(2) General detail and finish requirements.
Details and finishes in new construction projects, including additions and
alterations, shall be in compliance with this paragraph, with NFPA 101, Chapter
18, with local building codes, and with any specific detail and finish
requirements for the particular unit as contained in §
511.163 of this subchapter
(relating to Spatial Requirements).
General detail requirements.
(i) Fire safety.
Fire safety features, including compartmentation, means of egress, automatic
extinguishing systems, inspections, smoking regulations, and other details
relating to fire prevention and fire protection shall comply with §
511.161 of this subchapter
(relating to Requirements for Buildings in Which Existing Licensed Hospitals
Are Located), and NFPA 101, Chapter 18 requirements for hospitals. The Fire
Safety Evaluation System for Health Care Occupancies contained in the NFPA
101A, Alternative Approaches to Life Safety, 2010 edition, Chapter 3, shall not
be used in new building construction, renovations, or additions to existing
(ii) Access to exits.
Corridors providing access to all patient, diagnostic, treatment, and patient
therapy rooms and exits shall be at least eight feet in clear and unobstructed
width, not less than seven feet six inches in height, and constructed in
accordance with requirements listed in NFPA 101 §18.3.6.
(iii) Corridors in other occupancies. Public
corridors in administrative and service areas that are designed to requirements
other than LSRH requirements and are the required means of egress from the LSRH
shall be not less than five feet in width.
(iv) Encroachment into the means of egress.
Items such as drinking fountains, telephone booths or stations, and vending
machines shall be so located as to not project into and restrict exit corridor
traffic or reduce the exit corridor width below the required minimum. Portable
equipment shall not be stored so as to project into and restrict exit corridor
traffic or reduce the exit corridor width below the required minimum.
(v) Doors in means of egress. All door leaves
in the means of egress shall be not less than 44 inches wide or as otherwise
permitted for hospitals by NFPA 101 §
(vi) Sliding doors. Horizontal sliding doors
serving an occupant load of fewer than 10 shall be permitted. The area served
by the door has no high hazard contents. The door is readily operable from
either side without special knowledge or effort. The force required to operate
the door in the direction of door travel is not more than 30 pounds per foot to
set the door in motion and is not more than 15 pounds per foot to close the
door or open in the minimum required width. The door assembly complies with any
required fire protection rating, and, where rated, is self-closing or automatic
closing. The sliding doors opening to the egress corridor doors shall have a
latch or other mechanism that ensures that the doors will not rebound into a
partially open position if forcefully closed. The sliding doors may have
breakaway provisions and shall be installed to resist passage of smoke. The
latching sliding panel shall have a minimum clear opening of 41.5 inches in the
fully open position. The fixed panels may have recessed tracks.
(vii) Control doors. Designs that include
cross-corridor control doors should be avoided. When unavoidable,
cross-corridor control doors shall consist of two 44-inch wide leaves that
swing in a direction opposite from the other, or of the double acting type.
Each door leaf shall be provided with a view window.
(viii) Emergency access. Rooms containing
bathtubs, showers, and water closets, intended for patient use shall be
provided with at least one door having hardware that will permit access from
the outside in any emergency. Door leaf width of such doors shall not be less
than 36 inches.
(ix) Obstruction of
corridors. All doors that swing towards the corridor must be recessed. Corridor
doors to rooms not subject to occupancy (any room that you can walk into and
close the door behind you is considered occupiable) may swing into the
corridor, provided that such doors comply with the requirements of NFPA 101
(x) Stair landing.
Doors shall not open immediately onto a stair without a landing. The landing
shall be 44 inches deep or have a depth at least equal to the door width,
whichever is greater.
(xi) Doors to
rooms subject to occupancy. All doors to rooms subject to occupancy shall be of
the swing type except that horizontal sliding doors complying with the
requirements of NFPA 101 § are permitted. Door leaves to rooms
subject to occupancy shall not be less than 36 inches wide.
(xii) Operable windows and exterior doors.
Windows that can be opened without tools or keys and outer doors without
automatic closing devices shall be provided with insect screens.
(xiii) Glazing. Glass doors, lights,
sidelights, borrowed lights, and windows located within 12 inches of a door
jamb or with a bottom-frame height of less than 18 inches and a top-frame
height of more than 36 inches above the finished floor that may be broken
accidentally by pedestrian traffic shall be glazed with safety glass or plastic
glazing material that will resist breaking and will not create dangerous
cutting edges when broken. Similar materials shall be used for wall openings in
activity areas such as recreation and exercise rooms, unless otherwise required
for fire safety. Safety glass, tempered, or plastic glazing materials shall be
used for shower doors and bath enclosures, interior windows and doors. Plastic
and similar materials used for glazing shall comply with the flame spread
ratings of NFPA 101 §18.3.3.
(xiv) Fire doors. All fire doors shall be
listed by an independent testing laboratory and shall meet the construction
requirements for fire doors in NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Fire
Windows, 2010 edition. Reference to a labeled door shall be construed to
include labeled frame and hardware.
(xv) Grab bars. Grab bars shall be provided
at patient toilets, showers and tubs. The bars shall be one and one-half inches
in diameter, shall have either one and one-fourth or one and one-half inches
clearance to walls, and shall have sufficient strength and anchorage to sustain
a concentrated vertical or horizontal load of 250 pounds. Grab bars are not
permitted at bathing and toilet fixtures in mental health and chemical
dependency units unless designed and installed to eliminate the possibility of
patients harming themselves. Grab bars intended for use by the disabled shall
also comply with Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
(xvi) Soap dishes.
Soap dishes shall be provided at all showers and bathtubs.
(xvii) Hand washing facilities. Location and
arrangement of fittings for hand washing facilities shall permit their proper
use and operation. Hand washing fixtures with hands-free operable controls
shall be provided within each workroom, examination, and treatment room.
Hands-free includes blade-type handles, and foot, knee, or sensor operated
controls. Particular care shall be given to the clearances required for
blade-type operating handles. Lavatories and hand washing facilities shall be
securely anchored to withstand an applied vertical load of not less than 250
pounds on the front of the fixture. In addition to the specific areas noted,
hand washing facilities shall be provided and conveniently located for staff
use throughout the LSRH where patient care contact occurs and services are
(xviii) Soap dispensers.
A liquid or foam soap dispenser shall be located at each hand washing
(xix) Alcohol-based hand
rubs. Alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHRs) are considered flammable. When used,
ABHRs shall meet the following requirements.
(I) The dispensers may be installed in a
corridor so long as the corridor width is six feet or greater. The dispensers
shall be installed at least four feet apart.
(II) The maximum individual dispenser fluid
capacity is 1.2 liters for dispensers in rooms, corridors, and areas open to
corridors, and 2.0 liters for dispensers in suites of rooms.
(III) The dispensers shall not be installed
over or directly adjacent to electrical outlets and switches.
(IV) Dispensers installed directly over
carpeted surfaces shall be permitted only in sprinklered smoke
(V) Each smoke
compartment may contain a maximum aggregate of 10 gallons of ABHR solution in
dispensers and a maximum of five gallons in storage.
(xx) Hand drying. Provisions for hand drying
shall be included at all hand washing facilities except scrub sinks. There
shall be hot air dryers or individual paper or cloth units enclosed in such a
way as to provide protection against dust or soil and ensure single-unit
(xxi) Mirrors. Mirrors
shall not be installed at hand washing fixtures where asepsis control and
sanitation requirements would be lessened by hair combing. Mirrors may be
installed in patient toilet rooms, lockers, and public toilet rooms.
(xxii) Ceiling heights. The minimum ceiling
height shall be seven feet six inches with the following exceptions.
(I) Boiler rooms. Boiler rooms shall have
ceiling clearances not less than two feet six inches above the main boiler
header and connecting piping.
Rooms with ceiling-mounted equipment. Rooms containing ceiling-mounted
equipment shall have the ceiling height clearance increased to accommodate the
equipment or fixtures.
Overhead clearance. Suspended tracks, rails, pipes, signs, lights, door
closers, exit signs, and other fixtures that protrude into the path of normal
traffic shall not be less than six feet eight inches above the finished
(xxiii) Areas
producing impact noises. Recreation rooms, exercise rooms, and similar spaces
where impact noises may be generated shall not be located directly over patient
bed area or operating rooms unless special provisions are made to minimize
(xxiv) Noise reduction.
Noise reduction criteria in accordance with the Table 1 in §
511.169(a) of
this subchapter (relating to Tables) shall apply to partitions, floor, and
ceiling construction in patient areas.
(xxv) Rooms with heat-producing equipment.
Rooms containing heat-producing equipment such as heater rooms, laundries, etc.
shall be insulated and ventilated to prevent any occupied floor surface above
from exceeding a temperature differential of 10 degrees Fahrenheit above the
ambient room temperature.
Chutes. Linen and refuse chutes shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 82,
Standard on Incinerators, Waste and Linen Handling Systems and Equipment, 2009
edition, and NFPA 101 §18.5.4.
(xxvii) Thresholds and expansion joint
covers. Thresholds and expansion joint covers shall be flush or not more than
one-half inch above the floor surface to facilitate the use of wheelchairs and
carts. Expansion and seismic joints shall be constructed to restrict the
passage of smoke and fire and shall be listed by a nationally recognized
testing laboratory.
Housekeeping room.
(I) In addition to any
housekeeping rooms required in certain departments, sufficient housekeeping
rooms shall be provided throughout the LSRH as required to maintain a clean and
sanitary environment.
(II) Each
housekeeping room shall contain a floor receptor or service sink and storage
space for housekeeping equipment and supplies.
(B) General finish requirements.
(i) Cubicle curtains and draperies.
(I) Cubicle curtains, draperies, and other
hanging fabrics shall be noncombustible or flame retardant and shall pass both
the small scale and the large-scale tests of NFPA 701, Standard Methods of Fire
Tests for Flame-Resistant Textiles and Films, 2010 edition. Copies of
laboratory test reports for installed materials shall be submitted to HHSC at
the time of the final construction inspection.
(II) Cubicle curtains shall be provided to
assure patient privacy.
(ii) Flame spread, smoke development, and
noxious gases. Flame spread and smoke developed limitations of interior
finishes shall comply with Table 2 of §
511.169(b) of
this subchapter and NFPA 101 §10.2. The use of materials known to produce
large or concentrated amounts of noxious or toxic gases shall not be used in
exit accesses or in patient areas. Copies of laboratory test reports for
installed materials tested in accordance with NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test
of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, 2000 edition, and
NFPA 258, Standard Research Test Method for Determining Smoke Generation of
Solid Materials, 2001 edition, shall be provided.
(iii) Floor finishes. Flooring shall be easy
to clean and have wear resistance appropriate for the location involved. Floors
that are subject to traffic while wet (such as shower and bath areas, kitchens,
and similar work areas) shall have a nonslip surface. In all areas frequently
subject to wet cleaning methods, floor materials shall not be physically
affected by germicidal and cleaning solutions. The following are acceptable
floor finishes:
(I) painted
(II) vinyl and vinyl
composition tiles and sheets;
monolithic or seamless flooring. Where required, seamless flooring shall be
impervious to water, coved and installed integral with the base, tightly sealed
to the wall, and without voids that can harbor insects or retain dirt
particles. The base shall not be less than six inches in height. Welded joint
flooring is acceptable;
ceramic and quarry tile;
(V) wood
floors. Wood floors subject to frequent cleaning methods shall be avoided. When
wood floors are used, the floor shall be tightly sealed, without voids and the
joints shall be impervious to water;
(VI) carpet flooring. Carpeting installed in
patient care areas shall be treated to prevent bacterial and fungal
(VII) terrazzo;
(VIII) poured in place
(iv) Wall
finishes. Wall finishes shall be smooth, washable, moisture resistant, and
cleanable by standard housekeeping practices. Wall finishes shall comply with
requirements contained in Table 2 of §
511.169(b) of
this subchapter, and NFPA 101 §18.3.3.
(I) Wall finishes shall be water-resistant in
the immediate area of plumbing fixtures.
(II) Wall finishes subject to frequent wet
cleaning methods shall be impervious to water, tightly sealed, and without
(v) Floor, wall,
and ceiling penetrations. Floor, wall, and ceiling penetrations by pipes,
ducts, and conduits or any direct openings shall be tightly sealed to minimize
entry of dirt particles, rodents, and insects. Joints of structural elements
shall be similarly sealed.
Ceiling types. Ceilings that are a part of a rated roof/ceiling assembly or a
floor/ceiling assembly shall be constructed of listed components and installed
in accordance with the listing. The following subclauses describe three types
of ceilings that are required in various areas of the LSRH.
(I) Ordinary ceilings. Ceilings such as
acoustical tiles installed in a metal grid that are dry cleanable with
equipment used in daily housekeeping activities such as dusters and vacuum
(II) Washable ceilings.
Ceilings that are made of washable, smooth, moisture impervious materials such
as painted lay-in gypsum wallboard or vinyl faced acoustic tile in a metal
(III) Monolithic ceilings.
Ceilings that are monolithic from wall to wall (painted solid gypsum
wallboard), smooth and without fissures, open joints, or crevices and with a
washable and moisture impervious finish.
(vii) Special construction. Special
conditions may require special wall and ceiling construction for security in
areas such as storage of controlled substances and areas where patients are
likely to attempt suicide or escape.
(viii) Flammable anesthetizing locations.
Flammable anesthetic locations in which flammable anesthetic agents are stored
or administered shall comply with Annex E of NFPA 99, Health Facilities Code,
2012 edition.
(ix) Materials
finishes. Materials known to produce noxious gases when burned shall not be
used for mattresses, upholstery, and wall finishes.
(x) Signage. A sign shall be posted at the
entrance to each toilet or restroom to identify the facility for public, staff,
or patient use. A sign is not required for patient room bathrooms.