Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Commerce
Title R152 - Consumer Protection
Rule R152-20 - New Motor Vehicle Warranties Act Rule
Section R152-20-2 - Definitions
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
A. For purposes of determining whether a nonconformity has been subject to repair the required number of times, an "attempt" to repair, as used in Section 13-20-4 or 13-20-5, means that the vehicle is or has been presented to the manufacturer or its agent for the same non-conformity.
B. "Collateral charges" as used in Section 13-20-4 includes, but is not limited to:
C. "Comparable new motor vehicle" as used in Section 13-20-4 means:
D. "New motor vehicle" as used in Section 13-20-4 means a motor vehicle which has never been titled or registered and has been driven fewer than 7,500 miles.
E. "Nonconforming vehicle" as used in Section 13-20-4 means a motor vehicle that does not meet all express warranties provided in the sales agreement or contract.
F. "Purchase price" as used in Section 13-20-4 means the actual amount paid for the vehicle. "Purchase price" includes taxes, licensing fees, and additional warranty fees, but does not include collateral charges.
G. "Reasonable allowance" as used in Section 13-20-4 for mileage means the dollar value based on the prescribed deduction per mile. The cap on a reasonable allowance shall be calculated as the purchase price divided by 100,000, but shall not in any case be less than ten (10) cents per mile nor more than twenty-one (21) cents per mile. The consumer shall not be liable for mileage on the vehicle at the time of delivery, nor for mileage during the time the vehicle was being repaired.