Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024
(a) Each board
committee shall be composed of board members appointed by the president of the
board and shall include at least one physician member who holds the degree of
doctor of osteopathic medicine and one public member.
(b) The following are standing and permanent
committees of the board. The responsibilities and authority of these committees
shall include the following duties and powers, and other responsibilities and
charges that the board may from time to time delegate to these committees.
(1) Disciplinary Process Review Committee:
(A) oversee the disciplinary process and give
guidance to the board and board staff regarding means to improve the
disciplinary process and more effectively enforce the Medical Practice Act and
board rules;
(B) monitor the
effectiveness, appropriateness and timeliness of the disciplinary process and
enforcement of the Medical Practice Act and board rules;
(C) make recommendations regarding resolution
and disposition of specific cases and approve, adopt, modify, or reject
recommendations from board staff or board representatives regarding actions to
be taken on pending cases;
approve dismissals of complaints and closure of investigations; and
(E) make recommendations to the board staff
and the board regarding policies, priorities, budget, and any other matters
related to the disciplinary process and enforcement of the Medical Practice Act
and board rules.
Executive Committee:
(A) ensure records are
maintained of all committee actions;
(B) delegate tasks to other
(C) take action on
matters of urgency that may arise between board meetings;
(D) assist in the presentation of information
concerning the board and the regulation of the practice of medicine to the
Legislature and other state officials;
(E) review staff reports regarding finances
and the budget;
(F) formulate and
make recommendations to the board concerning future board goals and objectives
and the establishment of priorities and methods for their
(G) study and make
recommendations to the board regarding the roles and responsibilities of the
board offices and committees;
study and make recommendations to the board regarding ways to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of the administration of the board;
(I) study and make recommendations to the
board regarding board rules or any area of a board function that, in the
judgment of the committee, needs consideration; and
(J) make recommendations to the board
regarding matters brought to the attention of the executive
(3) Finance
(A) review staff reports regarding
finances and the budget;
(B) assist
in the presentation of budget needs to the Legislature and other state
(C) recommend proper
fees for the agency to charge; and
(D) consider and make recommendations to the
board regarding any aspect of board finances.
(4) Licensure Committee:
(A) review applications for licensure and
permits, make determinations of eligibility and report to the board its
recommendations as provided by the Medical Practice Act and board
(B) review board rules
regarding licensure and make recommendations to the board regarding changes or
implementation of such rules;
evaluate each examination accepted by the board and develop each examination
administered by the board;
investigate and report to the board any problems in the administration of
examinations and recommend and implement ways of correcting identified
(E) make recommendations
to the board regarding postgraduate training permits and issues concerning
physicians in training;
maintain communication with Texas medical schools;
(G) develop rules with regard to
international medical schools in the areas of curriculum, faculty, facilities,
academic resources, and performance of graduates;
(H) study and make recommendations regarding
documentation and verification of records from all applicants for licensure or
(I) review applications
for acudetox specialist certification, surgical assistants, perfusionists and
medical physicists, make determinations of eligibility, and report to the board
its recommendations as provided by Texas Occupations Code and board
(J) review applications and
make initial determinations and recommendations to the board regarding
approval, denial, revocation, decertification, or continued approval and
certification of non-profit health organizations pursuant to the Medical
Practice Act;
(K) develop and
review board rules regarding all persons and entities subject to the Board's
jurisdiction, and make recommendations to the board regarding changes or
implementation of such rules; and
(L) review applications for surgical
assistant licensure, make determinations, of eligibility, and report to the
board its recommendations; and
make recommendations to the board regarding matters brought to the attention of
the licensure committee.
(c) With statutory or board authorization,
the president may appoint, disband, or reconvene standing, ad hoc, or advisory
committees as deemed necessary. Such committees shall have and exercise such
authority as may be granted by the board.