Texas Administrative Code
Chapter 29 - BENEFITS
Section 29.52 - Adjustment to Annual Benefit Limit
Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024
(a) Before July 1, 1995, a member may not receive an annual benefit that exceeds the dollar amount and salary limits specified in §415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, subject to the applicable adjustments in that section. On or after July 1, 1995, a member may not receive an annual benefit that exceeds the dollar amount specified in §415(b)(1)(A) of that code, subject to the applicable adjustments in §415(b) of that code.
(b) The dollar limitation on annual benefits provided by this section shall be adjusted annually as provided by §415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations prescribed by the U.S. secretary of the treasury to reflect cost of living adjustments. The adjusted limitation is effective for TRS benefits for the TRS plan year that begins on or after the earliest allowable effective date of the changes under federal regulations.
(c) The limitation provided by this section for a member who has separated from service with a vested right to a pension shall be adjusted annually as provided by §415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations prescribed by the U.S. secretary of the treasury. On and after July 1, 1995, in no event shall a member's annual benefit payable from TRS in any limitation year be greater than the limit applicable at the annuity starting date, as increased in subsequent years pursuant to §415(d) of that code and the regulations thereunder.
(d) If the form of benefit is not a straight life (standard annuity) or qualified joint and survivor annuity (Option 1, 2, or 5 with a spousal beneficiary), then the applicable limit described in subsection (c) of this section shall be determined by either reducing the §415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code limit applicable at the annuity starting date or adjusting the form of benefit to an actuarially equivalent straight life annuity benefit determined using the following assumptions that take into account the death benefits under the form of benefit:
(e) The following interest rate assumptions shall be used in computing the limitations under this section. For the purpose of determining the portion of the annual benefit that is attributable to member contributions, the factors described in §411(c)(2)(B) and (C) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations thereunder shall be used even though §411 of that code does not otherwise apply to the retirement system.
(f) An adjustment under §415(d) of that code may not be taken into account before the year for which that adjustment first takes effect.
(g) No adjustment is required for the value of qualified joint and survivor annuity benefits, disability retirement benefits, pre-retirement death benefits, post retirement medical benefits, or any other benefit not required under §415(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations thereunder to be taken into account for purposes of the limitation of §415(b)(1) of that Code.
(h) This plan may still pay an annual benefit to any member in excess of the member's maximum annual benefit otherwise allowed if:
(i) If a member has fewer than ten years of actual membership service credit in the plan at the time the member begins to receive benefits under the plan, the Internal Revenue Code §415(b)(1)(A) limitation, as adjusted, shall be reduced by multiplying the limitation by a fraction in which the numerator is the number of years of service credit and the denominator is 10; provided, however, that the fraction may not be less than one-tenth. If the member has fewer than ten years of employment with the employer, the $10,000 limitation of subsection (h) of this section shall be reduced in the same manner as provided in the preceding sentence, except the numerator shall be the number of actual years of employment with the employer rather than number of years of service credit.
(j) For a disability retirement benefit or a pre-retirement death benefit, the adjustment in subsection (a)(1) of this section is not required for payment made with respect to a member before the member reaches or would have reached age 62, and the adjustment in subsection (i) of this section is not required for payment made with respect to a member with fewer than ten years of service credit under TRS.