section
R156-15A-230, the following procedures, standards, and policies are established for the administration of the
Building Code Inspector Training Fund, the Building Code Construction-Related Training Fund, and the Factory
Built Housing Fees Account:
(1) The Division may not approve or deny
education grant requests from a separate fund or account until the Education Advisory Committee has
considered and made its recommendations on the requests.
Appropriate funding expenditure categories include:
(a) for the Building
Code Inspector Training Fund or the Factory Built Housing Fees Account, grants in the form of reimbursement
funding to the following organizations that administer code-related training or factory built housing
educational events, seminars, or classes:
(i) schools, colleges,
universities, departments of universities, or other institutions of learning;
(ii) construction trade associations;
(iii) professional associations or organizations; and
(iv) governmental agencies;
(b) for the Building Code Construction-Related Training Fund, grants in the
form of reimbursement funding to the following organizations that administer code-related training events,
seminars, or classes:
(i) construction trade associations; or
(ii) professional associations;
(c) costs or expenses incurred as a result of code events, seminars, or
classes directly administered by the Division;
(d) expenses
incurred for the salary, benefits, or other compensation and related expenses resulting from the employment
of a Board Secretary;
(e) office equipment and associated
administrative expenses required for the performance of the duties of the Board Secretary, including computer
equipment, telecommunication equipment and costs and general office supplies; and
(f) other related expenses as determined by the Division.
(g) Gift cards, door prizes, and the cost of food and food services
provided to training participants are not appropriate funding expenditure categories, and may not be paid or
reimbursed from any fund.
(3) The following procedure
shall be used for submission, review, and payment of funding grants:
(i) A funding grant applicant shall submit a completed application on
Division forms;
(A) at least 15 days before the meeting at which the request
is to be considered; and
(B) before the training event.
(ii) An application that does not comply with Subsection (3)(a)
may be denied.
(b) Payment of approved funding grants
shall be made as reimbursement after:
(i) the approved event, class, or
seminar has been held; and
(ii) the required receipts, invoices,
and supporting documentation, including proof of payment if requested by the Division or Committee, have been
submitted to the Division.
(c) Approved funding grants
shall be reimbursed only for eligible expenditures that have been executed in good faith with the intent to
ensure the best reasonable value.
(A) A Request for Reimbursement of an
approved funding grant shall be submitted to the Division within 60 days following the approved event, class,
or seminar, unless an extenuating circumstance occurs.
Written notice shall be given to the Division of an extenuating circumstance.
(ii) Failure to submit a Request for Reimbursement within 60 days shall
result in non-payment of approved funds, unless an extenuating circumstance has been reviewed and accepted by
the Division.
(4) The Committee shall
consider the following in determining whether to recommend to the Division approval of a proposed funding
(a) the fund balance available;
(b) if the proposed request meets the overall training objectives of the
fund, including the need for training:
(i) on the subject matter;
(ii) in the geographical area where the training is offered; and (iii) on
new codes being considered for adoption;
(c) if the
grant applicant agrees to charge a cost for the training event, class, or seminar that is uniform across
categories of attendees;
(d) the earlier record of the program
sponsor in providing codes training, including if:
(i) the subject matter
taught was appropriate;
(ii) the instructor was appropriately
qualified and prepared; and
(iii) the program sponsor followed
appropriate and adequate procedures and requirements in providing the training and submitting requests for
(e) costs of the facility, including:
(i) the location of a facility or venue, or the type of event, seminar, or
(ii) the suitability of the facility or venue for the
anticipated attendance, or in connection with additional non-funded portions of an event or
(iii) the duration of the proposed event, seminar, or
class; and
(iv) if the proposed cost of the facility is
reasonable compared to the cost of alternative available facilities;
(f) the estimated cost for instructor fees, including:
(i) a reimbursement rate for instruction activities not to exceed $200 per
instruction hour without further review and approval by the Committee, and with preparation time, event
coordination, course development costs, staff time, and travel time not separately reimbursable;
(ii) the experience or expertise of the instructor in the proposed training
(iii) the quality of training based upon events, seminars
or classes that have been previously taught by the instructor;
(iv) the drawing power of the instructor, meaning the ability to increase
the attendance at the proposed educational event, seminar, or class;
(v) travel expenses; and
if the proposed cost for the instructor or instructors is reasonable compared to the costs of similar events,
seminars, or classes;
(g) the estimated cost of
advertising materials, brochures, registration, and agenda materials, including:
(i) printing costs that may include creative or design expenses;
(ii) whether printed materials comply with Subsection (4)(b); and
(iii) delivery or mailing costs;
(h) other reasonable and comparable cost alternatives for each proposed
expense item;
(i) other information the Committee reasonably
believes may assist in evaluating a proposed expenditure; and
a total reimbursement rate of the lesser of $10 per student hour or the cost of the approved actual
(5) The Division, after consideration and
recommendation of the Committee based upon the criteria in Subsection (4), may reimburse the following
reasonable costs in addition to the lesser of $10 per student hour or the cost of the approved actual
(a) text books, code books, or code update books;
(b) cost of one Division licensee mailing list per provider per two-year
renewal period;
(c) cost incurred to upload continuing education
hours into the Division's online registry for contractors, plumbers, electricians, or elevator mechanics;
(d) cost of advertising materials, brochures, registration
and agency materials, including:
(i) printing costs, which may include
creative or design expenses; and
(ii) delivery or mailing
(6) Joint function.
(a) "Joint function" means a proposed event, class, seminar, or program
that provides code or code-related training or factory built housing education, and education or activities
in other areas.
(b) Only the prorated portions of a joint
function that apply to the purposes of a separate fund are eligible for a funding grant from that
(c) In considering a proposed funding request that involves
a joint function, the Committee shall consider if:
(i) the expenses subject
to funding are reasonably prorated for the costs directly related to the purposes of the separate fund; and
(ii) the education being proposed will be reasonable and
successful in the training objective in the context of the entire program or event.
(7) Advertising materials, brochures, and agenda or training
materials for a Building Code Training funded event, seminar, or class shall include a statement that
acknowledges that partial funding of the program has been provided by the Utah Division of Professional
Licensing from the 1% surcharge funds on building permits.
Advertising materials, brochures, and agenda or training materials for a Factory Built Housing Fees Account
funded educational event, seminar, or class shall include a statement that acknowledges that partial funding
of the training program has been provided by the Utah Division of Professional Licensing from surcharge fees
on factory built housing sales.
(9) If an approved event or joint
event is not held, no amount is reimbursable except for the costs described in Subsection (5)(d).