Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024
(a) Procedures for
issuing hold orders and quarantines.
(1) Any
CWD-suspect herd shall be immediately reported to a commission representative.
The herd shall be restricted by hold order until the commission's epidemiologic
investigation and approved laboratory testing are complete.
(2) A CWD-trace herd shall be restricted by
hold order until an epidemiologic investigation by the commission is complete
and the herd meets all herd plan requirements.
(3) A CWD-positive herd shall be restricted
by quarantine until the herd meets all herd plan requirements.
(4) Any CWD-suspect herd, CWD-trace, and
CWD-positive herd not complying with the epidemiologic investigation or herd
plan requirements shall be restricted by quarantine.
(b) Requirements for CWD-suspect herds, CWD-
trace herds, or CWD-positive herds.
CWD-suspect animals shall be presented to a commission representative for the
purpose of collection and submission of appropriate samples to an approved
laboratory for diagnosis.
Disposition of a CWD-positive herd as determined by a commission or USDA
epidemiologist following completion of the investigation. A herd plan will be
developed by a commission or USDA epidemiologist in consultation with the herd
owner, and, if requested, their veterinarian. Unless otherwise determined by a
commission epidemiologist and approved by the executive director, the herd plan
shall include the following requirements for a period of five years:
(A) Routine visual inspection of all animals
in the herd by a commission or USDA veterinarian for the purpose of early
detection of CWD-suspect animals.
(B) Annual verification of herd inventory by
a commission or USDA veterinarian.
(C) All CWD-suspect animals and all
mortalities of all CWD susceptible species shall be immediately reported to a
commission or USDA veterinarian for the purpose of collection of appropriate
samples for submission to an approved laboratory for CWD
(D) CWD-exposed
animals must be :
(i) Humanely euthanized,
tested for CWD by official CWD test, and disposed of as specified in subsection
(c) of this section; or
Maintained under the terms of the herd plan until all requirements of the herd
plan are met.
(E) The
herd shall remain under quarantine for five years from the last exposure to a
CWD-positive animal or a CWD-exposed animal and until such time that all herd
plan requirements are met.
(3) Disposition of CWD-trace herds. A herd
plan will be developed by a commission or USDA epidemiologist in consultation
with the owner, and, if requested, their veterinarian. Unless otherwise
determined by a commission epidemiologist and approved by the executive
director, the herd plan shall include the following requirements for a period
of five years:
(A) Routine visual inspection
of all animals in the herd by a commission or USDA veterinarian for the purpose
of early detection of CWD-suspect animals.
(B) Annual verification of herd inventory by
a commission or USDA veterinarian.
(C) All CWD-suspect animals and all
mortalities of all CWD susceptible species shall be immediately reported to a
commission or USDA veterinarian for the purpose of collection of appropriate
samples for submission to an approved laboratory for CWD
(D) CWD-exposed
animals must be :
(i) Humanely euthanized,
tested for CWD by official CWD test, and disposed of as specified in subsection
(c) of this section; or
Maintained under the terms of the herd plan until all requirements of the herd
plan are met.
(c) Disposal of CWD-suspect animal and
CWD-exposed animal carcasses. After all required postmortem tissue samples are
collected, carcasses or remaining parts of CWD-suspect animals and CWD-exposed
animals, including all animal products, by-products, and contaminated
materials, shall be disposed of by deep burial or incineration on the premises
where the animal was located or at a facility approved by the executive
(d) Payment of indemnity.
The commission may participate in paying indemnity to purchase and dispose of
CWD-positive animals, CWD-exposed animals, and CWD-suspect animals. Subject to
available funding, the amount of the state payment for any such animals will be
five percent of the appraised value established in accordance with
9 CFR §
55.3. This payment is in participation with
any federal indemnity payments made in accordance with
9 CFR §