Texas Administrative Code
Section 9.553 - Definitions
Current through Reg. 49, No. 38; September 20, 2024
The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) Abuse--
(2) Actual harm--A negative outcome that compromises an individual's physical, mental, or emotional well-being but does not constitute immediate threat.
(3) ADLs--Activities of daily living. Basic personal everyday activities including tasks such as eating, toileting, grooming, dressing, bathing, and transferring.
(4) Alarm call--A signal transmitted from an individual's CFC ERS equipment to the CFC ERS response center indicating that the individual needs immediate assistance.
(5) Alleged perpetrator--A person alleged to have committed an act of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an individual.
(6) Applicant--A Texas resident seeking services in the TxHmL Program.
(7) Business day--Any day except a Saturday, a Sunday, or a national or state holiday listed in Texas Government Code § 662.003(a) or (b).
(8) Calendar day--Any day, including weekends and holidays.
(9) CDS option--Consumer directed services option. A service delivery option as defined in § 41.103 of this title (relating to Definitions).
(10) CFC--Community First Choice.
(11) CFC ERS--CFC emergency response services. Backup systems and supports used to ensure continuity of services and supports. CFC ERS includes electronic devices and an array of available technology, personal emergency response systems, and other mobile communication devices.
(12) CFC ERS provider--The entity directly providing CFC ERS to an individual, which may be the program provider or a contractor of the program provider.
(13) CFC FMS--The term used for FMS on the IPC of an applicant or individual if the applicant or individual receives only CFC PAS/HAB through the CDS option.
(14) CFC PAS/HAB--CFC personal assistance services/habilitation. A service that:
(15) CFC support consultation--The term used for support consultation on the IPC of an applicant or individual if the applicant or individual receives only CFC PAS/HAB through the CDS option.
(16) CFC support management--Training regarding how to select, manage, and dismiss an unlicensed service provider of CFC PAS/HAB as described in the HCS Handbook.
(17) Chemical restraint--A medication used to control an individual's behavior or to restrict the individual's freedom of movement that is not a standard treatment for the individual's medical or psychological condition.
(18) CMS--Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services that administers the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
(19) Competitive employment--Employment that pays an individual at least minimum wage if the individual is not self-employed.
(20) Contract--A provisional contract or a standard contract.
(21) Controlling person--A person who:
(22) Critical incident--An event listed in the TxHmL Provider User Guide found at www.hhsc.state.tx.us.
(23) Critical violation--A violation for which HHSC may assess an administrative penalty before giving a program provider an opportunity to correct the violation and that:
(24) DADS--HHSC.
(25) Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services--The Texas Workforce Commission.
(26) DFPS--The Department of Family and Protective Services.
(27) Exploitation--The illegal or improper act or process of using, or attempting to use, an individual or the resources of an individual for monetary or personal benefit, profit, or gain.
(28) FMS--Financial management services. A service, as defined in § 41.103 of this title, that is provided to an individual participating in the CDS option.
(29) FMSA--Financial management services agency. As defined in § 41.103 of this title, an entity that provides financial management services to an individual participating in the CDS option.
(30) Follow-up survey--A review by HHSC of a program provider to determine if the program provider has completed corrective action.
(31) Former military member--A person who served in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard:
(32) Good cause--As used in § 9.578 of this subchapter, (relating to Program Provider Certification Principles: Service Delivery), a reason outside the control of the CFC ERS provider, as determined by HHSC.
(33) HCS Program--The Home and Community-based Services Program operated by HHSC as authorized by CMS in accordance with §1915(c) of the Social Security Act.
(34) Health-related tasks--Specific tasks related to the needs of an individual, which can be delegated or assigned by licensed health care professionals under state law to be performed by a service provider of CFC PAS/HAB. These include tasks delegated by an RN; health maintenance activities as defined in 22 TAC § 225.4(relating to Definitions), that may not require delegation; and activities assigned to a service provider of CFC PAS/HAB by a licensed physical therapist, occupational therapist, or speech-language pathologist.
(35) HHSC--The Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
(36) IADLs--Instrumental activities of daily living. Activities related to living independently in the community, including meal planning and preparation; managing finances; shopping for food, clothing, and other essential items; performing essential household chores; communicating by phone or other media; and traveling around and participating in the community.
(37) ICAP--Inventory for Client and Agency Planning.
(38) ICF/IID--Intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions. An ICF/IID is a facility in which ICF/IID Program services are provided and that is:
(39) ICF/IID Program--The Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions Program, which provides Medicaid-funded residential services to individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions.
(40) ID/RC Assessment--A form used by HHSC for LOC determination and LON assignment.
(41) Immediate threat--A situation that caused, or is likely to cause, serious physical harm or serious emotional harm to an individual, or the death of an individual.
(42) Implementation plan--A written document developed by a program provider for an individual that, for each TxHmL Program service, except for transportation provided as a community support activity, and CFC service, except for CFC support management, on the individual's IPC to be provided by the program provider, includes:
(43) Individual--A person enrolled in the TxHmL Program.
(44) Initial certification survey--A review by HHSC of a program provider with a provisional contract to determine if the program provider is in compliance with the certification principles.
(45) Intellectual disability--Significant sub-average general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period.
(46) Intermittent survey--A review by HHSC of a program provider that is not an initial certification survey, a recertification survey, or a follow-up survey, to determine if the program provider is in compliance with the certification principles.
(47) IPC--Individual plan of care. A written plan that:
(48) IPC cost--Estimated annual cost of program services included on an IPC.
(49) IPC year--A 12-month period of time starting on the date an authorized initial or renewal IPC begins.
(50) Isolated--The scope of a violation that has affected a very limited number of individuals or that has occurred only occasionally.
(51) LAR--Legally authorized representative. A person authorized by law to act on behalf of a person with regard to a matter described in this subchapter, and may include a parent, guardian, or managing conservator of a minor, or the guardian of an adult.
(52) LIDDA--Local intellectual and developmental disability authority. An entity designated by the executive commissioner of HHSC, in accordance with THSC §533A.035.
(53) LOC--Level of care. A determination made by HHSC about an applicant or individual as part of the TxHmL Program eligibility determination process based on data electronically transmitted on the ID/RC Assessment.
(54) LON--Level of need. An assignment given by HHSC for an applicant or individual that is derived from the service level score obtained from the administration of the ICAP to the individual and from selected items on the ID/RC Assessment.
(55) LVN--Licensed vocational nurse. A person licensed to practice vocational nursing in accordance with Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 301.
(56) Managed care organization--This term has the meaning set forth in Texas Government Code, § 536.001.
(57) MAO Medicaid--Medical Assistance Only Medicaid. A type of Medicaid by which an applicant or individual qualifies financially for Medicaid assistance but does not receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.
(58) Mechanical restraint--A mechanical device, material, or equipment used to control an individual's behavior by restricting the ability of the individual to freely move part or all of the individual's body.
(59) Microboard--A program provider:
(60) Military family member--A person who is the spouse or child (regardless of age) of:
(61) Military member--A member of the United States military serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty who has declared and maintains Texas as the member's state of legal residence in the manner provided by the applicable military branch.
(62) Natural supports--Unpaid persons, including family members, volunteers, neighbors, and friends, who assist and sustain an individual.
(63) Neglect--A negligent act or omission that caused physical or emotional injury or death to an individual or placed an individual at risk of physical or emotional injury or death.
(64) Nursing facility--A facility licensed in accordance with THSC, Chapter 242.
(65) Own home or family home--A residence that is not:
(66) Pattern--The scope of a violation that is not widespread but represents repeated failures by the program provider to comply with certification principles, and the failures:
(67) PDP--Person-directed plan. A written plan, based on person-directed planning and developed with an applicant or individual in accordance with the HHSC Person-Directed Plan form and discovery tool found on the HHSC website, that describes the supports and services necessary to achieve the desired outcomes identified by the applicant, individual, or LAR and ensure the applicant's or individual's health and safety.
(68) Performance contract--A written agreement between HHSC and a LIDDA for the performance of delegated functions, including those described in THSC, §533A.035.
(69) Physical abuse--Any of the following:
(70) Physical restraint--Any manual method used to control an individual's behavior, except for physical guidance or prompting of brief duration that an individual does not resist, that restricts:
(71) Plan of correction--A plan documented on the HHSC Plan of Correction form that includes the corrective action that a program provider will take for each violation identified on a final survey report.
(72) Plan of removal--A written plan that describes the action a program provider will take to remove an immediate threat that HHSC identifies.
(73) Post 45-day follow-up survey--A follow-up survey conducted at least 46 calendar days after the exit conference of the survey in which the violation requiring corrective action was identified.
(74) Post-move monitoring visit--As described in 26 TAC § 303.702(relating to Post-transition Responsibilities), a visit conducted by the service coordinator in the individual's residence and other locations, as determined by the service planning team, for an individual who enrolled in the TxHmL Program from a nursing facility or enrolled in the TxHmL Program as a diversion from admission to a nursing facility. The purpose of the visit is to review the individual's residence and other locations to:
(75) Pre-move site review--As described in 26 TAC § 303.701(relating to Transition Planning for a Designated Resident), a review conducted by the service coordinator in the planned residence and other locations, as determined by the service planning team, for an applicant transitioning from a nursing facility to the TxHmL Program. The purpose of the review is to ensure that essential services and supports described in the applicant's transition plan are in place before the applicant moves to the residence or receives services in the other locations.
(76) Program provider--A person, as defined in § 49.102 of this title (relating to Definitions), that has a contract with HHSC to provide TxHmL Program services, excluding an FMSA.
(77) Provisional contract--A contract that HHSC enters into with a program provider in accordance with § 49.208 of this title (relating to Provisional Contract Application Approval) that has a term of no more than three years, not including any extension agreed to in accordance with § 49.208(e) of this title (relating to Standard Contract) .
(78) Public emergency personnel--Personnel of a sheriff's department, police department, emergency medical service, or fire department.
(79) Recertification survey--A review by HHSC of a program provider with a standard contract to determine if the program provider is in compliance with the certification principles and will be certified for a new certification period.
(80) Related condition--A severe and chronic disability that:
(81) Repeated violation--A violation that is:
(82) Respite facility--A site that is not a residence and that is owned or leased by a program provider for the purpose of providing out-of-home respite to not more than six individuals receiving TxHmL Program services or other persons receiving similar services at any one time.
(83) Responder--A person designated to respond to an alarm call activated by an individual.
(84) Restraint--Any of the following:
(85) RN--Registered nurse. A person licensed to practice professional nursing in accordance with Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 301.
(86) Seclusion--The involuntary placement of an individual alone in an area from which the individual is prevented from leaving.
(87) Service backup plan--A plan that ensures continuity of a service that is critical to an individual's health and safety if service delivery is interrupted.
(88) Service coordination--A service as defined in Chapter 2, Subchapter L of this title (relating to Service Coordination for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability).
(89) Service coordinator--An employee of a LIDDA who provides service coordination to an individual.
(90) Service planning team--One of the following:
(91) Service provider--A person, who may be a staff member, who directly provides a TxHmL Program service or CFC service to an individual.
(92) Sexual abuse--Any of the following:
(93) Sexual activity--An activity that is sexual in nature, including kissing, hugging, stroking, or fondling with sexual intent.
(94) Sexual exploitation--A pattern, practice, or scheme of conduct against an individual that can reasonably be construed as being for the purposes of sexual arousal or gratification of any person:
(95) Specialized services--The services defined in 26 TAC § 303.102(relating to Definitions).
(96) Staff member--An employee or contractor of a TxHmL Program provider.
(97) Standard contract--A contract that HHSC enters into with a program provider in accordance with § 49.209 of this title that has a term of no more than five years, not including any extension agreed to in accordance § 49.209(d) of this title .
(98) State supported living center--A state-supported and structured residential facility operated by HHSC to provide to persons with an intellectual disability a variety of services, including medical treatment, specialized therapy, and training in the acquisition of personal, social, and vocational skills, but does not include a community-based facility owned by HHSC.
(99) System check--A test of the CFC ERS equipment to determine if:
(100) Support consultation--A service, as defined in § 41.103 of this title, that is provided to an individual participating in the CDS option at the request of the individual or LAR.
(101) Survey--An initial certification survey, a recertification survey, a follow-up survey, and an intermittent survey.
(102) TAC--Texas Administrative Code. A compilation of state agency rules published by the Texas Secretary of State in accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 2002, Subchapter C.
(103) THSC--Texas Health and Safety Code. Texas statutes relating to health and safety.
(104) Transition plan--As described in 26 TAC § 303.102, a written plan developed by the service planning team for an applicant residing in a nursing facility who is enrolling in the TxHmL Program. A transition plan includes the essential and nonessential services and supports the applicant needs to transition from a nursing facility to a community setting.
(105) Transportation plan--A written plan, based on person-directed planning and developed with an applicant or individual using HHSC Individual Transportation Plan form found on the HHSC website. A transportation plan is used to document how transportation as a community support activity will be delivered to support an individual's desired outcomes and purposes for transportation as identified in the PDP.
(106) TxHmL Program--The Texas Home Living Program, operated by HHSC and approved by CMS in accordance with §1915(c) of the Social Security Act, that provides community-based services and supports to eligible individuals who live in their own homes or in their family homes.
(107) Vendor hold--A temporary suspension of payments that are due to a program provider under a contract.
(108) Verbal or emotional abuse--Any act or use of verbal or other communication, including gestures:
(109) Violation--A finding by HHSC that a program provider is not or has not been in compliance with a certification principle.
(110) Volunteer--A person who works for a program provider without compensation, other than reimbursement for actual expenses.
(111) Widespread--The scope of a violation that:
(112) Willfully interfering--Acting or not acting to intentionally prevent, interfere with, or impede, or to attempt to intentionally prevent, interfere with, or impede.