Texas Administrative Code
Section 533.7 - Final Decisions and Orders
Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024
(a) After a Proposal for Decision has been issued by an administrative law judge, the Commission will render the final decision in a contested case or remand the proceeding for further consideration by the administrative law judge. The Commission is responsible for imposing disciplinary action and/or assessing administrative penalties against respondents who are found to have violated any of the Commission's statutes or rules. The Commission welcomes recommendations of administrative law judges as to the sanctions to be imposed, but the Commission is not required to give presumptively binding effect to the administrative law judges' recommendations and is not bound by such recommendations.
(b) If the Commission remands the case to the administrative law judge, the Commission may direct that further consideration be accomplished with or without reopening the hearing and may limit the issues to be considered. If, on remand, additional evidence is admitted that results in a substantial revision of the Proposal for Decision, or the underlying facts, the administrative law judge shall prepare an amended or supplemental Proposal for Decision and this subchapter applies. Exceptions and replies are limited to items contained in the supplemental Proposal for Decision.
(c) The Proposal for Decision may be acted on by the Commission after the administrative law judge has ruled on any exceptions or replies to exceptions or on the day following the day exceptions or replies to exceptions were due if no such exceptions or replies were filed.
(d) Any party may request oral argument before the Commission before the final disposition of the contested case. An oral argument is conducted in accordance with paragraphs (1) - (5) of this subsection.
(e) It is the policy of the Commission to change a finding of fact or conclusion of law in a Proposal for Decision of an administrative law judge when the Commission determines:
(f) If the Commission modifies, amends, or changes a finding of fact or conclusion of law in a Proposal for Decision, the order shall reflect the Commission's changes and state the specific reason and legal basis for the changes. If the Commission does not follow the recommended sanctions in a Proposal for Decision, the order shall explain why the Commission chose not to follow the recommendation.
(g) Final orders on contested cases shall be in writing and signed by the presiding officer of the Commission. Final orders shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law separately stated from disciplinary actions imposed and administrative penalties assessed. Parties will be notified and given a copy of the decision as provided by the APA. A decision is final as provided by the APA.
(h) If the Commission or the Executive Director finds that an imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare requires immediate effect of a final decision or order, that finding shall be recited in the decision or order as well as the fact that the decision or order is final and effective on the date signed. The decision or order is then final and appealable on the date signed and a motion for rehearing is not required as a prerequisite for appeal.
(i) Conflict of Interest. A Commission member shall recuse themselves from all deliberations and votes regarding any matter: