Utah Administrative Code
Topic - Capitol Preservation Board (State)
Title R131 - Administration
Rule R131-14 - Parking on Capitol Hill
Section R131-14-4 - Assignment Process and Procedures
Current through Bulletin 2024-24, December 15, 2024
(1) Subject to Section 36-5-1, the CPB Executive Director will oversee and approve the number of parking spaces assigned to the legislature, executive and judicial branches of government. The CPB Executive Director may assign and designate areas of parking by departments, divisions or agencies of the executive and judicial branches. The CPB Executive Director shall provide space numbers to employees/Elected Officials of the legislative, executive and judicial branches, issue parking tags, personal data sheets and written agreements for each assigned individual to fill out and return to the CPB. The CPB Executive Director may require those assigned a parking space to execute a legal agreement protecting the State of Utah and the CPB, in accordance with a form reviewed by the Utah Attorney General's Office and the Division of Risk Management. The identification of persons with particular spaces shall be kept confidential by the CPB, the Department of Public Safety and any other State officials that receive such information in the course of State business, because the release of such information creates security and property risks.
(2) Upon the completion and signature of the personal data sheet and the written agreement, the space will be assigned and parking privileges will be added to the employee or official's access card. Those with disabilities assigned to an accessible space will need to provide a copy of the placard to the CPB Executive Director.
(3) Because of a limited number of parking spaces on the Capitol Hill Complex, it is necessary to transition parking for both Legislative Sessions and Interim Legislative Sessions. Notices to employees may be sent out from the CPB as a courtesy. However, it is the responsibility of the individual to know which days they may and may not have a reserved parking space as identified in their signed agreement.
(4) Any executive or judicial branch employee who intentionally violates their signed parking agreement may lose the privilege to park in the space identified in the parking agreement as well as have any entrance card or device deactivated, as determined by the CPB Executive Director. Any determination by the CPB Executive Director may be appealed to the Chair of the Board Operations and Budget Development Subcommittee. However, such determination by the Chair shall be final. The designation of a parking space in the Capitol Hill Complex is a privilege and not a right.
(5) Any violation of this rule may also be prosecuted under Section 63C-9-301(3), Utah Code.