Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Capitol Preservation Board (State)
Title R131 - Administration
Rule R131-4 - Capitol Preservation Board General Procurement Rule
Section R131-4-504 - Bonds Necessary When Contract is Awarded - Waiver - Action - Attorneys' Fees
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
(1) When a construction contract for an amount over $50,000, is awarded under R131-4, the contractor to whom the contract is awarded shall deliver the following bonds or security to the executive director, which shall become binding on the parties upon the execution of the contract:
(2) The board finds that requiring a performance or payment bond for construction contracts of $50,000 or less is presumed not necessary to protect the state or the board, though the executive director or the board has the right on an individual contract to so require the bonds.
(3) If a contractor fails to deliver the required bonds, the contractor's bid shall be found nonresponsive and its bid security shall be forfeited.
(4) Forms of Bonds. Bid bonds, payment bonds and performance bonds must be from sureties meeting the requirements of this rule and must be on the exact bond forms most recently adopted by the board and on file with the board.
(5) Surety firm requirements. All surety firms must be authorized to do business in the state of Utah and be listed in the U.S. Department of the Treasury Circular 570, Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Securities on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies for an amount not less than the amount of the bond to be issued. A co-surety may be utilized to satisfy this requirement.
(6) Waiver. The executive director may waive the bonding requirement if the executive director finds that bonds cannot be reasonably obtained for the work involved and, after seeking advice from the attorney general, that such bonds are not necessary to protect the board or the state, which finding shall be documented in the project files.
(7) A person shall have a right of action on a payment bond in accordance with Section 63G-6-505.