Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Capitol Preservation Board (State)
Title R131 - Administration
Rule R131-9 - Art and Exhibits
Section R131-9-10 - Inventory and Review of Long Term Events (Displays) and Specific Criteria and Causes for Removal
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
(1) On an annual basis, the Executive Director shall make available to the Subcommittee and the Board, an inventory of the Long Term Events (Displays) that remain on the Capitol Hill Complex.
(2) Long Term Events (Displays) that exceed a period of five years in length may be reviewed by the Board every five years. These Events (Displays) are subject to a new determination to either be approved to continue, be approved with conditions, or be denied approval to continue. If the five year review results in an approval with conditions that is unacceptable to the applicant, or a denial, then the Long Term Event (Display) shall be removed in accordance with the applicable contract and Facility Use Rules, including Utah Administrative Code Rules R131-2 and R131-10.
(3) The Short Term, Mid Term, or Long Term Event (Display) may be ordered removed at any time if any of the following exists: