Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Capitol Preservation Board (State)
Title R131 - Administration
Rule R131-9 - Art and Exhibits
Section R131-9-4 - Definitions
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
(1) "Board" means the Capitol Preservation Board created under Section 63C-9 201, Utah Code.
(2) "Subcommittee" means Capitol Art Placement Subcommittee to the Capitol Preservation Board as created under Section 63C-9-702, Utah Code.
(3) "Short Term Event" means, for the purpose of this Rule R131-9, the providing of art or an exhibit in any public area on the Capitol Hill Complex, including Capitol Hill Facilities and Capitol Hill Grounds, that is for forty-five (45) days or less.
(4) "Mid Term Event" means, for the purpose of this Rule R131-9, the providing of art or an exhibit in any public area on the Capitol Hill Complex, including Capitol Hill Facilities and Capitol Hill Grounds, that is for more than forty-five (45) days but not longer than six (6) months.
(5) "Long Term Event (Display)" means, for the purpose of this Rule R131-9, a display of art or an exhibit in any public area on the Capitol Hill Complex, including Capitol Hill Facilities and Capitol Hill Grounds that is for more than six (6) months.