Texas Administrative Code
Title 19 - EDUCATION
Section 61.1006 - Foundation School Program Funding for Reimbursement of Disaster Remediation Costs

Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024

(a) General provisions. Subsections (a)-(m) of this section implement Texas Education Code (TEC), §48.261 (Reimbursement for Disaster Remediation Costs). The commissioner of education may provide disaster remediation cost reimbursement under subsections (a)-(m) of this section only if funds are available for that purpose from:

(1) amounts appropriated for that purpose, including amounts appropriated for school districts or open-enrollment charter schools for that purpose to the disaster contingency fund established under Texas Government Code, § 418.073; or

(2) Foundation School Program (FSP) funds available for that purpose based on a determination by the commissioner that the amount appropriated for the FSP, including the facilities component as provided by TEC, Chapter 46, exceeds the amount to which school districts and open-enrollment charter schools are entitled under this subchapter and TEC, Chapter 46.

(b) Eligibility. A school district or an open-enrollment charter school that meets the following criteria is eligible to apply:

(1) all or part of the school district or open-enrollment charter school must be located in an area declared a disaster area by the governor under Texas Government Code, Chapter 418;

(2) the school district or open-enrollment charter school must have incurred and paid disaster remediation costs during the two-year period following the date of the governor's initial proclamation or executive order declaring a state of disaster that the school district or open-enrollment charter school does not anticipate recovering through insurance proceeds, federal disaster relief payments, or another similar source for reimbursement; and

(3) in accordance with TEC, § 48.261, the school district or open-enrollment charter school must apply for reimbursement during the two-year period following the date of the governor's initial proclamation or executive order declaring a state of disaster. The school district or open-enrollment charter school must submit a completed application by the application deadline. A school district or an open-enrollment charter school that submits an incomplete application or submits an application after the application deadline may be deemed ineligible for funds.

(c) Definitions. The following terms have the following meanings when used in this section.

(1) Disaster remediation costs--Costs incurred by a school district or an open-enrollment charter school for replacing school facilities; equipment, including, but not limited to, the cost to repair or replace vehicles or computers damaged in the disaster; and supplies needed to provide instruction at a location where students eligible for FSP funding regularly attend classes.

(2) Paid disaster remediation costs--Disaster remediation costs that are paid or remitted resulting in an outflow of cash in exchange for goods or services evidenced by an invoice, receipt, voucher, or other such document, and in accordance with standards found in the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide adopted by reference in § 109.41 of this title (relating to Financial Accountability System Resource Guide) and TEC, § 48.261, that the school district or open-enrollment charter school does not anticipate recovering through insurance proceeds, federal disaster relief payment, or another similar source of reimbursement in accordance with TEC, § 48.261, and that were paid during the two-year period following the governor's initial proclamation or executive order declaring a state of disaster.

(d) Application process. A school district or an open-enrollment charter school seeking disaster reimbursement must submit a new application each time Texas Education Agency (TEA) opens a disaster reimbursement application process on a form prescribed by TEA. The application shall contain, at a minimum, the following:

(1) identification of the governor's initial proclamation or executive order declaring a state of disaster and evidence that all or part of the school district or open-enrollment charter school is in the area subject to the disaster declaration;

(2) the total dollar amount of paid disaster remediation costs during the two-year period following the governor's proclamation or executive order declaring a state of disaster;

(3) the total dollar amount of paid disaster remediation costs paid during the two-year period following the governor's proclamation or executive order declaring a state of disaster that the school district or open-enrollment charter school anticipates to be reimbursed from insurance proceeds, federal disaster relief payments, or another similar source of reimbursement;

(4) the total difference between the amounts of paid disaster remediation costs specified in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection and, of the total difference, the specific paid disaster remediation costs for which the school district or open-enrollment charter school is seeking reimbursement under TEC, § 48.261;

(5) an explanation as to why the school district or open-enrollment charter school does not anticipate being reimbursed from insurance proceeds, federal disaster relief payments, or another similar source of reimbursement for each paid disaster remediation cost identified in paragraph (4) of this subsection;

(6) a certification from the school district or open-enrollment charter school board and superintendent or chief executive officer that all paid disaster remediation costs for which the school district or open-enrollment charter school is seeking reimbursement under paragraph (4) of this subsection qualify as paid disaster remediation costs and that the school district or open-enrollment charter school board and superintendent or chief executive officer do not anticipate recovering these payments through insurance proceeds, federal disaster relief payments, or another similar source of reimbursement; and

(7) a certification from the school district or open-enrollment charter school board and superintendent or chief executive officer that the school district or open-enrollment charter school, for any paid disaster remediation costs for which the school district or open-enrollment charter school is seeking reimbursement under paragraph (4) of this subsection, has made and will continue to make efforts to seek reimbursement from insurance proceeds, federal disaster relief payments, or another similar source of reimbursement as allowable or appropriate.

(e) Updates for new payments. If a school district or open-enrollment charter school makes more paid disaster remediation cost payments after submission of its initial application to the TEA and prior to the deadline announced for disaster reimbursement application submission, the TEA will prescribe a form allowing the school district or open-enrollment charter school to submit additional paid disaster remediation cost payments and information consistent with the application process in subsection (d) of this section and will increase the amount of reimbursement as available and appropriate.

(f) Reporting requirement. Annually after the date of the award under this disaster reimbursement program, the awarded school district or open-enrollment charter school board and superintendent or chief executive officer shall provide a certified report on a form prescribed by TEA until all insurance proceeds, federal disaster relief, or other similar sources of reimbursements related to the disaster are finalized. On the report, the school district or open-enrollment charter school shall identify any insurance proceeds, federal disaster relief payments, or other similar sources of reimbursement that the school district or open-enrollment charter school received for which the school district or open-enrollment charter school previously received reimbursement payment from TEA. TEA will adjust funding for any overpayments made to the school district or open-enrollment charter school based on the final report made under this subsection of the school district or open-enrollment charter school out of the school district's or open-enrollment charter school's future FSP payments or will require a refund from the school district or open-enrollment charter school.

(g) Finality of award. Awards of assistance under this section will be made based only on paid disaster remediation costs. Prior to making an award, TEA may request additional documentation, including, but not limited to, evidence described in subsection (c)(2) of this section and evidence supporting the certifications required by subsection (d)(6) and (7) of this section. A school district or an open-enrollment charter school is not entitled to any requested reimbursement, and a decision by the commissioner is final and may not be appealed.

(h) Deadlines. The commissioner will announce a deadline for disaster reimbursement applications in conjunction with making a determination of the amount of funds available for the disaster reimbursement program cycle. All applications received by the announced deadline will be reviewed. Applications will be funded if sufficient funds are available to fully fund each application. If sufficient funds are not available to fully fund each application, funding will be prorated proportionately so that every funded application receives the same percentage of requested funding.

(i) Distribution of funds. Funds will be allocated through the FSP and will appear on the school district or open-enrollment charter school payment ledger and be delivered as soon as is practicable after award amounts have been determined.

(j) Finalization of award. When the school district or open-enrollment charter school determines that all insurance proceeds, federal disaster relief payments, or other similar sources of reimbursement that the school district or open-enrollment charter school anticipates receiving are finalized and there are no pending claims, the school district or open-enrollment charter school board and superintendent or chief executive officer shall certify to TEA in writing that the annual report required by subsection (f) of this section is no longer necessary and disaster reporting is finalized.

(k) Record retention and audit. The school district or open-enrollment charter school shall maintain all documents necessary to substantiate payment and certifications made in subsections (c)(2), (d), (g), and (h) of this section, and the school district or open-enrollment charter school is subject to audit by TEA until two years after the school district or open-enrollment charter school certifies to TEA in writing that the disaster is finalized and closed in accordance with subsection (j) of this section.

(l) Replacement of school facilities damaged in the disaster. In accordance with TEC, § 48.261, a school district or an open-enrollment charter school is permitted to elect to replace a facility damaged in a disaster instead of repairing that facility, provided that the state funds provided under this section do not exceed the lesser of the amount that would be provided to the district or charter school if the facility were repaired or the amount necessary to replace the facility.

(1) Construction plans and budgeted costs to rebuild the facility must be reasonable and appropriate, as follows.
(A) Construction plans should follow current TEA facility guidelines and physical plant requirements as prescribed in applicable provisions of Chapter 61, Subchapter CC, of this title (relating to Commissioner's Rules Concerning School Facilities) without significant add-ons or upgrades, noting that:
(i) pre-disaster square footage in temporary buildings may be replaced with square footage in permanent buildings;

(ii) pre-disaster square footage amounts may be adjusted to account for additional square footage specifically required by TEA guidelines, if applicable; and

(iii) except where specifically identified, the provisions of Chapter 61, Subchapter CC, of this title do not apply to open-enrollment charter schools.

(B) Budgeted cost per square foot may not be significantly higher than recent comparable construction costs within the region where the facility will be constructed.

(C) Enrollment capacity of the facility may not vary significantly from current common practice for new facilities of a like purpose.

(D) The facility's square footage per unit of enrollment capacity may not significantly exceed current best practice guidelines for new facilities of like purpose.

(E) The requesting school district or open-enrollment charter school is responsible for demonstrating that construction plans and budgeted costs conform to the requirements in this paragraph.

(2) The cost to replace a facility shall be based on the average of the following two methodologies:
(A) replacement cost based on square footage, which is an amount equal to the product of the reasonable and appropriate budgeted costs and the quotient of the square footage of the pre-disaster facility and the square footage of the planned facility, where the replacement cost may not exceed the budgeted cost; and

(B) replacement cost based on enrollment capacity, which is an amount equal to the product of the reasonable and appropriate budgeted costs and the quotient of the pre-disaster facility enrollment capacity and the planned facility enrollment capacity, where the replacement cost may not exceed the budgeted cost.

(3) The commissioner may grant a waiver of one or more of the requirements in paragraph (1) of this subsection if the school district or open-enrollment charter school provides sufficient justification why the requirement should not apply in a particular instance.

(4) The school district or open-enrollment charter school may request an initial reimbursement based on anticipated insurance proceeds, federal disaster relief payments, or other similar sources of reimbursements. When this occurs, TEA will determine at a later date the appropriate reimbursement when actual insurance proceeds, federal disaster relief payments, or other similar sources of reimbursements are known.

(m) Applicability. Notwithstanding subsection (n) of this section, this section applies to disasters that occur on or after September 1, 2019. Reimbursement requests for disaster remediation costs for disasters that occurred prior to September 1, 2019, are governed by § 61.1013 of this title (relating to Foundation School Program Funding for Reimbursement of Disaster Remediation Costs) and § 61.1014 of this title (relating to Credit Against Recapture for Reimbursement of Disaster Remediation Costs).

(n) Provisions related to Winter Storm Uri. This subsection implements TEC, § 48.2611 (One-Time Reimbursement for Winter Storm Uri). TEA shall provide reimbursement to school districts for costs incurred as a result of the 2021 North American winter storm (Winter Storm Uri), including any resulting electricity price increases, using the process outlined in subsections (a)-(l) of this section. This subsection expires September 1, 2023.

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