Texas Administrative Code
Subchapter H - ENFORCEMENT
Section 553.751 - Administrative Penalties

Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024

(a) Assessment of an administrative penalty. HHSC may assess an administrative penalty if a license holder:

(1) violates:
(A) Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247;

(B) a rule, standard, or order adopted under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247; or

(C) a term of a license issued under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247;

(2) makes a false statement of material fact that the license holder knows or should know is false:
(A) on an application for issuance or renewal of alicense;

(B) in an attachment to the application; or

(C) with respect to a matter under investigation byHHSC;

(3) refuses to allow an HHSC representative to inspect:
(A) a book, record, or file that a facility must maintain; or

(B) any portion of the premises of a facility;

(4) willfully interferes with the work of, or retaliates against, an HHSC representative or the enforcement of this chapter;

(5) willfully interferes with, or retaliates against, an HHSC representative preserving evidence of a violation of Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247; a rule, standard, or order adopted under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247; or a term of a license issued under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 247;

(6) fails to pay an administrative penalty not later than the 30th calendar day after the penalty assessment becomes final;

(7) fails to notify HHSC of a change of ownership before the effective date of the change of ownership;

(8) willfully interferes with the State Ombudsman, a certified ombudsman, or an ombudsman intern performing the functions of the Ombudsman Program as described in Chapter 88 of this title (relating to State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program); or

(9) retaliates against the State Ombudsman, a certified ombudsman, or an ombudsman intern:
(A) with respect to a resident, employee of a facility, or other person filing a complaint with, providing information to, or otherwise cooperating with the State Ombudsman, a certified ombudsman, or an ombudsman intern; or

(B) for performing the functions of the Ombudsman Program as described in Chapter 88 of this title.

(b) Criteria for assessing an administrative penalty. HHSC considers the following in determining the amount of an administrative penalty:

(1) the gradations of penalties established in subsection (d) of this section;

(2) the seriousness of the violation, including the nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the situation, and the hazard or potential hazard created by the situation to the health or safety of the public;

(3) the history of previous violations;

(4) deterrence of future violations;

(5) the license holder's efforts to correct the violation;

(6) the size of the facility and of the business entity that owns the facility; and

(7) any other matter that justice may require.

(c) Late payment of an administrative penalty. A license holder must pay an administrative penalty within 30 calendar days after the penalty assessment becomes final. If a license holder fails to timely pay the administrative penalty, HHSC may assess an administrative penalty under subsection (a)(6) of this section, which is in addition to the penalty that was previously assessed and not timely paid.

(d) Administrative penalty schedule. HHSC uses the schedule of appropriate and graduated administrative penalties in this subsection to determine which violations warrant an administrative penalty.

Attached Graphic

(e) Administrative penalty assessed against a resident. HHSC does not assess an administrative penalty against a resident, unless the resident is also an employee of the facility or a controlling person.

(f) Proposal of administrative penalties.

(1) HHSC issues a preliminary report stating the facts on which HHSC concludes that a violation has occurred after HHSC has:
(A) examined the possible violation and facts surrounding the possible violation; and

(B) concluded that a violation has occurred.

(2) HHSC may recommend in the preliminary report the assessment of an administrative penalty for each violation and the amount of the administrative penalty.

(3) HHSC provides a written notice of the preliminary report to the license holder not later than 10 calendar days after the date on which the preliminary report is issued. The written notice includes:
(A) a brief summary of the violation;

(B) the amount of the recommended administrative penalty;

(C) a statement of whether the violation is subject to correction in accordance with subsection (g) of this section and, if the violation is subject to correction, a statement of:
(i) the date on which the license holder must file with HHSC a plan of correction for approval by HHSC; and

(ii) the date on which the license holder must complete the plan of correction to avoid assessment of the administrative penalty; and

(D) a statement that the license holder has a right to an administrative hearing on the occurrence of the violation, the amount of the penalty, or both.

(4) Not later than 20 calendar days after the date on which a license holder receives a written notice of the preliminary report, the license holder may:
(A) give HHSC written consent to the preliminary report, including the recommended administrative penalty; or

(B) make a written request to HHSC for an administrative hearing.

(5) If a violation is subject to correction under subsection (g) of this section, the license holder must submit a plan of correction to HHSC for approval not later than 10 calendar days after the date on which the license holder receives the written notice described in paragraph (3) of this subsection.

(6) If a violation is subject to correction under subsection (g) of this section, and after the license holder reports to HHSC that the violation has been corrected, HHSC inspects the correction or takes any other step necessary to confirm the correction and notifies the facility that:
(A) the correction is satisfactory and HHSC is not assessing an administrative penalty; or

(B) the correction is not satisfactory, and a penalty is recommended.

(7) Not later than 20 calendar days after the date on which a license holder receives a notice that the correction is not satisfactory and that a penalty is recommended under paragraph (6)(B) of this subsection, the license holder may:
(A) give HHSC written consent to HHSC report, including the recommended administrative penalty; or

(B) make a written request to HHSC for an administrative hearing.

(8) If a license holder consents to the recommended administrative penalty or does not timely respond to a notice sent under paragraph (3) of this subsection (written notice of the preliminary report) or paragraph (6)(B) of this subsection (notice that the correction is not satisfactory and recommendation of a penalty):
(A) HHSC assesses the recommended administrative penalty;

(B) HHSC gives written notice of the decision to the license holder; and

(C) the license holder must pay the penalty not later than 30 calendar days after the written notice given in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.

(g) Opportunity to correct.

(1) HHSC allows a license holder to correct a violation before assessing an administrative penalty, except a violation described in paragraph (2) of this subsection. To avoid assessment of a penalty, a license holder must correct a violation not later than 45 calendar days after the date the facility receives the written notice described in subsection (f)(3) of this section.

(2) HHSC does not allow a license holder to avoid a penalty assessment based on its correction of a violation:
(A) described by subsection (a)(2) - (9) of this section;

(B) of Texas Health and Safety Code § 260A.014 or § 260A.015;

(C) related to advance directives as described in § 553.259(d) of this chapter (relating to Admission Policies and Procedures);

(D) that is the second or subsequent violation of:
(i) a right of the same resident under § 553.267 of this chapter (relating to Rights);

(ii) the same right of all residents under § 553.267 of this chapter; or

(iii) § 553.255 of this chapter (relating to All Staff Policy for Residents with Alzheimer's Disease or a Related Disorder) that occurs before the second anniversary of the date of a previous violation of § 553.255 of this chapter;

(E) that is written because of an inappropriately placed resident, except as described in § 553.259(e) of this chapter;

(F) that is a pattern of violation that results in actual harm;

(G) that is widespread in scope and results in actual harm;

(H) that is widespread in scope, constitutes a potential for more than minimal harm, and relates to:
(i) resident assessment as described in § 553.259(b) of this chapter;

(ii) staffing, including staff training, as described in § 553.253 of this chapter (relating to Employee Qualifications and Training);

(iii) medication administration as described in § 553.261(a) of this chapter (relating to Coordination of Care);

(iv) infection control as described in § 553.261(f) of this chapter;

(v) restraints as described in § 553.261(g) of this chapter; or

(vi) emergency preparedness and response as described in § 553.275 of this chapter (relating to Emergency Preparedness and Response); or

(I) is an immediate threat to the health or safety of a resident.

(3) Maintenance of violation correction.
(A) A license holder that corrects a violation must maintain the correction. If the license holder fails to maintain the correction until at least the first anniversary of the date the correction was made, HHSC may assess and collect an administrative penalty for the subsequent violation.

(B) An administrative penalty assessed under this paragraph is equal to three times the amount of the original administrative penalty that was assessed but not collected.

(C) HHSC is not required to offer the license holder an opportunity to correct the subsequent violation.

(h) Hearing on an administrative penalty. If a license holder timely requests an administrative hearing as described in subsection (f)(3) or (7) of this section, the administrative hearing is held in accordance with HHSC rules at 1 TAC Chapter 357, Subchapter I (relating to Hearings under the Administrative Procedure Act).

(i) HHSC may charge interest on an administrative penalty. The interest begins the day after the date the penalty becomes due and ends on the date the penalty is paid in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code § 247.0455(e).

(j) Amelioration of a violation.

(1) In lieu of demanding payment of an administrative penalty, the commissioner may allow a license holder to use, under HHSC supervision, any portion of the administrative penalty to ameliorate the violation or to improve services, other than administrative services, in the facility affected by the violation. Amelioration is an alternate form of payment of an administrative penalty, not an appeal, and does not remove a violation or an assessed administrative penalty from a facility's history.

(2) A license holder cannot ameliorate a violation that HHSC determines constitutes immediate jeopardy to the health or safety of a resident.

(3) HHSC offers amelioration to a license holder not later than 10 calendar days after the date a license holder receives a final notification of the recommended assessment of an administrative penalty that is sent to the license holder after an informal dispute resolution process but before an administrative hearing.

(4) A license holder to whom amelioration has been offered must:
(A) submit a plan for amelioration not later than 45 calendar days after the date the license holder receives the offer of amelioration from HHSC; and

(B) agree to waive the license holder's right to an administrative hearing if HHSC approves the plan for amelioration.

(5) A license holder's plan for amelioration must:
(A) propose changes to the management or operation of the facility that will improve services to or quality of care of residents;

(B) identify, through measurable outcomes, the ways in which and the extent to which the proposed changes will improve services to or quality of care of residents;

(C) establish clear goals to be achieved through the proposed changes;

(D) establish a time line for implementing the proposed changes; and

(E) identify specific actions the license holder will take to implement the proposed changes.

(6) A license holder's plan for amelioration may include proposed changes to:
(A) improve staff recruitment and retention;

(B) offer or improve dental services for residents; and

(C) improve the overall quality of life for residents.

(7) HHSC may require that an amelioration plan propose changes that would result in conditions that exceed the requirements of this chapter.

(8) HHSC approves or denies a license holder's amelioration plan not later than 45 calendar days after the date HHSC receives the plan. If HHSC approves the amelioration plan, any pending request the license holder has submitted for an administrative hearing must be withdrawn by the license holder.

(9) HHSC does not offer amelioration to a license holder:
(A) more than three times in a two-year period; or

(B) more than one time in a two-year period for the same or a similar violation.

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