(c) Method of Removal of Remains.
(1) When human remains are to be removed
under a disinterment permit from the State Registrar, the exhumation of graves
must take place as required by this section.
(2) Removal of remains for Antiquities Code
permitted projects.
(A) When removal of
remains is requested during a project with an Antiquities Permit under Chapter
26 of this title (relating to Rules of Practice and Procedures) and under the
jurisdiction of the Health and Safety Code of Texas, graves must be removed
under the procedures described in §711.0105.
(B) Remains must be exhumed by a professional
archeologist, and, when appropriate, with the assistance of a physical
anthropologist, who is capable of gathering basic demographic data from the
human remains being exhumed. Additionally, casket morphology, casket hardware,
and any funerary objects must be examined and identified in a report. This
policy applies to both marked and unmarked graves unless otherwise specified by
the Commission.
(C) Unless
otherwise specified, all physical anthropological investigations of human
remains that fall under the Commission's jurisdiction will use noninvasive
techniques. If invasive techniques are proposed, the Commission must give
(D) Funerary objects will
be reburied with the human remains after they have been documented unless the
Commission approves other disposition.
(E) Decisions regarding the appropriateness
of the reburial of human remains will be made in consultation with the
Commission, but the Commission has no formal role in decisions about the
methods or ceremonies associated with reburials.
(F) A reasonable, good faith effort should be
made to define the boundaries of the cemetery within all accessible portions of
land on which a previously unknown or abandoned cemetery exists.
(i) If the cemetery is being investigated for
compliance with state or federal environmental or cultural resource laws, the
investigator need only document those portions of the cemetery within the
project area.
(ii) If the cemetery
is being investigated for compliance with state or federal environmental or
cultural resource laws, complete definition of a cemetery's boundaries may be
deferred until previously inaccessible portions of the cemetery are made
accessible during construction.
(iii) Notice of the cemetery's location shall
be sent to the THC and concurrently to the landowner on record in the
county's appraisal district within 10 days following completion of
discovery efforts.
For cemeteries 50 years in age or older or whose age cannot be determined, a
cemetery record for the Texas Historic Sites Atlas and request for a cemetery
number or a Texas Archeological Research Laboratory trinomial shall be
completed and submitted to the Commission. The survey shall record all
"cemetery elements" to be moved in drawings and photographic record. Both the
drawings and photographic record should be in a form that is expected to last
seventy-five years or longer.
(i) The site
record or request for a cemetery number shall be submitted within ten days of
completion of fieldwork at the cemetery.
(ii) Upon receipt of an official number for
the cemetery, the recorder shall submit a formal notice of the number to the
county clerk.
(iii) The formal
notice to the county clerk shall take the form of a notice to be placed in the
county deed record files that documents the assignment of a cemetery number to
a cemetery in the county and instructs interested parties to contact the
commission for further information.
(H) For unmarked graves found during projects
under the jurisdiction of the National Historic Preservation Act,
16 U.S.C. §
470, et seq., (hereafter NHPA) and/or Native
American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act,
U.S.C. §
3001, et seq., (hereafter
NAGPRA), the final disposition of remains will be determined in consultation
with appropriate federally-recognized tribes and other appropriate consulting
parties. Agencies may satisfy this requirement through their regular
consultation process for compliance with these laws.
(3) Removal of remains outside Antiquities
permitted projects.
(A) The exhumation of
identified graves in a cemetery where a cemetery organization or other
governing body exists or in a family cemetery may be performed by a cemetery
keeper, licensed funeral director, medical examiner, coroner or professional
(B) The exhumation of
unmarked graves should be performed by a professional archeologist and, when
appropriate, with the assistance of a physical anthropologist who is capable of
gathering basic demographic data (i.e., sex, age, height, possible cause of
death, etc.) from the human remains being exhumed.
(C) Notice of exhumation of graves shall be
made in accordance with subsection (c)(2) of this section.