Texas Administrative Code
Chapter 81 - ELECTIONS
Section 81.171 - Administrative Complaint Procedures for Violations of Title III of the Help America Vote Act of 2002
Current through Reg. 49, No. 52; December 27, 2024
(a) Definitions. In this section:
(b) A person who believes that a violation of Title III of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 has occurred, is occurring, or is about to occur may file a complaint with the secretary of state. Violations of Title III include but are not limited to:
(c) All complaints must:
(d) The complaint shall be reviewed by an employee of the Secretary of State to determine if the complaint meets the requirements as to form and content and identifies a violation of Title III of HAVA. The complaint shall also be reviewed to determine whether it alleges a Title III violation that falls within the direct authority of the Secretary of State or a Title III violation that falls within the authority of another jurisdiction. If the complaint does not meet the requirements as to form and content, it shall be returned to the complainant with an explanation as to its insufficiency. If the complaint meets the requirements, it shall be assigned a unique number and receipt date. Notice that the complaint has been accepted shall be mailed to all parties.
(e) Within 60 days of the receipt of the complaint by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of State shall review the alleged violation and make an initial determination as to whether there is a violation of Title III of HAVA.
(f) If the Secretary of State determines that there is a violation of a provision of Title III of HAVA, the Secretary of State shall inform the complainant in writing and provide the appropriate remedy. The remedy may not include any award of monetary damages, costs or attorney fees, and may not include the invalidation of any election or a determination of the validity of any ballot or vote.
(g) If the Secretary of State determines that no violation of a provision of Title III of HAVA has occurred, the Secretary of State shall inform the complainant in writing. The notice to the complainant shall inform the complainant of his or her right to a hearing.
(h) Upon the initial determination of the Secretary of State, whether or not a violation was found, the complainant may exercise his or her right to a hearing by making a written request for a hearing on the record, which shall be held at the Secretary of State's offices in Austin, unless otherwise determined by the Secretary of State. If the nature of the complaint concerns a matter over which the Secretary of State has direct authority, the hearing shall be conducted by the Secretary of State. The hearing shall proceed as follows:
(i) If the Secretary of State fails to make a final determination within 90 days, which begins on the date the complaint is filed, unless the complainant consents to a longer period for making such determination, the complaint shall be resolved within 60 days under alternative dispute resolution procedures established for purposes of this section. The record and other materials from any proceedings conducted under the complaint procedures established under this section shall be made available for use under the alternative dispute resolution procedures.
(j) The Secretary of State may consolidate complaints filed under this rule if the Secretary of State determines that the complaints concern the same violation.
(k) Complaints, information filed with the Secretary of State in connection with complaints, and the Secretary of State's response to the complaint are public records.