Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024
(a) Definitions.
Definitions of words and terms in Finance Code, §
RSA 154.002, are
incorporated in this section by reference. The following words and terms have
the following meanings when used in this section, unless the context clearly
indicates otherwise.
(1) Aggregate trust
funds--The trust funds to be transferred with respect to an individual prepaid
contract as of the transfer date, comprised of the paid-in principal plus the
earnings attributable to that prepaid contract. As the context may require, the
term also refers to the sum of the aggregate trust funds for all prepaid
contracts subject to conversion.
(2) Applicant--A permit holder under Finance
Code, Chapter 154, who files an application under this section.
(3) Contract beneficiary--The person named in
a prepaid contract as the intended recipient of contracted funeral merchandise
and services.
(4) Conversion--A
transaction under Finance Code, §
RSA 154.204, and this
section, to convert all outstanding trust-funded prepaid funeral benefits under
existing prepaid contracts administered by the applicant to insurance-funded
prepaid funeral benefits to be administered by the post-conversion permit
holder after conversion.
Insurance company--The insurance company designated in an application filed
under this section to issue the annuities required for the conversion. The
insurance company may also be the post-conversion permit holder if permitted
under applicable insurance law and regulations.
(6) Paid-in principal--The amount required to
be deposited in trust by the applicant with respect to an individual prepaid
contract pursuant to Finance Code, §
RSA 154.253. As the
context requires, the term may also refer to the total amount deposited in
trust by the applicant for all prepaid contracts.
(7) Post-conversion permit holder--The permit
holder designated in an application filed under this section to hold and
administer the prepaid contracts after conversion. The post-conversion permit
holder may also be the insurance company if permitted under applicable
insurance law and regulations.
Prepaid contract--A contract for prepaid funeral benefits under Finance Code,
Chapter 154.
(9) Purchaser--An
individual who purchased a trust-funded prepaid contract that is the subject of
an application filed under this section. The purchaser may also be the contract
beneficiary. If permitted by the context, the term includes the purchaser's
authorized agent.
(10) TDI--Texas
Department of Insurance.
Unpaid principal balance--The unpaid portion of the purchase price of a prepaid
(b) Standards
for approval and eligibility. The department will not approve a proposed
conversion unless the following general requirements have been met.
(1) Standards for approval. The proposed
insurance-funded benefits arrangement must safeguard the rights and interests
of the purchasers to substantially the same degree as the trust-funded benefits
arrangement sought to be replaced, as provided by Finance Code, §
RSA 154.204, and this
section. An application may be approved or denied without the necessity of a
hearing, subject to the right of the applicant or the post-conversion permit
holder to request a hearing. Without limiting its ability to consider any
matter relevant to the determination of substantial equivalency, the department
will not approve a proposed conversion unless:
(A) the form(s) of insurance policy proposed
for use in the conversion is a single or flexible premium deferred fixed (not
variable) annuity that is structured to protect and preserve the existing
rights and interests of the purchaser, including the amount of funds the
purchaser would be entitled to receive upon cancellation of the prepaid
contract and the amount of funds payable upon maturity of the prepaid
(B) the post-conversion
permit holder directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under
common control with the insurance company;
(C) neither the applicant nor the
post-conversion permit holder have a record of noncompliance with respect to
the requirements of Finance Code, Chapter 154, and this chapter, as evidenced
by paragraph (2) of this subsection;
(D) the post-conversion permit holder accepts
responsibility for verifying that the prepaid contracts proposed for conversion
are performed in accordance with their terms, and undertakes to maintain the
records the department requires to determine compliance with Finance Code,
Chapter 154, and this chapter; and
(E) the post-conversion permit holder
demonstrates the organizational and financial capability to discharge its
accepted responsibilities.
(2) Eligibility. At the time the application
is filed, processed and approved, the applicant and the post-conversion permit
holder must each be in good standing with the department. To be in good
standing with the department, the department's most recent report of
examination of either permit holder must not cite any violation of applicable
laws and regulations or other material deficiencies that have not been remedied
or corrected to the satisfaction of the department, and the permit holder must
not be delinquent with respect to any fees or filings due to the department.
Within 45 days after an application for conversion is filed with the
department, the department may conduct an examination of the applicant or the
post-conversion permit holder or both before approving or denying the
application if an examination has not been conducted within the preceding 12
months or for the purpose of verifying that previously cited violations or
other deficiencies have been satisfactorily eliminated or corrected.
(c) Contents of application. An
application for conversion must respond to each paragraph of this subsection by
number. Overlapping or duplicate responses may be cross-referenced for brevity.
(1) Letter requesting conversion. The
applicant shall submit a letter to the commissioner, signed by a duly
authorized officer, that:
(A) requests
approval of the conversion of the applicant's prepaid contracts;
(B) requests authorization to transfer the
applicant's responsibility for the prepaid contracts to the post-conversion
permit holder;
(C) summarizes the
amount of aggregate trust funds by depository and account number and the
component amounts of paid-in principal and earnings, and requests authorization
to transfer the aggregate trust funds from the currently approved depository or
trustee to the insurance company;
(D) represents that the applicant is in
compliance with Finance Code, §
RSA 154.301, regarding
prepaid contracts presumed to be abandoned, and has filed the reports and
delivered funds as required by Finance Code, §
RSA 154.304;
(E) if the applicant is not an
individual, includes a certified resolution of the applicant's board
authorizing the conversion, the application, and the execution of related
documents by the submitting officer.
(2) Agreement regarding conversion. The
applicant must submit an original, signed copy of the agreement among the
applicant, the post-conversion permit holder, and the insurance company
regarding the transfer, receipt, and application of trust funds upon conversion
that, among other matters, contains the following provisions:
(A) agreement of the parties that all prepaid
contracts of the applicant in existence as of the date of the application will
be subject to conversion, excluding prepaid contracts that are presumed
abandoned under Finance Code, §
RSA 154.301;
(B) agreement of the insurance company that:
(i) the formula for determining the cash
surrender value or cancellation benefit of each annuity to be issued in the
conversion will be at least as generous to the purchaser as the formula that
would have applied under Finance Code, §
RSA 154.155, had the
prepaid contract not been converted from trust-funded to
(ii) the face
amount of the annuity to be issued with respect to each prepaid contract will
not be less than the amount of aggregate trust funds transferred for that
prepaid contract;
(iii) for any
prepaid contract which is not fully paid and the balance due not included in
the annuity described in clause (ii) of this subparagraph, the face amount of
the supplemental annuity to be issued may not be less than the unpaid principal
balance, and no credit or reduction will be applied to the unpaid principal
balance for earnings attributable to paid-in principal under the prepaid
(iv) upon request, a copy
of the specifications page of the funding annuity or annuities will be
furnished to the purchaser of the prepaid contract to be funded; and
(v) no commissions or other compensation will
be paid out of or deducted from the aggregate trust funds to be transferred in
the proposed conversion.
(C) agreement of the post-conversion permit
holder with respect to the converted prepaid contracts to:
(i) maintain all records required by §
25.10 of this title (relating to
Recordkeeping Requirements for Insurance-Funded Contracts);
(ii) verify that each death or cancellation
benefit claim under a converted prepaid contract is paid in accordance with
Finance Code, Chapter 154, and this chapter;
(iii) verify that each prepaid contract is
performed by the funeral provider at maturity in accordance with its
(iv) verify that any
additional charges imposed by the funeral provider and collected from the
decedent's representatives are for additional services or merchandise not
otherwise contemplated by and funded under the prepaid contract and, if not,
promptly refund or require the funeral provider to refund any prepaid contract
overcharges to the decedent's representatives; and
(v) if within the five-year period following
approval of the conversion a purchaser presents a fully executed prepaid
contract that was not listed in the applicant's pre-conversion or
post-conversion summaries and provides proof of payments made on the contract,
take action to cause the insurance company to issue one or more annuities with
respect to the previously omitted prepaid contract as if it had originally been
included in the conversion or, if cancellation is requested by the purchaser,
pay or take action to cause the purchaser to be paid the cancellation benefit
due. The maximum potential responsibility imposed by this clause is 5.0% of the
aggregate trust funds transferred, except that if 5.0% of the aggregate trust
funds is:
(I) less than $5000, the maximum
potential responsibility imposed by this clause is $5,000;
(II) greater than $20,000, the maximum
potential responsibility imposed by this clause is $20,000.
Compensation to insiders. The applicant must submit a written disclosure of the
estimated total commissions and other compensation to be paid by the insurance
company in connection with the conversion to each insurance agent that
controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the applicant or a
funeral provider under any of the prepaid contracts to be converted, expressed
as a percentage, dollar amount, or both, and the identity of each such
(4) Agreement of
post-conversion permit holder and applicant. The applicant must submit a
written agreement between the post-conversion permit holder and the applicant
that, at a minimum, requires the applicant to relinquish the individual prepaid
contract ledgers formerly maintained by the applicant under §
25.11 of this title (relating to
Recordkeeping Requirements for Trust-Funded Contracts) and obligates the
post-conversion permit holder to maintain such ledgers to reflect the paid-in
principal and the unpaid principal balance under each converted prepaid
(5) Agreements between
post-conversion permit holder and funeral providers. The applicant must submit
the written agreement between the post-conversion permit holder and each person
designated as the funeral provider under any prepaid contract to be converted
that, at a minimum:
(A) sets forth the nature
and scope of the relationship between the permit holder and the funeral
provider and the respective rights and responsibilities of the parties with
respect to the prepaid contracts of that funeral provider, including allocation
of responsibilities for refunding any prepaid contract overcharges identified
by the permit holder or the department;
(B) requires the funeral provider to perform
and deliver the funeral benefits under each converted prepaid contract of that
funeral provider in accordance with its terms;
(C) requires the funeral provider to provide
the post-conversion permit holder with the documentation necessary to enable
the permit holder to maintain the records required by Finance Code, Chapter
154, and §
25.10 of this title; and
(D) obligates the parties to protect any
nonpublic personal financial or health information of the purchaser and
contract beneficiary under the prepaid contract in compliance with applicable
(6) Agreement of
post-conversion permit holder and insurance company. If the proposed
post-conversion permit holder is not the insurance company, the applicant must
submit a written agreement between the post-conversion permit holder and the
insurance company that, at a minimum, requires the insurance company to provide
the post-conversion permit holder with the documentation necessary to enable
the permit holder to maintain the records required by §
25.10 of this title. The agreement must also
obligate the parties to protect any nonpublic personal financial or health
information of the purchaser and contract beneficiary under each converted
prepaid contract and the owner and insured under each annuity issued in the
proposed conversion in compliance with applicable law.
(7) Commitment of insurance company. If the
post-conversion permit holder is not the insurance company and is unable to
independently demonstrate that it has the organizational and financial
resources to discharge its permit holder responsibilities, or otherwise intends
to rely on the insurance company to provide such resources, the insurance
company or its insurance holding company must commit to the department in
writing to take all necessary steps to maintain the existence of the current or
a successor post-conversion permit holder, cause such permit holder to maintain
a permit, and provide adequate resources to such post-conversion permit holder
to enable it to maintain the financial condition and general fitness necessary
to discharge the post-conversion permit holder's responsibilities under Finance
Code, Chapter 154, and this chapter.
(8) Commitment of applicant. The applicant
must commit to the department in writing to obtain and maintain a permit under
Chapter 154 and assume the post-conversion permit holder's responsibilities
with respect to each converted contract for any year in which any converted
contract remains outstanding. The commitment must obligate the applicant to
submit its completed application with all required fees not later than the 31st
day after the date the department notifies the applicant in writing of the
facts that require licensure under the commitment.
(9) Form of annuity. The applicant must
submit a copy of the form(s) of annuity proposed to be issued as part of the
conversion. The submitted form(s) must be accompanied by a copy of the TDI
notice of action approval letter. The applicant and not TDI is responsible for
ensuring that the form of annuity complies with this section. Among other
matters, the annuity must:
(A) provide
guaranteed growth of the death benefit based on a fixed annual interest rate,
compounded annually on gross premiums paid beginning in the first year of the
policy, that is at least equal to a rate determined as the lesser of:
(i) 3.0%; and
(ii) the average of the five-year Constant
Maturity Treasury Rate reported by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors for
the 90 calendar day period ending not more than 30 days prior to the date of
the commissioner's order of approval, rounded to the nearest 1/20th of one
percent, less 125 basis points, but not less than 1.0%;
(B) provide a formula for determining cash
surrender value or cancellation benefit that will be at least as generous to
the purchaser as the formula that would have applied under Finance Code, §
RSA 154.155, had the
prepaid contract not been converted from trust-funded to
(C) provide a
death benefit for the duration of the prepaid contract that equals the sum of
the aggregate trust funds transferred at conversion, all future premiums paid,
and accumulated growth thereon as provided by subparagraph (A) of this
paragraph, provided that the death benefit can never be less than the amount
that would have been available under the prepaid contract on the date of
conversion had the prepaid contract not been converted from trust-funded to
insurance-funded; and
(D) not
include any provision that allows for contesting coverage or limiting death
benefits, refers to or requires a physical examination, or otherwise operates
as an exclusion, limitation, or condition on payment of death benefits other
than provisions requiring submission of proof of death or surrender of the
annuity at the time the annuity matures or is canceled.
(10) Federal income tax treatment. The
applicant must submit a written summary describing the pre-conversion, federal
income tax status of the purchasers' trusts, in the aggregate, as either
qualified funeral trusts under
685 or grantor trusts, for the preceding
taxable year. Disclosure of differing treatment of individual purchaser trusts
is not required if the summary identifies and quantifies the percentage of
purchaser trusts treated as grantor trusts and qualified funeral trusts. The
applicant must also describe the post-conversion manner in which taxable income
arising from the annuities will be reported for federal income tax purposes,
including taxable income arising from payment of cash surrender
(11) Past performance. For
purposes of this paragraph, the annual growth under an annuity equals the
growth rate credited by the insurance company to the death benefit for the
year. The applicant must submit separate historical yield tables or graphs
reflecting the annual rate of growth in the death benefit, expressed as a
percentage for each year of the most recent five-year period, under:
(A) previously issued annuities similar to
the form of annuity proposed to be issued by the insurance company in the
proposed conversion, to the extent such annuities were in existence in those
periods; and
(B) annuities sold by
the insurance company in this state during the most recent five-year period for
the purpose of funding new prepaid funeral contracts.
(12) Form of assignment. The applicant must
submit a copy of the form of assignment, if any, to be used in assigning
annuity rights or proceeds to the post-conversion permit holder.
(13) Qualifications of post-conversion permit
holder. With respect to the post-conversion permit holder, the applicant must
(A) if the proposed post-conversion
permit holder is not also the insurance company, a copy of the post-conversion
permit holder's most recent annual financial statements and the most current
year-to-date financial statements;
(B) a list of all previous conversions in
this state accepted by the post-conversion permit holder and, with respect to
each conversion, the date of the order approving the conversion and the date
that the converted prepaid contracts were formally transferred to the
post-conversion permit holder;
a summary of the number and aggregate purchase price of all prepaid contracts
administered by the post-conversion permit holder as of the end of the
immediately preceding calendar year;
(D) a description of how the prepaid
contracts to be converted will be administered by the post-conversion permit
holder, including a description of activities or functions, other than delivery
of funeral services and merchandise by the designated funeral provider, that
will be outsourced and the contractor that will perform such activities or
functions; and
(E) if any
contractor named in response to subparagraph (D) of this paragraph directly or
indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the
post-conversion permit holder, a summary of the contracting relationship for
each of the preceding three fiscal years that includes a description of the
services performed and the compensation paid by the post-conversion permit
Qualifications of insurance company. With respect to the insurance company, the
applicant must submit:
(A) a letter from the
insurance company addressed to the department, dated not more than 60 days
prior to the date the application is filed, representing that the insurance
company is in good standing and currently authorized to conduct the business of
insurance in this state;
(B) to the
extent available, a list of the current financial strength ratings of the
insurance company determined by A.M. Best Company, Standard & Poor's, Wiess
Research, Duff & Phelps, and Moody's Investors Service; and
(C) a list of all previous conversions in
this state that were funded by the insurance company and, with respect to each
conversion, the date of the order approving the conversion and the date that
trust funds were formally transferred to the insurance company.
(15) Notice to purchasers. The
applicant must submit the proposed form of public notice required by subsection
(e)(2) of this section and each proposed letter regarding the proposed
conversion to be sent to purchasers from the applicant, the post-conversion
permit holder, or the insurance company, for approval by the department. The
proposed form of notification letter from the applicant must:
(A) briefly and fairly disclose the terms of
the proposed conversion in a manner that is not misleading and that enables the
purchaser to understand the terms of the proposed conversion and the impact on
the purchaser and the purchaser's contract;
(B) conspicuously disclose, by means of
bolded type within a bordered text box or another method acceptable to the
department, the purchaser's right under Finance Code, §
154.204(b), to decline the
conversion and remain in the existing trust-funded funeral benefit arrangement
by filing a written request with the department within 60 days;
(C) inform the purchaser that a copy of the
specifications page of the funding annuity is available upon request, if such
notice is not contemporaneously provided by the insurance company in a separate
(D) advise the purchaser
that questions or complaints regarding the prepaid contract or the proposed
conversion may be directed to the Texas Department of Banking, 2601 North Lamar
Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78705; 1-877-276-5554 (toll free);
(E) disclose that the prepaid funeral
guaranty fund will no longer guarantee performance of the prepaid contract
after conversion, that a successor funeral provider may not agree to provide
the previously selected funeral services and merchandise for the same price
specified in the prepaid contract with the original funeral provider, and at
the option of the applicant, disclose as an aid for comparison that payment of
the funding annuity, but not performance of the contract itself, will be
guaranteed by the Texas Life, Accident, Health, and Hospital Service Insurance
Guaranty Association after conversion (provided that, if approved by the
department, such disclosure will not be deemed a violation of Insurance Code,
RSA 463.451
(F) not contain promotional
statements or claims that express subjective rather than objective views of the
merits or benefits of conversion;
(G) if the prepaid contract allows the
contract beneficiary to be changed and the annuity contract does not allow the
annuitant to be changed, disclose that the prepaid contract beneficiary may no
longer be changed after the funding annuity is issued; and
(H) explain any change in federal income
taxation related to cancellation and maturity resulting from the conversion
that is anticipated to affect the purchaser.
(16) Pre-conversion summary. The applicant
must submit a pre-conversion summary pertaining to each prepaid contract to be
converted, determined as of a date no earlier than 30 days prior to the date
the application is filed, with totals for all prepaid contracts to be
converted, if applicable, addressing each of the following categories:
(A) name and, if available, date of birth of
the purchaser;
(B) date of
(C) contract purchase
(D) paid-in
(E) unpaid principal
balance, if any;
(F) accumulated
(G) cancellation benefit
due to the purchaser, assuming cancellation were to occur on the calculation
(H) amount eligible to be
withdrawn from the trust fund by the applicant upon death of the contract
beneficiary, assuming death were to occur on the calculation date;
(I) amount retained by the applicant under
Finance Code, §
RSA 154.252;
(J) the guaranteed minimum
interest rate to be applied to the death benefit calculated as if the date of
the application were the date of the commissioner's order of
(17) Pro forma
post-conversion summary. The applicant must submit a pro forma post-conversion
summary pertaining to each prepaid contract as if converted, determined as of
the same date as the pre-conversion summary, with totals for all prepaid
contracts, if applicable, addressing each of the following categories:
(A) name of annuitant;
(B) contract purchase price;
(C) paid-in principal;
(D) unpaid principal balance, if
(E) the amount of transferred
trust funds applied to the premium for the annuity;
(F) amount retained by the applicant under
Finance Code, §
RSA 154.252;
(G) cash surrender value of each annuity,
assuming the annuity were to be surrendered on the calculation date;
(H) death benefit under each annuity,
assuming death were to occur on the calculation date; and
(I) the guaranteed minimum interest rate to
be applied to the death benefit, including the actual calculation as determined
under paragraph (9)(A) of this subsection.
(18) Voluntary cancellation of permit. If the
applicant will not sell trust-funded prepaid contracts or administer previously
sold trust-funded prepaid contracts after the conversion, the applicant must
submit a completed form to voluntarily cancel its trust-funded permit. The
applicant's voluntary cancellation will not be processed unless the conversion
is approved, and will not be effective until the department completes the
close-out examination of the applicant.
(19) Application fee. In connection with an
application submitted under this section, the applicant must submit the
conversion application fee required by §
RSA 25.23 of
this title (relating to Application Fees).
(20) Side agreements. To the extent not
otherwise required by this subsection, the applicant must submit copies of any
other agreements between or among the applicant, a funeral provider, the
post-conversion permit holder, and/or the insurance company that contain
contractual provisions or informal understandings or undertakings addressing
any aspect of the proposed conversion or the future relationship among the
applicant, a funeral provider, the post-conversion permit holder, and/or the
insurance company with respect to any converted prepaid contract.
(d) Consideration of application;
hearing. If the application is deficient, the department may require any person
connected with the proposed conversion to submit additional information. An
application may be approved or denied without the necessity of a hearing,
subject to the right of the applicant or the post-conversion permit holder to
request a hearing.
(1) Conditions in order
approving conversion. An order approving conversion will impose certain
conditions that are not subject to objection, as described in subsection (e) of
this section. The order may also impose other, nonstandard conditions specific
to the conversion at issue. The applicant or the post-conversion permit holder
must submit a written request for hearing pursuant to paragraph (2) of this
subsection if any nonstandard condition in the order is objectionable, in which
case the order is deemed to be a denial. Consummation of the conversion
transaction constitutes confirmation of acceptance by the applicant, the
post-conversion permit holder, and the insurance company of any conditions
imposed by the order and is considered for all purposes an agreement with the
department enforceable against the applicant, the post-conversion permit
holder, and the insurance company.
(2) Hearing. The applicant or the
post-conversion permit holder may file a written request for hearing with the
commissioner on or before the 30th day after the date of the order denying the
application, or an order imposing nonstandard conditions objectionable to the
applicant or the post-conversion permit holder, stating with specificity the
reasons the applicant alleges that the decision of the department is in error.
The request for hearing will be forwarded to the administrative law judge who
must enter appropriate orders and conduct the hearing on or before the 60th day
after the date the request for hearing was received, or as soon as is otherwise
reasonably possible, under Chapter 9 of this title (relating to Rules of
Procedure for Contested Case Hearings, Appeals, and Rulemakings) and Government
Code, Chapter 2001. The applicant or the post-conversion permit holder has the
burden of proof to demonstrate that the proposed insurance-funded prepaid
funeral benefits safeguards the rights and interests of each affected purchaser
to substantially the same degree as the existing trust-funded prepaid funeral
benefits sought to be replaced. A denial of an application may not be appealed
until a final order is issued.
(e) Standard conditions in order approving
conversion. An order approving conversion will impose six required conditions
that are not subject to objection. Failure to satisfy any of these conditions
constitutes a violation of an order of the commissioner subject to possible
enforcement action under Finance Code, Chapter 154.
(1) The order approving conversion will
prohibit issuance of the annuities prior to the expiration of the time period
for a purchaser to decline conversion, including any extended time period
required by paragraph (4) of this subsection, except that the annuities may be
issued prior to that date if expiration of the time period will occur during
the free look period or if a purchaser electing to decline conversion will not
be required to pay an early withdrawal penalty for cancellation of the
(2) Pursuant to Finance
Code, §
154.204(b), the order
approving conversion will require the applicant to notify purchasers of the
proposed conversion by the following means:
(A) The notification letter from the
applicant described by subsection (c)(15) of this section must be sent to
purchasers by certified mail or another form of mail that requires or provides
proof of delivery to the last known address of the purchaser.
(B) The applicant must publish a one-time
public notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the
applicant is located, or in another publication or location as directed by the
department, as evidenced by a publisher's affidavit attesting to the date of
publication, advising purchasers of trust-funded prepaid contracts from
applicant of the pending conversion, the right of a purchaser to decline
conversion, and the manner in which a purchaser may obtain more information
about the purchaser's rights and options regarding the conversion.
(3) The order approving conversion
will provide that a prepaid contract for which the notification letter is
returned unclaimed may not be converted to the insurance-funded funeral benefit
arrangement approved in the order unless the requirements of this paragraph are
(A) With respect to each notification
letter returned unclaimed because the address is incorrect, the addressee is
unknown or has moved without leaving a forwarding address, or the addressee's
forwarding order has expired, the applicant must search for a new address for
the purchaser using available non-fee based resources. If a new address is
located, the applicant must resend the notification letter one time in the
manner required by subsection (e)(2)(A) of this section.
(B) With respect to each unclaimed
notification letter for which a new address is not located and with respect to
each re-mailed notification letter that is returned unclaimed, the applicant
must review the related contract file in light of the returned letter to verify
or change its prior determination that the contract should not be presumed
abandoned under Finance Code, §
RSA 154.301, and must
retain documentation evidencing its review for examination by the department. A
prepaid contract subject to this paragraph may be converted to the
insurance-funded funeral benefit arrangement approved in the order only if the
applicant makes a new affirmative finding that the contract should not be
presumed abandoned. On or before the 120th day after the date of the order, the
applicant must submit a report to the department summarizing its activities
under this subparagraph and reporting the basis for findings made.
(4) The order approving conversion
will require the post-conversion permit holder, on or before the 120th day
after the date of the order, to submit to the department a notarized statement
attesting that the annuities have been issued and funded on behalf of the
purchasers listed in the pro forma post-conversion summary included in the
conversion application and disclosing the date that the notification letters
included in the conversion application were mailed to the purchasers.
(5) The order approving conversion will
require the post-conversion permit holder, on or before the 120th day after the
date the trust funds are transferred as authorized by the order, to submit to
the department a final post-conversion summary pertaining to each converted
prepaid contract, determined as of the conversion date, with totals for all
prepaid contracts, if applicable, addressing each of the following categories:
(A) name of annuitant;
(B) policy number of the annuity issued to
the annuitant, or of each annuity if a supplemental annuity is also
(C) contract purchase
(D) paid-in
(E) unpaid principal
balance, if any;
(F) the amount of
transferred trust funds applied to the premium for each annuity;
(G) amount retained by the applicant under
Finance Code, §
RSA 154.252;
(H) cash surrender value of each annuity,
assuming the annuity were to be surrendered on the conversion date;
(I) death benefit under each
annuity, assuming death were to occur on the conversion date.
(6) The order approving conversion
will require the conversion transaction to be fully implemented and completed
on or before the 150th day after the date of the conversion order.