(c) Construction documents. Construction
documents or final plans and specifications shall be submitted to the
department for review and approval prior to start of construction. All final
plans and specifications shall be appropriately sealed and signed by a
registered architect and a professional engineer licensed by the State of
(1) Preparation of construction
documents. Construction documents shall be well prepared so that clear and
distinct prints may be obtained, shall be accurately and adequately
dimensioned, and shall include all necessary explanatory notes, schedules, and
legends and shall be adequate for contract purposes. Compliance with model
building codes and this chapter shall be indicated. The type of construction,
as classified by National Fire Protection Association 220, Standard on Types of
Building Construction, 1999 edition, shall be provided for existing and new
facilities. Final plans shall be drawn to a sufficiently large scale to clearly
illustrate the proposed design but not less than one-eighth inch equals one
foot. All rooms shall be identified by usage on all plans (architectural, fire
safety, mechanical, electrical, etc.) submitted. Separate drawings shall be
prepared for each of the following branches of work.
(A) Architectural plans. Architectural
drawings shall include the following:
site plan showing all new topography, newly established levels and grades,
existing structures on the site (if any), new buildings and structures,
roadways, walks, and the extent of the areas to be landscaped. All structures
which are to be removed under the construction contract and improvements shall
be shown. A general description of the immediate area surrounding the site
shall be provided;
(ii) plan of
each floor and roof to include fire and smoke separation, means of egress, and
identification of all spaces;
schedules of doors, windows, and finishes;
(iv) elevations of each facade;
(v) sections through building; and
(vi) scaled details as necessary.
(B) Fire safety plans. These
drawings shall be provided for all newly constructed buildings, conversions of
existing buildings for facilities, additions to existing licensed facilities,
and remodeled portions of existing buildings containing licensed facilities.
Fire safety plans shall be of a sufficiently large scale to clearly illustrate
the proposed design but not less than one-sixteenth inch equals one foot and
shall include the following information:
separate fire safety plans (preferably one floor plan per sheet) shall indicate
location of fire protection rated walls and partitions, location and fire
resistance rating of each fire damper, and the required means of egress
(corridors, stairs, exits, exit passageways); and
(I) when a new building is to contain a
proposed facility, when an existing building is converted to a facility, or
when an addition is made to an existing facility building, plans of each floor
and roof shall be provided;
when a portion of a building is remodeled or when a new service is added, only
the plan of the floor where the remodeling will take place or new service will
be introduced and the plan of the floor of discharge shall be
designated smoke compartments with floor areas of each compartment, location
and fire resistance rating (one or two hour) of each smoke partition, location,
type and fire resistance rating of each smoke damper;
(iii) location of all required fire alarm
devices, including all fire alarm control panels, manual pull stations, audible
and visual fire alarm signaling devices, smoke detectors (ceiling and duct
mounted), fire alarm annunciators, fire alarm transmission devices, fire
sprinkler flow switches and control valve supervisory switches on each of the
floor plans; and
(iv) areas
protected with fire sprinkler systems (pendant, sidewall or upright, normal or
quick response, and temperature rating shall be indicated), stand pipe system
risers and sizes with valves and inside and outside fire department
connections, fire sprinkler risers and sizes, location and type of portable
fire extinguishers.
Equipment drawings. Equipment drawings shall include the following:
(i) all equipment necessary for the operation
of the facility as planned. The design shall indicate provisions for the
installation of large and special items of equipment and for service
(ii) fixed equipment
(equipment which is permanently affixed to the building or which must be
permanently connected to a service distribution system designed and installed
during construction for the specific use of the equipment). The term "fixed
equipment" includes items such as laundry extractors, walk-in refrigerators,
communication systems, and built-in casework (cabinets);
(iii) movable equipment (equipment not
described in clause (ii) of this subparagraph as fixed). The term "moveable
equipment" includes wheeled equipment, plug-in type monitoring equipment, and
relocatable items; and
equipment which is not included in the construction contract but which requires
mechanical or electrical service connections or construction modifications. The
equipment described in this clause shall be identified on the drawings to
ensure its coordination with the architectural, mechanical, and electrical
phases of construction.
(D) Structural drawings. Structural drawings
shall include:
(i) plans for foundations,
floors, roofs, and all intermediate levels;
(ii) a complete design with sizes, sections,
and the relative location of the various members;
(iii) a schedule of beams, girders, and
(iv) dimensioned floor
levels, column centers, and offsets;
(v) details of all special connections,
assemblies, and expansion joints; and
(vi) special openings and pipe sleeves
dimensioned or otherwise noted for easy reference.
(E) Mechanical drawings. Documentation for
selection of the type of heating and cooling system based on requirements
contained in §
of Title 40 shall be included with the mechanical plans. Mechanical drawings
shall include:
(i) complete ventilation
systems (supply, return, exhaust), all fire and smoke partitions, locations of
all dampers, registers, and grilles, air volume flow at each device, and
identification of all spaces (e.g. corridor, patient room, operating
(ii) boilers, chillers,
heating and cooling piping systems (steam piping, hot water, chilled water),
and associated pumps;
(iii) cold
and warm water supply systems, water heaters, storage tanks, circulating pumps,
plumbing fixtures, emergency water storage tank(s) (if provided), and special
piping systems such as for deionized water;
(iv) non-flammable medical gas piping
(oxygen, compressed medical air, vacuum systems, nitrous oxide), emergency
shut-off valves, pressure gages, alarm modules, gas outlets;
(v) drain piping systems (waste and soiled
piping systems, laboratory drain systems, roof drain systems);
(vi) fire protection piping systems
(sprinkler piping systems, fire standpipe systems, water or chemical
extinguisher piping system for cooking equipment);
(vii) piping riser diagrams, equipment
schedules, control diagrams or narrative description of controls, filters, and
location of all duct mounted smoke detectors; and
(viii) laboratory exhaust and safety
(F) Electrical
drawings. Electrical drawings shall include:
(i) electrical service entrance with service
switches, service feeders to the public service feeders, and characteristics of
the light and power current including transformers and their
(ii) location of all
normal electrical system and essential electrical system conduits, wiring,
receptacles, light fixtures, switches and equipment which require permanent
electrical connections, on plans of each building level:
(I) light fixtures marked distinctly to
indicate connection to critical or life safety branch circuits or to normal
lighting circuits; and
(II) outlets
marked distinctly to indicate connection to critical, life safety or normal
power circuits.
telephone and communication, fixed computers, terminals, connections, outlets,
and equipment;
(iv) nurses calling
system showing all stations, signals, and annunciators on the plans;
(v) in addition to electrical plans, single
line diagrams prepared for:
(I) complete
electrical system consisting of the normal electrical system and the essential
electrical system including the on-site generator(s), transfer switch(es),
emergency system (life safety branch and critical branch), equipment system,
panels, subpanels, transformers, conduit, wire sizes, main switchboard, power
panels, light panels, and equipment for additions to existing buildings,
proposed new facilities, and remodeled portions of existing facilities. Feeder
and conduit sizes shall be shown with schedule of feeder breakers or
(II) complete nurses
calling system with all stations, signals, annunciators, etc. with room number
noted by each device and indicating the type of system (nurses regular calling
system, nurses emergency calling system, or staff emergency assistance calling
system); and
(III) a single line
diagram of the complete fire alarm system showing all control panels, signaling
and detection devices and the room number where each device is located;
(vi) schedules of
all panels indicating connection to life safety branch, critical branch,
equipment system or normal system, and connected load at each panel.
(2) Final plan review.
All deficiencies noted in the final plan review shall be satisfactorily
resolved before approval of project for construction will be granted.
(3) Construction approval. Construction shall
not begin until written approval by the department is received by the owner of
the facility.
(4) Construction
document changes. Any changes to construction documents which affect or change
the function, design, or designated use of an area shall be submitted to the
department for approval prior to authorization of the modifications.