(d) Performance agreement. To contract with
the coordinating entity to operate under TEC, §29.912, the board of
trustees of each partnering school district must approve a legally binding
agreement with the coordinating entity. The R-PEP performance agreement must:
(1) confer to the coordinating entity the
same authority with respect to pathways offered under the partnership provided
to an entity that contracts to operate a district campus under TEC,
§11.174. The coordinating entity must have:
(A) authority to employ and manage the staff
member responsible for the pathways at each partner campus, including initial
and final non-delegable authority to hire, supervise, manage, assign, evaluate,
develop, advance, compensate, continue employment, and establish any other
terms of employment;
(B) authority
over the employees in each pathway, including initial and final non-delegable
authority for the operating partner to employ and/or manage all of the
operating partner's own administrators, educators, contractors, or other staff.
Such authority includes the authority to hire, supervise, manage, assign,
evaluate, develop, advance, compensate, continue employment, and establish any
other terms of employment;
initial, final, and sole authority to supervise, manage, evaluate, and rescind
the assignment of any district employee or district contractor from the
pathway. If the coordinating entity rescinds the assignment of any district
employee or district contractor, the district must grant the request within 20
working days;
(D) authority to and
must directly manage the staff member responsible for the pathways at each
partner campus, including having the sole responsibility for evaluating their
(E) initial, final,
and sole authority over educational programs within each pathway for specific,
identified student groups, such as gifted and talented students, emergent
bilingual students, students at risk of dropping out of school, special
education students, and other statutorily defined populations;
(F) initial, final, and sole authority to set
the school calendar and the daily schedule; and
(G) authority to develop and exercise final
approval of pathway budgets, which must include at least 80% of the state and
local funding to which each partnering school district is entitled under TEC,
§§48.106, 48.110, and 48.118, for each student participating in a
(2) include
ambitious and measurable performance goals and progress measures tied to
current college, career, and military readiness outcomes bonus standards and
longitudinal postsecondary completion and employment-related outcomes and a
timeline to report progress to district school boards at least
(3) allocate
responsibilities for accessing and managing progress and outcome information
and annually publishing that information on the Internet website of each
partnering district and the coordinating entity;
(4) authorize the coordinating entity to
optimize the value of each college and career pathway offered through the
partnership by:
(A) determining
(B) adding or removing
a pathway;
(C) selecting and
assigning pathway-specific personnel;
(D) developing and exercising final approval
of pathway budgets, which must include at least 80% of the state and local
funding to which each partnering school district is entitled under TEC,
§§48.106, 48.110, and 48.118, for each student participating in a
pathway; and
(E) determining any
other matter critical to the efficacy of the pathways; and
(5) provide that any eligible student
enrolled in a partnering school district may participate in a college or career
pathway offered through the partnership.