Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Capitol Preservation Board (State)
Title R131 - Administration
Rule R131-4 - Capitol Preservation Board General Procurement Rule
Section R131-4-402 - Contracts Awarded by Reverse Auction
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
(1) As used in this Section, "reverse auction" means a process where:
(2) Notwithstanding the requirements of this rule, contracts may be awarded through a reverse auction.
(3) Reverse auction is a two-phase process consisting of a technical first phase composed of one or more steps in which bidders submit a statement of qualifications to be evaluated against the established criteria by the executive director, and a second phase in which those bidders whose statement of qualifications are determined to be acceptable during the first phase submit their price bids through a reverse auction.
(4) Use. The reverse auction method will be used when the executive director deems it to the advantage of the board.
(5) Pre-Bid Conferences in Reverse Auctions. Prior to the submission of a statement of qualifications, a pre-bid conference may be conducted by the executive director. The executive director may also hold a conference of all bidders at any time during the evaluation of the statement of qualifications, or to explain the reverse auction process.
(6) Procedure for Phase One of Reverse Auctions.
(7) Amendments to the Invitation for Bids. After receipt of the statement of qualifications, amendments to the invitation for bids shall be distributed only to bidders who submitted a statement of qualifications and they shall be allowed to submit new statements of qualifications or to amend those submitted. If, in the opinion of the executive director, a contemplated amendment will significantly change the nature of the procurement, the invitation for bids shall be canceled in accordance with R131-4-401 and a new invitation for bids issued.
(8) Receipt and Handling of Statement of Qualifications. Statement of qualifications shall be opened publicly identifying only the names of the bidders. Technical offers and modifications shall be time stamped upon receipt and held in a secure place until the established due date. After the date established for receipt of bids, a register of bids shall be open to public inspection and shall include the name of each bidder, and a description sufficient to identify the supply, service, or construction offered. Prior to the selection of the lowest bid of a responsive and responsible bidder following phase two, statement of qualifications shall remain confidential and shall be available only to board personnel and those involved in the selection process having a legitimate interest in them.
(9) Non-Disclosure of Proprietary Data. Bidders may request protection of records in accordance with R131-4-411 A.
(11) Discussion of Statement of Qualifications. Discussion of the statement of qualifications may be conducted by the executive director with any bidder who submits an acceptable or potentially acceptable statement of qualifications. During the course of these discussions, the executive director shall not disclose any information derived from one statement of qualifications offer to any other bidder. Once discussions are begun, any bidder who has not been notified that its statement of qualifications has been finally found unacceptable may submit supplemental information modifying or otherwise amending its statement of qualifications offer at any time until the closing date established by the executive director. This submission may be made at the request of the executive director or upon the bidder's own initiative.
(12) Notice of Unacceptable Statement of Qualifications. When the executive director determines a bidder's statement of qualifications is unacceptable, the executive director shall notify the bidder. After this notification, the bidder shall not be afforded an additional opportunity to modify their statement of qualifications.
(13) Carrying Out Phase Two of Reverse Auctions.
(14) Mistakes During Reverse Auctions.
(15) A phase two bid may be withdrawn only in accordance with R131-4-401(10). If a bid is withdrawn, a later bid submitted by the same bidder may not be for a higher price. If the lowest responsive bid is withdrawn after the closing date and time, the executive director may cancel the solicitation or reopen phase two bidding to all bidders deemed qualified through phase one by giving notice to those bidders of the new date and time for the beginning of phase two and the new closing date and time.