Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024
Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall
have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Compensatory education allotment--Funds
allocated under the Texas Education Code (TEC), §
(2) Dropout prevention strategy plan--The
document prepared for submission to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in
compliance with the TEC, §29.918, and in accordance with specifications
set forth in subsection (e) of this section.
(3) High school allotment--Funds allocated
under the TEC, §
(4) Plan to increase college enrollment--The
document prepared in compliance with the TEC, §29.904, for submission to
the TEA by a district ranked among the lowest 10% of districts, based on its
college-going rate. A district's college-going rate is calculated as the
percentage of its graduating class enrolled in higher education the fall after
completing high school.
(5) School
district--For the purposes of this section, the definition of school district
includes an open-enrollment charter school.
(6) School improvement plan--The document
prepared for submission to the TEA by a school district in compliance with the
TEC, §39.1323, or by a school district with a campus rated academically
unacceptable for failure to meet the required performance standards set forth
in the TEC, §39.073.
(b) Identification of districts with a high
dropout rate. In accordance with the TEC, §29.918(a), a school district
with a high dropout rate, as defined by the commissioner of education, shall be
identified and notified annually of the requirement to submit a dropout
prevention strategy plan as specified by this section. The commissioner shall
identify on an annual basis the school districts that are required to comply
with the TEC, §29.918, and this section by grouping school districts by
comparable size and then establishing a percentage of school districts with
relatively high dropout rates that must submit dropout prevention strategy
(c) Coordination with
statutory requirement to submit a plan to increase college enrollment. If a
school district is required by statute to submit both a dropout prevention
strategy plan and a plan to increase college enrollment, the school district
must describe in its dropout prevention strategy plan how the activities
identified in both plans will be coordinated.
(d) Coordination with statutory requirement
to submit a school improvement plan.
(1) If a
school district is required by statute to submit both a school improvement plan
due to failure to meet the required performance standard regarding dropout
rates or completion rates as well as a dropout prevention strategy plan, then
the school district may request that its school improvement plan be used to
satisfy the requirements of both statutes. To exercise this option, a school
district superintendent must submit a request in writing to the commissioner of
education for approval.
(2) A
school improvement plan used to satisfy the statutory requirements of both
plans, as provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection, must clearly identify
those programs and activities to be funded with compensatory education
allotment and high school allotment funds.
(e) Dropout prevention strategy plan
(1) A school district
identified as having a high dropout rate under subsection (b) of this section
shall submit a dropout prevention strategy plan to the commissioner describing
the manner in which it intends to use its compensatory education allocation and
high school allocation funds for the purpose of developing and implementing
dropout prevention strategies.
A school district's dropout prevention strategy plan shall include the
following components:
(A) analysis of factors
that have had an impact on the school district or campus dropout rate using
evaluation and needs assessment data available to the school
(B) description of
programs and activities designed to reduce the school district and campus
dropout rate to be funded in whole or in part with compensatory education
allotment funds;
(C) description of
programs and activities identified in §61.1093 of this title (relating to
Use of Funds) designed to reduce the school district and campus dropout rate to
be funded in whole or in part with high school allotment funds;
(D) quantifiable benchmarks to measure
evidence of change;
(E) resources
to be used in implementing programs and activities identified in subparagraphs
(B) and (C) of this paragraph;
timeline for initiation of activities identified in subparagraphs (B) and (C)
of this paragraph; and
description of how activities will be coordinated with those identified in the
school district's plan to increase college enrollment, if the school district
is required by the TEC, §29.904, to submit such a plan.
(3) The dropout prevention
strategy plan shall include research-based programs and activities.
(f) Dropout prevention strategy
plan submission. In accordance with the TEC, §29.918(a), a school district
shall submit its dropout prevention strategy plan not later than December 1 of
each school year preceding the school year in which the school district will
receive the compensatory education allotment or high school allotment. The plan
shall be submitted to the TEA in a manner determined by the
(g) Dropout
prevention strategy plan approval. In accordance with the TEC, §29.918(b),
review of district dropout prevention strategy plans shall be completed by the
commissioner not later than March 1 of the school year preceding the school
year in which the district will receive the compensatory education allotment or
high school allotment. Until a district receives commissioner approval in
writing for its dropout prevention strategy plan, a district may not spend or
obligate more than 25% of the district's compensatory education allotment or
high school allotment funds as set forth in the TEC, §29.918(b).
(h) Sanctions. The commissioner may impose
sanctions under the TEC, §39.131 or §39.1321, if the district:
(1) fails to submit its dropout prevention
strategy plan by December 1;
submits a dropout prevention strategy plan that fails to meet the plan
specifications set forth in subsection (e) of this section; or
(3) spends or obligates compensatory
education allotment or high school allotment funds in excess of 25% of the
allotment amount prior to receiving approval of the dropout prevention strategy
plan by the commissioner.