Texas Administrative Code
Section 40.3 - CWD Herd Certification Program

Universal Citation: 4 TX Admin Code ยง 40.3

Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024

(a) Definitions. In addition to the definitions in § 40.1 of this chapter (relating to Definitions), the following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings:

(1) Animal--An animal in the Cervidae family.

(2) Annual inspection window--The period of time each year for an enrolled herd to complete an annual inspection. Unless a specific period is set by a commission representative in writing, the annual inspection window begins 30 days before the month and day of the enrollment date and ends 30 days after the month and day of the enrollment date.

(3) Application and Agreement--The CWD Herd Certification Application and Agreement, a form published by the commission that is available on the commission website and available at TAHC region offices.

(4) Eligible Mortality--The death from any cause of an animal 12 months of age or older, including hunter harvests and animals slaughtered at a slaughter facility or processing facility.

(5) Enrolled herd--A herd that has been approved for enrollment in the program.

(6) Enrollment Date--The day, month, and year in which an owners herd is officially enrolled in the Program.

(7) Local TAHC Region Office--The TAHC Region Office that covers the county in which the herd's premises is located.

(8) Program--The CWD Herd Certification Program administered by the commission.

(9) Status--The status of a herd assigned under the program that follows the requirements in 9 CFR Part 55. Herd status is based on the number of years of compliance with the requirements of the program without evidence of the disease and without any specific determinations that the herd has contained or has been exposed to CWD.

(10) TWIMS--Texas Wildlife Information Management Services database operated by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Departments wildlife division

(b) Program Enrollment Process.

(1) Application and Agreement. For each herd, an owner shall submit a signed application and agreement to the local TAHC region office. An owner may enroll multiple herds but is required to submit an application and agreement for each herd and maintain each herd separately in accordance with this section.

(2) Enrollment Inspection. After application submission, a commission representative will schedule and conduct an enrollment inspection. For each herd, a commission representative will:
(A) visually observe each animal in the herd and the herd as a whole, for clinical signs of CWD;

(B) verify and record the two unique animal identification numbers for each individual animal, one of which shall be a nationally unique official animal identification, all required identification devices will be visually verified and reconciled with the herd owner's records;

(C) perform a herd inventory not more than 60 days prior to the herd's date of enrollment, unless an alternative timeframe is suggested by a commission representative and approved by the executive director; and

(D) identify the premises with a premise-based number system using a Premises Identification Number (PIN) or Location Identification Number (LID) and confirm perimeter fencing is adequate to prevent ingress and egress of cervids, structurally sound, in good repair, and meets any applicable height requirements.

(3) Fees. The commission will assess a fee of $100 per hour for the enrollment inspection performed by a commission representative. The herd owner is responsible for the fees assessed.

(4) Enrollment approval by a commission representative. After the enrollment inspection is complete, a commission representative will approve or deny the application. The date the application is approved is the enrollment date.

(c) Program Requirements. Herd owners who enroll in the Program must comply with the following requirements:

(1) Premises.
(A) Maintain the enrolled herd on the identified premises.

(B) Premises must have perimeter fencing adequate to prevent ingress and or egress of cervids. For herds established after October 15, 2021, the fence must be a minimum of eight feet high.

(C) To maintain separate herds, a herd owner shall maintain herds on separate identified premises that have:
(i) separate herd inventories and records;

(ii) separate working facilities;

(iii) separate water sources;

(iv) separate equipment; and

(v) at least 30 feet between the perimeter fencing around separate herds, and no commingling of animals may occur.

(D) Movement of animals between separate herds by the same owner must be recorded as if they were separately owned herds.

(2) Animal Identification.
(A) Each animal is required to be identified by two forms of animal identification attached to the animal.
(i) One of the identifications must be a nationally unique official animal identification number linked to that animal in the CWD National Database or a commission approved database.

(ii) The second identification must be unique for the individual animal within the herd and linked to the CWD National Database or a commission approved database.

(B) Identify all animals born in the herd.
(i) Each animal born must be identified no later than March 31 of the year following the year the animal is born with the required identification.

(ii) Each animal born that changes ownership or is moved from the premises of origin before 12 months of age shall be identified with required identification prior to change of ownership or movement from the premises of origin.

(3) Reporting requirements.
(A) Required reporting. The herd owner shall:
(i) immediately report upon discovery all herd animals that escape or disappear;

(ii) immediately report upon discovery all free-ranging cervids that enter the facility;

(iii) immediately report a CWD-suspect animal;

(iv) report test results and provide laboratory reports within 14 days of receiving the results of an official CWD test;

(v) report all animals added to the herd within five business days of the acquisition, the report should include the official identification, species, age, and sex of the animal, date of acquisition, and name and identification of the herd of origin;

(vi) report all incidences of commingled animals within five business days, the report should include the official identification, species, age, and sex of the animal, when the commingling occurred, the length of time the commingling occurred, and name and identification of the herd of origin of the commingled animal; and

(vii) report all results from annual inspections and complete physical herd inventories performed by a TAHC authorized veterinarian within 14 days.

(B) Methods of reporting.
(i) Immediate reporting must be by phone or email to a local TAHC region office.

(ii) Enrolled herds with white-tailed deer and mule deer must use TWIMS to track births, deaths, CWD test results, and animal movement.

(iii) All other reporting must be made to the local TAHC region office in writing. Reporting may be submitted by email, fax, mail, or hand delivery during business hours. Reporting must be transmitted or postmarked by the reporting deadline.

(4) Testing.
(A) The herd owner must test all eligible mortalities for CWD via immunohistochemistry (IHC) testing with an official CWD test.

(B) Postmortem tissue samples must be collected and prepared by a state or federal animal health official, an accredited veterinarian, or a certified CWD postmortem sample collector and submitted to an approved laboratory within seven days.

(C) Test results must be reported in accordance with this section.

(D) If samples are missed or poor-quality samples are submitted, a commission representative will review the circumstances and determine if replacement testing is needed and set the replacement testing requirements. Missing samples occur when any animal 12 months of age or older dies, is harvested, slaughtered, escapes, or is otherwise lost and samples are not submitted for an official CWD test. Poor quality samples include samples that are severely autolyzed, from the wrong portion of the brain, the wrong tissue, or not testable for other reasons.

(E) If the number of eligible mortalities is less than five percent of the herd when averaged over a three-year period, a commission representative will review the circumstances and determine if replacement testing is needed and set the replacement testing requirements.

(F) Approval for replacement testing must be obtained prior to performing the replacement testing. Animals eligible to be tested as replacements will be determined by a commission representative. If approved, replacement testing using postmortem samples will use a one to one replacement rate. If approved and antemortem testing is available for the species at an approved laboratory, replacement testing using antemortem testing will use a five to one replacement rate.

(5) Recordkeeping.
(A) The herd owner shall maintain herd records that include a complete inventory of animals with documents showing all births, deaths, acquisitions, dispositions, and escaped or disappeared animals.

(B) Herd owner inventory records, maintained outside of TWIMS, should indicate natural additions with "NA," purchased additions with "PA," and retagged animals with "RT."

(C) The herd owner shall maintain all test result records for those animals that died and be able to produce the full laboratory results upon request.

(D) For white-tailed deer and mule deer, all required animal information must be entered into TWIMS, including uploading full laboratory results.

(E) For animals that have left the herd or have died, the owner must maintain the following information for five years:
(i) All identifications (tags, tattoos, electronic implants, etc.);

(ii) Birth date;

(iii) Species;

(iv) Sex;

(v) Date of acquisition and source of each animal that was not born into the herd, including name and address;

(vi) Date of removal and destination of any animal removed from the herd, including name and address;

(vii) Date of death and cause, if known, for animals dying within the herd;

(viii) Date of CWD sample submission, submitter, owner, premises, animal information, and official CWD test results; and

(ix) Age.

(F) Records will be verified for completeness and accuracy at each annual inspection and complete physical inventory.

(G) Records must be made available to a commission or USDA representative upon request.

(6) Annual Inspection.
(A) Each year an annual inspection must be conducted by a commission representative or a TAHC Authorized Veterinarian.

(B) Unless authorized in writing by a commission representative, the annual inspection must occur during the herd's annual inspection window.

(C) At each annual inspection, a commission representative or TAHC Authorized Veterinarian will:
(i) inventory the herd by visually verifying one required identification on every animal;

(ii) reconcile the previous inventory and verify all dispositions and acquisitions are documented;

(iii) visually observe the herd for clinical signs of CWD;

(iv) verify records are complete and accurate;

(v) verify that CWD sampling requirements are met, test records are complete, and verify that all deficient, missed, or poor-quality samples were documented; and

(vi) inspect perimeter fencing for minimum standards and document needed repairs.

(D) A commission representative or TAHC Authorized Veterinarian will certify by signature that all annual inspection requirements are met and that the herd complies with the program.

(E) Results from the complete physical herd inventory must be reported to the commission within 14 days, unless the complete physical herd inventory is performed by a commission representative.

(F) The herd owner is responsible for assembling, handling, and restraining the animals and for all costs incurred to present the animals for inspection.

(G) If the herd owner requests the annual inspection be conducted by a commission employee, the commission will assess a fee of $100 per hour for the annual inspection performed by a commission representative. The herd owner is responsible for the fees assessed.

(H) If the annual inspection will be conducted by a TAHC Authorized Veterinarian, the herd owner must notify the local TAHC region office by phone or email at least 72 hours prior to any inspection performed by a TAHC Authorized Veterinarian.

(7) Complete Physical Herd Inventory.
(A) Every three years, a complete physical herd inventory must be conducted by a commission representative or a TAHC Authorized Veterinarian.

(B) Each complete physical herd inventory may occur any time before 36 months from the enrollment date or last complete physical herd inventory. Discrete groups of animals (e.g. does, bucks) may be physically inventoried at separate times as long as all animals are inventoried during the same status year. A complete physical herd inventory may be combined with an annual inspection or may occur at a separate time.

(C) During the complete physical herd inventory a commission representative or TAHC Authorized Veterinarian will:
(i) conduct a physical inventory of the herd by visually verifying both forms of required identification on every animal and match the identifications to the herd's written or electronic records;

(ii) reconcile the previous inventory and verify all dispositions and acquisitions are documented;

(iii) visually observe the herd for clinical signs of CWD;

(iv) verify records are complete and accurate;

(v) verify that CWD sampling requirements are met, test records are complete, and verify that all deficient, missed, or poor-quality samples were documented; and

(vi) inspect perimeter fencing for minimum standards and document needed repairs.

(D) A commission representative or TAHC Authorized Veterinarian will certify by signature that all complete physical herd inventory requirements are met and the herd complies with the program.

(E) Results from the complete physical herd inventory must be reported to the commission within 14 days, unless the complete physical herd inventory is performed by a commission representative.

(F) The herd owner is responsible for assembling, handling, and restraining the animals and for all costs incurred to present the animals for the complete physical herd inventory.

(G) If the herd owner requests the complete physical herd inventory be conducted by a commission employee, the commission will assess a fee of $100 per hour for the complete physical herd inventory performed by a commission representative. The herd owner is responsible for the fees assessed.

(H) If the complete physical herd inventory will be conducted by a TAHC Authorized Veterinarian, the herd owner must notify the local TAHC region office by phone or email at least 72 hours prior to any complete physical herd inventory performed by a TAHC Authorized Veterinarian.

(8) Compliance Inspections. A herd owner must allow a commission representative to inspect premises where a herd is located or any animal at any time to determine compliance with the program and the requirements of this chapter. The herd owner is responsible for assembling, handling, and restraining the animals and for all costs incurred to present the animals for inspection.

(d) Herd Status Advancement and Herd Certification

(1) Initial status.
(A) When a herd is first enrolled in the program, it will be placed in first year status.

(B) When a herd is first enrolled in the program and the herd is composed solely of animals obtained from herds already enrolled in the program, the newly enrolled herd may be assigned the same status as the lowest status of any herd that provided animals for the new herd.

(C) When a herd is first enrolled in the program and the herd is composed of animals obtained solely from other certified herds, the newly enrolled herd may be assigned the status of a certified herd.

(2) Status Advancement. If the herd continues to meet the requirements of the CWD Herd Certification Program, each year, no sooner than the anniversary of the enrollment date, the herd status will be upgraded by one year; i.e., second year status, third year status, fourth year status, and fifth year status.

(3) Certified herd status. If the herd continues to meet the requirements of the CWD Herd Certification Program, no sooner than one year from the date a herd is placed in fifth year status, the herd status will be changed to certified, and the herd will remain in certified status as long as it is enrolled in the program, continues to meet the requirements under the program, and its status is not suspended or revoked.

(e) Effect of new animals on herd status.

(1) A herd may add animals from herds with the same or a higher herd status in the program with no negative impact on the certification status of the receiving herd.

(2) If animals are acquired from a herd with a lower herd status, the receiving herd reverts to the program status of the source herd. Following the addition, the herd will be held at that lower status for at least 12 months. After 12 months have elapsed since the addition, the herd may advance status at the next anniversary of the enrollment date.

(3) If an enrolled herd adds animals from a nonparticipating herd, the receiving herd reverts to first year status. Following the addition, the herd will be held at first year status for at least 12 months. After 12 months have elapsed since the addition, the herd may advance status at the next anniversary of the enrollment date.

(4) If any animals in the herd are commingled with animals from native ingress or from a nonparticipating herd, the herd will revert to first year status. If any animals in the herd are commingled with an animal from a herd with a lower program status, the herd with the higher program status will be reduced to the status of the herd with which its animals commingled. After 12 months have elapsed since the addition, the herd may advance status at the next anniversary of the enrollment date.

(f) Detection of CWD in an enrolled herd.

(1) If a herd is designated as a CWD-positive herd or a CWD-exposed herd, its program enrollment will be revoked and the herd may only reenroll after entering into a herd plan and meeting the requirements of the herd plan.

(2) If a herd is designated a CWD-suspect herd or a CWD-trace herd, it will immediately be placed in suspended status pending an epidemiologic investigation by the commission.
(A) If the epidemiologic investigation determines that the herd was not commingled with a CWD-positive animal, the herd will be reinstated to its former program status, and the time spent in suspended status will count toward its promotion to the next herd status level.

(B) If the epidemiologic investigation determines that the herd was commingled with a CWD-positive animal, its program enrollment will be revoked and it will be designated a CWD-exposed herd.

(g) Actions affecting enrollment.

(1) If a herd owner does not comply with the requirements of this chapter, after notice is given, a commission representative may lower herd status, suspend enrollment, or revoke program enrollment.

(2) Protest of an action affecting enrollment.
(A) The herd owner may protest an action affecting enrollment by writing to the executive director within 15 days after receipt of notice of the action. The owner must include all of the facts and supportive evidence which the herd owner relies upon to show that the reasons for the action were incorrect.

(B) The herd owner may request a meeting with the executive director. The request for a meeting must be in writing and accompany the protest. If needed, the meeting will be set by a commission representative no later than 21 days from the receipt of the request. The meeting will be held in Austin.

(C) The executive director shall render a written decision regarding the action within 30 days after receipt of the protest of the action or 30 days after the meeting with the herd owner, whichever is later. The executive director may affirm, rescind, or modify the action.

(3) Appeal of the executive director's decision.
(A) To appeal the decision of the executive director, the herd owner must file a notice of appeal within 15 days of the decision in writing with the executive director at the commissions office in Austin. The notice of appeal must specifically state the issues for consideration on appeal.

(B) A subsequent hearing on the specific issues appealed will be held in Austin, pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 2001, the rules for the State Office of Administrative Hearings, and Chapter 32 of this title (relating to Hearing and Appeal Procedures).

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