Texas Administrative Code
Section 103.10 - Survivor Annuity
Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024
(a) The beneficiary of a deceased member who had accumulated at least four years of credited service in the system is eligible to apply for and receive a survivor annuity as described in this section.
(b) The annuity payable under this section to an individual beneficiary shall be the actuarial equivalent, as defined in §841.001(1) of the Act, of the allocated shares of the member's individual account balance and total service credit standing to the credit of the member computed as of the last day of the month preceding the member's death.
(c) An individual designated as beneficiary by the member, or an individual designated as beneficiary under the Act, may elect an annuity to be paid in the form of a life annuity for the beneficiary's life but actuarially reduced to provide a guarantee that the total of all payments will equal or exceed:
(d) In lieu of an annuity, the beneficiary may elect a refund of the beneficiary's allocated share of the deceased member's individual account.
(e) The annuity shall be calculated using the beneficiary's age on the last day of the month preceding the member's death and computed on the beneficiary's allocated shares of the deceased member's individual account balance and total service credit standing to the credit of the member as of the last day of the month preceding the member's death.
(f) An individual designated as beneficiary by the member, or an individual designated as beneficiary under the Act, may not renounce, repudiate, or disclaim the benefit provided under this section if in doing so the benefit would then become payable to the estate of the deceased member by default rather than by designation, except that in lieu of an annuity, an individual beneficiary may apply for a refund of that beneficiary's share of the deceased member's individual account balance.
(g) In the event that multiple persons are designated as beneficiaries by the member, the deceased member's individual account balance and total service credit shall be prorated among all beneficiaries, and each individual beneficiary may select any payment form described in subsection (c) of this section, above computed on the shares allocated to that individual. A beneficiary designated by the member or designated under the Act that is not an individual will receive installment payments as described in subsection (h) of this section.
(h) A designated beneficiary that is not an individual shall receive an amount equal to the allocated shares of the member's individual account balance and total service credit standing to the credit of the member as of the last day of the month preceding the member's death. The board authorizes the director, subject to the determination made in subsection (l) of this section, to cause the amount to be paid in up to sixty (60) monthly installments, with the final payment made on or before the last day of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the member's death. Notwithstanding subsection (k) of this section, interest shall accrue on unpaid amounts at the rate provided under the plan beginning from the last day of the month in which all necessary documents and applications have been filed with and approved by the system. A distribution payable under this subsection is not considered to be a service retirement and therefore is not subject to the immediate transfer requirements of Government Code, § 845.316.
(i) A trustee of a trust having a single primary beneficiary may elect with the system, that the beneficiary of the trust be considered as a named beneficiary for purposes of selecting an annuity but such election shall be effective only if the beneficiary of the trust would be considered a named beneficiary for purposes of the rules and regulations of the Internal Revenue Code relating to required minimum distributions.
(j) An individual beneficiary who dies before filing an application for benefits or who fails to file an application within 90 days following notice from the system that a benefit is payable shall be deemed to have selected the life annuity with the guarantee that the total of all payments will equal or exceed the share of the deceased member's individual account balance allocable to the beneficiary.
(k) No interest shall accrue on any benefit payable under this section.
(l) If the director determines that the payment under subsection (h) of this section, of the total accrued benefit or of the unpaid balance of the benefit as a single sum will not harm or injure the funded status of the subdivision's account or jeopardize its ability to pay all benefits as benefits become due, the board authorizes the director to cause the distribution of the total accrued benefit or the remaining unpaid balance as the case may be, to be paid as a single sum in full satisfaction of all amounts due under the plan.
(m) All distributions under this section must comply with the laws and regulations of the Internal Revenue Code.