Rules & Regulations of the State of Tennessee
Title 1395 - TN Bureau of Investigation
Chapter 1395-01-02 - Tennessee Incident Based Reporting System Program
Section 1395-01-02-.02 - DEFINITIONS
Current through December 26, 2024
(1) Agency Certification - The certification received from the TBI CSU for compliance with the TIBRS program.
(2) Alternate RAC - An Alternate Reporting Agency Coordinator with at least sixteen (16) hours of initial training and eight (8) hours annually thereafter on the TIBRS Program may be designated by each agency submitting data to the TBI CSU. Initial training must begin with an introductory level data collection class. If the agency utilizes TBI's TIBRS software, initial training must also include an introductory level software class (AFTER completion of the data collection class). If the agency utilizes vendor software, initial training must include an introductory level data collection class followed by a TIBRS review class.
(3) Central Repository - The computer program maintained by the TBI CSU that receives all of the information sent from reporting agencies and transmits that information to the FBI.
(4) Certified Reporting Agency - A reporting agency that has met the TIBRS Program Certification Requirements outlined in 1395 - 1 - 2 - .03.
(5) CLEO - Chief Law Enforcement Officer.
(6) CSU - Crime Statistics Unit is the unit or section of the TBI responsible for maintaining the Central Repository for the collection of crime statistics from all reporting agencies.
(7) Current Data - Data, not previously submitted, which must be submitted by the 10th day of the following month.
(8) Data Checks - An analysis completed by the TBI CSU that ensures data submissions do not contain errors before the records are processed through the Central Repository.
(9) Entering Agency - A reporting agency that meets the certification requirements of the TIBRS Program and submits data to the TBI CSU on that agency's behalf.
(10) Error Report - The report generated by the TBI CSU when data submissions do not pass data checks at the central repository or at the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
(11) FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(12) Grant Computer - The computer provided by the TBI to reporting agencies in compliance with the certification requirements of the TIBRS program.
(13) NCIC - National Crime Information Center is a database of criminal information maintained by the FBI.
(14) Non-Compliance - Requirements for TBI CSU certification on the TIBRS Program have not been met or adequately maintained.
(15) Non - Entering Agency Agreement - An agreement between two reporting agencies through which one agency elects to enter crime statistics for the other agency.
(16) ORI Number - The Originating Agency Identifier is a nine-character identifier assigned by FBI NCIC or TBI CSU to an institution.
(17) Quality Assurance Review - An investigation performed by the TBI CSU to ensure compliance with the certification requirements of the TIBRS Program.
(18) RAC - A Reporting Agency Coordinator with at least sixteen (16) hours of initial training and eight (8) hours annually thereafter on the TIBRS Program must be designated by each reporting agency submitting data to the TBI CSU. Initial training must begin with an introductory level data collection class. If the agency utilizes TBI's TIBRS software, initial training must also include an introductory level software class (AFTER completion of the data collection class). If the agency utilizes vendor software, initial training must include an introductory level data collection class followed by a TIBRS review class.
(19) Re-certification - A process by which a reporting agency in non-compliance with the TIBRS Program certification requirements can receive another chance to receive certification from the TBI CSU.
(20) Reporting Agency - An agency submitting crime statistics to the TBI CSU in a manner that meets current TIBRS reporting standards.
(21) TBI - Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.
(22) TIBRS - Tennessee Incident Based Reporting System is the program of the TBI that maintains a system of intrastate communication of vital statistics and information relating to crime, criminals and criminal activity.
(23) Training Database - A program maintained by the TBI CSU training staff that tracks training records of RAC and Alternate RAC staff members using the agency's ORI and the attendees driver license number.
(24) Vendor - A company that manufactures records management software that meetsTIBRS reporting standards as found in the current TIBRS FILE layout specific document.
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 38-10-101 through 38-10-105.