Texas Administrative Code
Title 19 - EDUCATION
Section 89.1094 - Contracting for Nonpublic or Non-District Operated Day Placements for the Provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024

(a) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

(1) Nonpublic or non-district operated day program--A nonpublic or non-district operated day program includes the provision of special education and related services to one or more Texas public school students during school hours by someone other than school district personnel in a facility not operated by a school district. A student placed in this program has been determined by his or her admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee to require a day placement in order to facilitate the student's attainment of reasonable educational progress and to provide the student a free appropriate public education (FAPE).

(2) Nonpublic or non-district operated day program provider--A nonpublic or non-district operated day program provider is an entity with one or more facilities that contracts with a school district for the provision of some or all of a student's special education and related services when the school district is unable to provide these services. These providers include:
(A) a county system operating under application of former law as provided in Texas Education Code (TEC), §11.301;

(B) a regional education service center established under TEC, Chapter 8;

(C) a nonpublic day school; or

(D) any other public or private entity with which a school district enters into a contract under TEC, §11.157(a), for the provision of special education services in a facility not operated by a school district.

(3) School district--The definition of a school district includes independent school districts established under TEC, Chapter 11, Subchapters A-F, and open-enrollment charter schools established under TEC, Chapter 12, Subchapter D.

(b) Nonpublic or non-district operated day program requirements. A school district may contract with a nonpublic or non-district operated day program provider in accordance with the requirements in this section.

(1) Before a student's ARD committee places a student with a disability in, or refers a student to, a nonpublic or non-district operated day program, the ARD committee shall initiate and conduct a meeting to develop an individualized education program (IEP) for the student in accordance with 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), §§300.320-300.325, state statutes, and commissioner of education rules in this chapter.

(2) Before a student's ARD committee places a student with a disability in, or refers a student to, a nonpublic or non-district operated day program, the district shall initiate and conduct an onsite, in-person review of the program provider's facility to ensure that the program is appropriate for meeting the student's educational needs.

(3) The appropriateness of the placement and the facility shall be documented in the IEP annually. The student's ARD committee may only recommend a nonpublic or non-district operated day program if the committee determines that the nature and severity of the student's disability and special education needs are such that the student cannot be satisfactorily educated in the school district.
(A) The student's IEP must list which services the school district is unable to provide and which services the program will provide.

(B) At the time the ARD committee determines placement, the ARD committee shall establish, in writing, criteria and a projected date for the student's return to the school district and document this information in the IEP.

(C) The school district shall make a minimum of two onsite, in-person visits annually, one announced and one unannounced, and more often if directed by TEA, to:
(i) verify that the program provider can, and will, provide the services listed in the student's IEP that the provider has agreed to provide to the student;

(ii) obtain written verification that the facility meets minimum standards for health and safety and holds all applicable local and state accreditation and permit requirements;

(iii) verify that the program provider's staff who work with the student have been subject to criminal background checks (to include fingerprinting) that meet the standards applicable to public school employees;

(iv) verify that the program provider has developed written policies, procedures, and operating guidelines that set forth necessary standards and steps to be followed to ensure the student maintains the same rights as other public school students with disabilities, including when the student is subject to emergency behavioral interventions or disciplinary actions, as well as to ensure the prohibition of aversive techniques as defined by TEC, §37.0023; and

(v) verify that the educational program provided at the facility is the least restrictive environment for the student.

(4) The placement of more than one student in the same facility may be considered in the same onsite visit to the facility. However, the IEP of each student must be individually reviewed, and a determination of appropriateness of placement and services must be made for each student.

(c) Notification. Within 30 calendar days from an ARD committee's decision to place or continue the placement of a student in a nonpublic or non-district operated day program, a school district must electronically submit to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) notice of, and information regarding, the placement in accordance with submission procedures specified by TEA.

(1) If the nonpublic or non-district operated day program provider is on the commissioner's list of approved providers, TEA will review the student's IEP and placement as required by 34 CFR, § 300.120, and, in the case of a placement in or referral to a private school or facility, 34 CFR, § 300.146. After review, TEA will notify the school district whether federal or state funds for the program placement are approved. If TEA does not approve the use of funds, it will notify the school district of the basis for the non-approval.

(2) If the nonpublic or non-district day program provider is not on the commissioner's list of approved providers, TEA will begin the approval procedures described in subsection (d) of this section. School districts must ensure there is no delay in implementing a child's IEP in accordance with 34 CFR, § 300.103(c).

(3) If a nonpublic or non-district operated day program placement is ordered by a special education hearing officer or court of competent jurisdiction, the school district must notify TEA of the order within 30 calendar days. The program provider serving the student is not required to go through the approval procedures described in subsection (d) of this section for the ordered placement. If, however, the school district or other school districts intend to place other students in the program, the program provider will be required to go through the approval procedures to be included on the commissioner's list of approved providers.

(d) Approval of the nonpublic or non-district operated day program. Nonpublic or non-district operated day program providers must have their educational programs approved for contracting purposes by the commissioner. Approvals and reapprovals will only be considered for those providers that have a contract already in place with a school district for the placement of one or more students or that have a pending request from a school district. Reapproval can be for one, two, or three years, at the discretion of TEA.

(1) For a program provider to be approved or reapproved, the school district must electronically submit to TEA notice of, and information regarding, the placement in accordance with submission procedures specified by TEA. TEA shall begin approval procedures and conduct an onsite visit to the provider's facility within 30 calendar days after TEA has been notified by the school district and has received the required submissions as outlined by TEA. Initial approval of the provider shall be for one calendar year.

(2) The program provider may be approved or reapproved only after, at minimum, a programmatic evaluation and a review of personnel qualifications, adequacy of physical plant and equipment, and curriculum content.

(3) TEA may place conditions on the provider to ensure the provision of a FAPE for students who have been placed in a nonpublic or non-district operated day program during the provider's approval period or during a reapproval process.

(4) If TEA does not approve, does not reapprove, or withdraws an approval from a program provider, a school district must take steps to remove any students currently placed at the provider's facility, or cancel a student's planned placement, as expeditiously as possible.

(5) TEA may conduct announced or unannounced onsite visits at a program provider's facility that is serving one or more Texas public school students in accordance with this section and will monitor the program provider's compliance with the requirements of this section.

(e) Funding procedures and other requirements. The cost of nonpublic or non-district operated day program placements will be funded according to TEC, §48.102 (Special Education); § 89.1005(e) of this title (relating to Instructional Arrangements and Settings); and § 129.1025 of this title (relating to Adoption by Reference: Student Attendance Accounting Handbook).

(1) Contracts between school districts and approved nonpublic or non-district operated day program providers shall not begin prior to August 1 of the contracted program year and must not extend past July 31.

(2) Amendments to a contract must be electronically submitted to TEA in accordance with submission procedures specified by TEA no later than 30 calendar days from the change in placement or services.

(3) If a student who is placed in a nonpublic or non-district operated day program by a school district changes his or her residence to another Texas school district during the school year, the school district must notify TEA within 10 calendar days of the date on which the school district ceased contracting with the program provider for the student's placement. The student's new school district must meet the requirements of 34 CFR, § 300.323(e), by providing comparable services to those described in the student's IEP from the previous school district until the new school district either adopts the student's IEP from the previous school district or develops, adopts, and implements a new IEP. The new school district must comply with all procedures described in this section for continued or new program placement.

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